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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625051287
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
19.09.2009 17:00
United Kingdom

Through the window facing south, I noticed that 5-6 objects are falling... very similar to people jumping with a parachute! I thought it was weird because there's nowhere to land in Hatfield, so I watched it more closely. 

The dark objects reached about 1,000 feet (300 m), then maintained their height and position by grouping together. The overall size has been reduced to one object, dark in color, irregular, spherical in shape, but with corners... without light, without sounds, without sharp edges. Then the object gained altitude slowly and steadily, like a helicopter or a balloon, but only vertically, without changing its location. 

By now, I've gone outside to get a better look! Observing how it maintained its height and position at an altitude of approximately 3,000 feet (900 m), it remained where it was. I have a friend who also saw it (as another witness!)... And he couldn't explain what it was either. 

Conditions: light clouds with very little traffic, good daytime visibility, unseasonably warm temperatures for late September! 

I couldn't take a picture because I don't have a camera. My ordinary camera would only show an unrecognizable point in the sky!

Original news

Date: September 19 2009
Location: Hatfield, Hertfordshire England
Time: 17:00
Summary: Noticed, through South-facing window, 5/6 objects descending…looked a lot like people parachuting! I thought this was odd, because there is no where to land in Hatfield, so I watched it more closely. The dark objects reached approximately 1000-ft then maintained altitude and position while grouping together. The collective size got smaller, in to one object, dark in colour, irregular, ball-like shape but with angles…no lights, no sounds, no hard edges. Object then gained altitude slowly and steadily in the same way a helicopter or balloon would, but only vertically, no change in location. By now, I’d gone outside to get a better view! Watched it keeping its height and position at approximately 3000-ft, it stayed where it was. I got a friend, to see this too (as another witness!)…and he also couldn’t explain what it was. Conditions: mildly overcast stratus with very weak movement, good daylight visibility, unseasonably warm temperature for late Septembe! r. I couldn’t take a picture as I don’t have a camera. My basic camera-phone would have only shown an unrecognisable dot in the sky!
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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