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The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1622109314
Added Thu, 27/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.2001 19:00
Ла-Мина, Эль-Юнке
Puerto Rico

Roberto Hernandez and other family members were camping in an isolated area of the mountain and exploring some old abandoned mines when they heard loud grunting sounds coming from an unknown source. 

As they came out of the mine to take a look, they heard a strange humming sound in the air and saw mysterious flashes of light overhead. The lights flew over the witnesses and in front of them at a very high speed.

 Later, as they returned to their campsite, their path was illuminated by beams of light that seemed to come from the treetops. They also heard footsteps among the bushes, apparently from several moving "people". Later, while in the tents, they could not sleep. 

Soon, they noticed the presence of numerous large black rats with large red glowing eyes that appeared out of nowhere. There were about 25 of these bizarre "rats" that seemed to be frolicking around the tent cities without any fear. 

Suddenly, the witnesses noticed a bright light sphere that "bounced" up and down from car to car, as if examining them. (The cars were parked in the nearest parking lot.) At this time, they also heard loud grunting sounds again (similar to the ones they had heard before). 

Terrified, most of the family members shut themselves in their tents, with the exception of Mr. Hernandez, who continued to guard the tents with a flashlight. At this point, the rats began to climb the tent ropes, apparently in an attempt to get inside. Suddenly, the sphere of light that hovered above the cars began to approach Mr. Hernandez, expanding as it did so; he suddenly transformed into a tall, glowing human figure, hovering just above the ground. The feet were not visible, as this part of the body did not appear to have fully materialized. 

He was a tall man in a long gray tunic with an unknown pattern on the chest area. The man seemed to have a glowing tiara on his head. He had very fine chiseled features and long brown hair. When he came to the tents, he stopped, looked at the rats and made a quick "wave" with his right hand, suddenly the rats flew in all directions and disappeared. 

The man then stared at the witness, who caught a mental message telling him to relax and go to bed, that they were going to be safe. Hernandez went into a kind of stupor and fell asleep. 

Moments later, his wife, Iris Mendez, and daughter, Ivelisse, who were still in their tents, noticed the presence of a very tall figure looming behind the tent. Then the two women began to float in the air; Mrs. Mendes rose to the ceiling and then slowly fell down. The figure remained standing outside. Iveliss felt some mental communication and felt a sense of peace, suddenly her body rose again and she lost consciousness. 

Mrs. Mendez must have fallen asleep, too.

Original news

Location. La Mina, El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: January 2001
Time: 1900
Roberto Hernandez and other family members were camping in an isolated area of the mountain and were exploring some old abandoned mines when they heard loud grunting sounds coming from an undetermined source. Going outside the mine to look they perceived a strange humming sound in the air and saw mysterious flashes of light overhead. The lights flew over and in front of the witnesses at very high speed. Later, walking back to their camping site their path was illuminated by beams of light that seemed to originate from the top of the trees. They also heard the sound of footsteps among the brush, apparently from several “persons” moving about. Later while in their tents they were unable to sleep. Soon they noticed the presence of numerous large black rats with large red luminous eyes that came out of nowhere. They were about 25 of these bizarre “rats” that seemed to frolic around the campgrounds totally unafraid. Suddenly the witnesses noticed a bright sphere of light that was “bouncing” up and down from car to car as if inspecting them. (The cars were at the nearby parking area.) At this time they also heard the loud grunting sounds again (similar to the ones they had heard before). Afraid, most of the family members closed themselves inside their tents except for Mr. Hernandez that remained guarding the tents with a flashlight. At this point the rats began climbing the tent ropes apparently in an attempt to get inside. Suddenly the sphere of light that had been hovering above the vehicles began approaching Mr. Hernandez, expanding as it did so; it suddenly transformed itself into a tall luminous human-like figure that floated just above the ground. The feet were not visible as that part of the body had apparently not materialized completely. The figure was that of a tall man wearing a long gray tunic with an unknown type of design around the chest area. The man seemed to have a luminous diadem on his head. The very had very fine chiseled features and long brown hair. As he approached the tents he stopped, looked at the rats and made a quick “wave” like gesture with his right hand, suddenly the rats scattered in all directions and vanished. The man then stared at the witness that perceived a mental message telling him to relax and to go to sleep that they were going to be safe. A sort of stupor overcame Hernandez and he went to sleep. Moments later his wife, Iris Mendez, and daughter Ivelisse that were still in their tents noticed the presence of a very tall figure silhouetted behind the tent. Both women then began floating in mid-air; Mrs Mendez rose up to the ceiling then fell back down slowly. The silhouetted figure remained standing outside. Ivelisse felt some type of mental communication and felt a sense of calm, suddenly her body rose up again and she lost consciousness. Mrs Mendez then apparently also went to sleep.

Source: Jorge Martin, Milenio X # 7


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