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Chronoanomalia. Russia

ID #1612294530
Added Tue, 02/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1989 21:05
Saratovskaya oblast

One of the soldiers from the Shikhany chemical weapons range near the Volga River was returning home from the control post when suddenly, for no apparent reason, as if under hypnosis or a drug, a sense of calm descended on him. 

In a trance-like state of joy, he walked a long distance away from the base and noticed a rainbow-like object in the air and heard a voice in his head:

"Don't be afraid." 

As he got closer, he saw the dome radiating a dim bluish light. Then he felt as if an invisible escalator had lifted him into the air and pulled him into the middle of the domed object. 

He appeared in a large circular room that looked like an arena, and heard the voice again:

"Don't worry. You won't get hurt." 

Then he was afraid, and told himself that it was only a dream.

 But he heard the voice again:

"No, it's not a dream. Everything is real." 

Looking back, he only saw the undulating walls, as if they were made of light. In the center of the room was a sort of circular table or pedestal with a pile of stones that gave off a myriad of iridescent light. He had the eerie feeling that time had stopped, and he had no idea how long he had been in the room. 

Suddenly, he noticed two silhouettes that seemed to appear out of nowhere. They didn't come out of nowhere, they just appeared suddenly, shrouding them in a kind of fog or shroud. 

He could see that they had gray-greenish faces with a hint of nostrils (flat faces with almost no noses), huge almond-shaped or slanted eyes. He shuddered with fear as he looked into her eyes, which were like bottomless dark pits. Obviously, one being was a man, and the other was a woman. Their faces were completely expressionless, and he could not see the slightest movement of their eyes or lips. They held out their hands to the witness as they approached him. He tried to defend himself, but to no avail. 

The creatures undressed him with quick, "sure" movements, as if they had done it many times before. The naked witness was placed on his back on a soft and warm couch. He noticed what looked like long wire needles in the alien's hands. The entity then began injecting several needles into various places in its body. The witness felt no pain or discomfort, he felt very relaxed, as if he was watching the whole scene from another place. 

He couldn't remember how long the procedure had lasted. Suddenly, the humanoid man disappeared into thin air. After that, the alien woman removed a kind of veil from her body, and he was able to see her very clearly. He could see that it was rare and wonderfully beautiful, like a statuette made of polished pistachio wood. She then lay down next to him in an apparent attempt to seduce him. 

He touched her stomach, and her skin felt warm and velvety. Then he touched her breasts, and he found that they were firm, like the touch of suede leather. Then the alien woman touched him, and he was amazed at how heavy her arms were, as if her bones were made of metal. 

Apparently reading his mind, she immediately withdrew her hand. But this single touch from the alien woman was enough for the witness, it was like an electric charge, he could no longer resist her and had sex with her. It was a little faster than with a normal Earth woman.

 When the sexual act was over, she again wrapped herself in a veil and disappeared. 

Get up and get dressed, he heard the voice in his head again. 

He did as he was told, and again the invisible escalator led him out of the domed ship. Then the rainbow-colored object seemed to shrink into a whitish ball the size of a watermelon, let out a blinding flash, and disappeared. When the officer looked at his watch, he realized that only 15 minutes had passed. 

After the contact, the witness lost 23 kg of weight, his blood pressure and health returned to normal. Several times he tried to tell his story, but each time an inner "voice" prevented him from doing so. 

Note from the source: According to the description of the aliens, they were most likely from the planet "Zonneri" in the binary star system Tialubba, 73.3 light-years from Earth. They have an underground base in the Saratov region, possibly on the Medveditskaya Ridge, and also possibly under the Volga near Saratov.

Original news

Date: end of August 1989
Location: Saratov Region, Russia
Time:  2105-2115
Summary: One of the military officers from the Shihany chemical weapons test range close to the Volga River was returning home from duty in the control post when suddenly for no apparent reason as if hypnotized or narcotized a feeling of calm fell over him. In a trance-like joyful state he walked a long distance from the base and noticed a rainbow-like object in the air and heard a voice inside his head, “Do not be afraid”. When he came closer he could see a dome giving off a dim bluish light. He then felt as if an invisible escalator took him into the air and sucked him into the middle of the dome-shaped object. He appeared in a spacious circular room, arena-like and heard the voice again, “Don’t worry. You will not be harmed”. At this point he felt afraid, and kept saying to himself that it was just a dream. But he again heard the voice, “No, this is no dream. Everything is real.” When looked around he could see only wave-like walls, as if they were made out of light. In the center of the room there was a kind of round table or pedestal, with a heap of stones on it that gave off a myriad of rainbow colored light. He had the uncanny feeling that time had stopped; he had no idea how long he had been in the room. Suddenly he noticed 2 silhouettes that seemed to appear out of nowhere. They did not approach from anywhere they just appeared suddenly with a kind of fog or shroud enveloping them. He could see that they had gray-greenish faces with a hint of nostrils (flat faces with an almost total absent of noses), huge almond-shaped or slanted eyes. He shuddered with fear when he looked into the eyes, they resembled bottomless dark pits. One entity was obviously a male and the other a female. Their faces were completely expressionless, nor he sees the slightest movement of their eyes or lips. They stretched their arms towards the witness as they approached him. He attempted to defend himself but to no avail. The beings undressed him in quick “confident” movements, as if they had done it numerous times before. The naked witness was put on his back, on a soft and warm couch. He noticed what appeared to be long wiry needles in the alien man’s hands; the entity then began inserting some of the needles into various places on his body. The witness felt neither pain nor discomfort, he felt very relaxed as if was watching the whole scene from another location. He could not remember how long this procedure lasted for. Suddenly the male humanoid vanished into thin air. After that the alien woman removed what appeared to be a shroud from her body, he was then able to see her very clearly. He could see that she was a rare and amazing beauty, like a statuette made out of polished pistachio tree. She then laid next to him in an obvious attempt to seduce him. He touched her belly and the skin felt warm and velvety. Then he touched her breasts, and he found them to be resilient like touching suede-like skin. The alien woman then touched him and he was amazed at how heavy her hands were, like if her bones were made out of metal. Apparently reading his thoughts, she removed her hand immediately. But this only touch from the alien woman was enough for the witness, it felt like an electric charge, he could not resist her any longer and had sex with her. It was slightly quicker than with a normal earth woman. When the sex act was over she enveloped herself with the shroud again and vanished in plain sight. “Get up and dress” he heard the voice in his mind again. He did what he was told and again an invisible escalator removed him out of the dome-shaped craft. The rainbow colored object then seemed to compress into a whitish globe the size of a watermelon, gave off a blinding flash and vanished. When the officer looked at his watch he realized that only 15 minutes had gone by. After the contact the witness lost 23 kilograms of his weight and his blood pressure and health became normal. On several occasions he attempted to tell his story but each time an inner “voice” prevented him from doing so. Note from source: According the description of the aliens, they were most likely from the planet “Zonneri” in the Tialubba double star system, 73.3 light years away from earth. They have underground base in the Saratov area possibly in the Medveditskaya Gryada Hills and also possibly under the River Volga near Saratov.
Source:  Anton Anfalov, quoting “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev # 10-36 1996


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