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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Italy

ID #1607771698
Added Sat, 12/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
09.10.1984 03:30
Полканто FI

On October 9 or 29, 1984, at 3: 30 a.m., Isidoro Ferri, a doorman at Villa La Radicchia, in Polcanto, near Florence, Italy, was usually sleeping with his son and other relatives in his bedroom when he was woken up by a bright light on his face.

At first, he did not understand the origin of the light, then after a few moments, he saw that it came from a humanoid-looking creature about 40 meters away, apparently on a nearby hill, which had some kind of powerful flashlight or beacon on its head.

It is not specified whether ferry was still in bed in the house, on the street or at the window at the time.

Ferry thought at first that it was a poacher, but suddenly changed his mind as the figure disappeared into the mist or blurred light, or gave way to a dark horizontal line under which three flames descended to the ground.

Other information indicates that it was a kind of glowing dome, like a "fire" that searched the area with rays of light that suddenly changed after a few minutes, and a huge blinding white light that began to approach, illuminating the entire area as completely daylight.

Some sources say the witness tried to go to the window, but he remained paralyzed before arriving there, until the light sucked back in. One source indicates that he was paralyzed by fear.

Then a red ball appeared, whose intermittent light damaged the witness's eyes, and he had red and irritated eyes for several days. This glowing red sphere is said to have disappeared over the hills in the direction of Vali .

The dog that was sleeping outside didn't bark. He displayed abnormal behavior, refusing food for several days and staying in his doghouse for the next two weeks without barking at passers-by.

Three circular holes 10 centimeters in diameter and 3 centimeters deep were found in the vicinity, forming an irregular triangle with a side of about 2 meters, where the grass appeared to have been subjected to pressure, but no radioactivity was detected.

The report on the investigation of this case was written by pier Luigi Sani. The newspaper recalls that the witness appeared in a TV interview with the Ministry of defense, and the police and other people insisted that his testimony was in good faith; some sources say that other people saw a red light in the sky that night.

The author points out that the most complete report on the investigation of this case belongs to Pierre Luigi Sani.

Original news

On October 9, or 29, 1984, at 03:30 AM, Isidoro Ferri, a doorman at the Villa la Radicchia, in Polcanto, close to Florence, Italy, was normally sleeping with his son and other relatives in his bedroom when he was awakened by a strong light on his face.

Initially, he did not understand the origin of the light, then, in a few moments, he saw that it came from an individual of humanoid appearance at a distance of approximately 40 meters, apparently on a nearby hill, who had some sort of powerful flashlight or beacon on the head.

It is not specified whether Ferri was still in bed in the house, outside, or at the window at that time.

Ferri first thought it was a poacher, but suddenly he changed his mind, as the figure disappeared in a fog or in a blur, or gave place, to a dark horizontal line, under which three flames went down towards the ground.

Other summaries indicate it was some sort of luminous cupola looking like “fire”, which searched the area with beams of light, replaced suddenly after a few minutes, and an enormous blinding white light that started to approach, illuminating the entire area as in full daylight.

Some sources say the witness tried to approach the window, but he remained paralyzed before he arrived there, until the light seemed sucked back. One source indicates he was paralyzed by fear.

A red sphere then appeared, which had an intermittent light that hurt the witness’ eyes, and he had red and irritated eyes for several days. This glowing red sphere is said to have disappeared behind the hills in the direction of Vaglia.

The dog, who slept outside, had not barked. He showed an abnormal behavior by refusing any food for several days and by staying inside its doghouse during the two next weeks, without barking after passers-by.

In the surroundings, three circular holes of 10 centimeters diameter and 3 centimeters depth forming an irregular triangle of 2 meters of side approximately, were discovered, where the grass seemed to have undergone a pressure, but no radioactivity was detected.

An investigation report into this case was written by Pier Luigi Sani. A newspaper recalls that the witness appeared in one TV interview with the Ministry of Defense, and policemen and other people insisted his testimony was in good faith; some source say that other people saw a red light in the sky that night.

The author indicates that the most complete investigation report into this case is that of Pier Luigi Sani.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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