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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1614621397
Added Mon, 01/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1990 19:30
United Kingdom

I think I was about 12. I was sitting in my room (it was a room in the attic with a skylight) and watching TV. It was about 19: 30, and it was completely dark outside. Suddenly, I start to feel strange, as if my mind is sinking deeper into my head. I try to move, but I can't. I can move my eyes a little. I hear a pulsing noise, like the rumble of an electric current.

Then I can see the light moving across the window, it's not just a point of light, I can see its shape and even some details of the surface.

Whatever it was, it almost flew over the house. When he has moved further away, I can move again and run to the window (which was already open). I watch it buzz away from me. Then he goes behind the trees. I run down the stairs and step out of the door onto the road. I see it again, but now it's quite small. I grabbed a pair of binoculars on the way, and I'll take another look. Then suddenly, completely unlike me, I stop looking and go inside.

I try to draw what I saw, and I remember talking to my mother about it, but she almost couldn't. She was in the kitchen, and she looks like she should ... so maybe she saw it and got scared

Very creepy, I didn't tell anyone for about two years, and then it was my brother. Then I didn't talk about it again for a long time. I almost convinced myself it was a balloon, but it glowed greenish-yellow and looked like a slightly flattened hemisphere shape with three curved shapes at the bottom.

I just started looking to see if anyone else reported what I saw! I thought I should finally tell you about it!

Original news

I think I was about 12. I was sitting in my room (which was a loft room with roof-window) watching TV. It was around 7:30pm and was quite dark out. All of a sudden I start to feel strange, almost like my mind has sunk backwards further inside my head. I try to move but I can’t. I can move my eyes a little. I become aware of a pulsing noise, like a electrical rumble.

Then I see light moving across the window, its not just a point of light but I can see the shape of it and even some surface details.

Whatever it is has just gone almost right over the house. When its moved further away I find I can move again and run to the window (which was already open). I watch as it hums along away from me. Then it goes behind some trees. I run downstairs and out of the from door into the road. I can see it again but its pretty small now. I’ve grabbed a pair of binoculars on the way out and I look some more. Then all of a sudden, completely unlike me, I give up watching and go inside.

I try to draw what I saw and I remember talking to mum about it but she pretty much blanked me. She was in the kitchen and it faces the way it would come…so maybe she saw it and was spooked

Very very spooky, I didn’t tell anyone for about 2 years and then it was my brother. Then I didn’t speak of it again for a long long time. I almost convinced myself it was an air balloon.but it was glowing greeny yellow and was like a slightly flattened half-sphere shape with 3 curved shapes on the bottom.

I have just started looking to see if anyone else reported seeing it, put my mind at ease! I thought I should report it finally!


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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