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UFO. United States

ID #1555425747
Added Tue, 16/04/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Река Святого Франциска
United States

Seven year old Riley Martin first saw strange lights above the river near his home. At that time his family lived near the Western shore of the river St. Francis, which is one of the tributaries that feed the Mississippi.

The lights that appeared above the river three nights in a row around the same time in the late evening or early morning, was approaching with each subsequent visit, and on the third night the bright lights were close enough to his house, to give light on the walls of his bedroom. On the third night Riley decided to go and investigate.

Strange, but his two brothers, who lived in the same room with him, never awakened to witness the lights. Even when he tried to Wake them up. Perhaps this was done intentionally, because usually he didn't Wake up.

There were four lights and he watched them, fascinated by their acrobatic movements. They moved across the river to the West and immediately stayed over the river. Then they circled slowly, following the leader. Or fourth remained motionless, while the smaller three had surrounded him. After some time, the fourth light broke away from his companions and went down, taking more and more towards the tops of the trees by the river. Nebylo no sound.

The lights often change color and intensity from yellow to white, red, green and blue hues. The third night the lights were very close, and it seemed that they landed in the trees less than a quarter of a mile from his home. He put on his jacket and left. He was accompanied by his faithful and fearless mixed breed dog, brown Boy. Soon they came to the place where the ship landed. Looking into the bushes, he saw a saucer, it stood in a clearing suspended at a height of about twelve feet above the ground, and though it was moored by three flexible legs, it slowly danced like a cork, floating on the water.

Soon the ship began to throb pinkish, and Riley found that focused on the beam of light emanating from the ship. From the light came two little people. They were dressed in shiny blue jumpsuits and helmets bubble type. He was only seven years old, but they were not as tall as he. His faithful dog didn't make a sound when the two creatures took Riley by the hand and led him to the ship. When he stepped directly beneath the saucer, there was a blinding white light and next thing he found out they were on Board. He was naked on some table similar to the operating table.

When the little people first approached him on the river, it momentarily scared. After they entered the ship, two little alien took off his helmet, and now he could clearly see them on the belt.

The man was about four feet tall, and the woman was a few inches shorter. In fact, the appearance of men and women differed only in some peculiarities. The heads were noticeably larger than normal in proportion to the body. The eyes were large, unblinking ovals. The man's eyes was from light to deep Golden in color and the woman's eyes were blue. Shades their eyes tended to change the depth, depending on the light and, perhaps, emotions. The hands were long, his fingertips almost reached his knees. Their feet looked flat and splayed. Their arms were long and thin and had only three fingers and a thumb. The index finger was longer than the average. They had no external ear, but there were tiny holes in places where there should be ears. The nose had no cartilage and it was almost flat against the profile. The mouth was thin-lipped and looked like a crack on the face. The teeth were tiny and uniform, like baby teeth.Chins were sharp and retreated, giving the face the shape of an egg. The skin tone of the women were gray-white, and the color of the man's face was yellowish brown or Golden. Skin color also has varied from time to time, not in the main color, and in thin tones.

They did not utter the words, but communicated through telepathy. Was there another creature. Riley called them Stagioni ("Stagyians"). He could see and feel their long thin arms. Their touch was cold. He could not move his body, but he could move his eyes and head with effort.

Stagnancy was really ugly creatures. They were increase of almost six feet and had dark red leather skin draped over freely skeletony frame. Their heads were long and wrinkled, and his eyes are tiny, black and close together. Even on Board the ship, they both wore some kind of breathing device on their mouths, and sometimes he could hear their rapid shallow breathing.

He later learned that stagnancy, despite their appearance, was considered to be the pacifists even among the aliens because of their ability to store huge amounts of data and recall and disseminate them. Stagnancy take much scientific and other mental positions in the Federation of viaviente with which they are connected.

Stagnancy also communicated through telepathy. However, Riley could never understand what they were saying. During medical examination, they touched him from head to foot, scanned with some kind of light probe, resembling a giant eye.

Riley was eventually returned to the river Bank near his home after a long journey aboard the ship of viaviente.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Seven-year old Riley Martin first saw strange lights above the river near his home. At the time his family lived near the western bank of the Saint Francis River, which is one of the tributaries that feed into the Mississippi. The lights that appeared above the river for three nights straight at around the same time in the late night or early morning, coming closer with each successive visitation, on the third night the brilliant lights were close enough to his house to cast the glow of their presence onto the walls of his bedroom. It was on the third night that Riley decided to go out and investigate. Strangely his two brothers, who shared the room with him, never awakened to witness the lights. Even when he tried to awake them. He was never successful. Perhaps this was by design, because ordinarily, he would not have been awake at that hour of the morning. There were four of the lights, and he had watched them, fascinated by their acrobatic displays. They would shoot across the river from the west and come to an immediate standstill above the river. Then slowly they would circle in a follow-the-leader manner. Or the fourth one would remain stationary while the smaller three circled it. After a time, the fourth light would disengage itself from its companions and descend, glowing ever larger, toward the treetops near the river. He could not detect any sound.

The lights would often change in color and intensity from yellow to white, to red, green and shades of blue. On the third night the lights were very close, and it seemed to land behind the trees less than a quarter mile from his home. He put on his jacket and went out. He was accompanied by his faithful and fearless mixed breed dog, Brown Boy. They soon approached the spot where the ship had landed. Peeking through the bushes, he saw a saucer, it stood in a clearing suspended about twelve feet above the ground, and though it was moored by three flexible legs, it slowly danced about, like a cork bobbing on water.

Shortly the ship pulsed pinkish, and Riley found himself focused in a light beam emanating from the ship. Out of the light strode two little people. They were dressed in shiny blue jump suits and wore bubble type helmets. He was only seven but they were hardly as tall as he. His faithful dog, Brown Boy, didn’t make a sound of protest as the two beings took him by the arms and led him toward the ship. When he stepped directly beneath the saucer, there was a blinding white light, and the next thing he knew they were aboard. He found himself lying nude on some kind of table similar to an operating table.

When the little people first approached him on the river he was momentarily terrified. After they entered the craft, the two small aliens had removed their helmets and he could now see them clearly from the waist up. The male was about four feet tall and the female was a few inches shorter. In actual appearance, male and female differed just slightly in features. The heads were noticeably larger than normal in proportion to the body. The eyes were large, unblinking ovals. The male’s eyes were a light to deep gold color, while the female’s eyes were blue. The shades of their eyes tended to change depths, depending upon the light and perhaps the emotion. Their arms were long, the fingertips reaching almost to their knees. Their feet looked flat and kind of splayed. Their hands were long and delicate and had only three fingers and a thumb. The forefinger was longer than the middle finger. They had no outward earflaps, but tiny holes where the ears should be. The nose had no cartilage and was almost flat against the profile. The mouth was thin-lipped and looked like a slit on the face. The teeth were tiny and uniform, like baby teeth. The chins were sharp and receding and gave the face an egg-like shape. The female’s skin tone was gray white, and the male’s complexion was yellowish brown or golden. The skin colors also changed at times, not in basic color but in subtle tones.

They did not articulate with their mouths but communicated via telepathy. Riley reported that the actual examination was left to a group of entities he called “Stagyians”. He could see and feel their long spindly hands. Their touch was cold and clinical. He could not move his body, but he could move his eyes and head with effort. The Stagyians were very ugly creatures indeed. They stood nearly six feet tall and have dark red leather skin draped loosely over their skeletal like frames. Their heads were long and prune-like and the eyes tiny black and close set. Even onboard the craft they both wore some kind of breathing device over their mouths and at times he could hear their rapid shallow breathing. He was later to learn that the Stagyians in spite of their physical appearance were considered to be the Pacifists even among the aliens because of their ability to store and retain vast amounts of data and recall and disseminate the same. The Stagyians hold many scientific and other brainy positions among the Biaviians  federation, with whom they are affiliated. The Stagyians also communicated via telepathy. However, Riley could never comprehend any of what they were saying. During his physical examination he was touched from head to foot, scanned with some kind of light probe that resembled a giant eye. Riley was eventually returned to the banks of the river by his home, after a long trip onboard the Biaviians ship.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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