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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Peru

ID #1716628554
Added Sat, 25/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
рынок Милагрос де Вентанилья

A security guard at the Peruvian El Milagro market reported a creepy encounter with what he called a "ghost girl."

The guard, whose identity has not been disclosed, spoke about his experience in a detailed interview. He explained that he first noticed the girl when he heard something like a baby crying near the entrance to the market.

Worried, he approached a little girl who looked to be about seven years old. She told him that she got lost and that her mother worked at the market.

Trying to help her, the guard escorted the girl to the security office to call for help. However, when he left the girl for a moment to inform his colleagues, she inexplicably disappeared. In desperation, the guard and his colleagues searched the market, but found no trace of the child.

The situation was further complicated by viewing the surveillance footage. The video shows the guard talking and gesturing into an empty space, while not a single child is visible in the footage.

This discovery has led to widespread speculation about the supernatural nature of the encounter.

Some members of the community believe that the guard may have interacted with the ghost, while others are skeptical and believe that there may be a more rational explanation, such as a camera malfunction or a figment of the guard's imagination due to stress or fatigue.

The market's management has since responded to the incident, acknowledging the guard's concern and reaffirming its commitment to ensuring a safe environment for both employees and visitors.

They did not completely reject the guard's allegations, but stressed the need for a thorough investigation.

Original news

A security guard at the Peruvian El Milagro market reported an eerie encounter with what he described as a “ghost girl.”

The security guard, whose identity has been kept confidential, recounted his experience in a detailed interview. He explained that he first noticed the girl when he heard what sounded like a child crying near the market’s entrance.

Concerned, he approached the young girl, who appeared to be around seven years old. She told him that she was lost and that her mother worked at the market.

Attempting to assist her, the guard escorted the girl to the security office to call for help. However, when he momentarily left the girl to inform his colleagues, she inexplicably vanished. Frantic, the guard and his colleagues scoured the market but found no trace of the child.

What made the situation even more perplexing was the review of the surveillance footage. The video showed the guard seemingly talking and gesturing to empty space, with no child visible in the footage.

This discovery led to widespread speculation about the supernatural nature of the encounter.

Some community members believe the guard may have interacted with a ghost, while others are skeptical and think there might be a more rational explanation, such as a camera glitch or a figment of the guard’s imagination due to stress or fatigue.

The market’s management has since addressed the incident, acknowledging the guard’s distress and affirming their commitment to ensuring a safe environment for both employees and visitors.

They have not dismissed the guard’s claims outright but have emphasized the need for a thorough investigation.


El caso del guardia de seguridad que supuestamente conversó con una “niña fantasma” en el mercado El Milagro de Ventanilla sigue generando controversia. En un reciente testimonio a un medio local, el guardia confirmó haber visto a una niña llorando, aunque las cámaras muestran que parecía estar hablando solo.

Según el guardia, quien prefirió no dar declaraciones frente a la cámara, en su ronda diaria encontró a una niña preocupada y llorando.

“Aquí es donde aparece la niña llorando preocupada. Y el agente de seguridad, no desea hablar frente a cámara pero hemos hablado en interno con él. Y nos comenta que él viene por este lado en su rutina diaria y se acerca (donde la niña). Él le pregunta qué hacía ahí y ella le dice que estaba buscando a su mamá”, informó el reportero de ViaTv Perú.

El misterioso suceso no terminó ahí. Al intentar llevarla a la zona de seguridad, la niña se rehusó, diciendo que su madre trabajaba en la sección de carne. Al ir a buscar ayuda, el guardia regresó y ya no encontró a la niña.

“La consuela y le dice que puede ir a seguridad pero ella decide esperar a que llegue su mamá que estaba en el rubro de carnes. El agente de seguridad se retira y va a pedir ayuda. Cuando él conversa con el señor de limpieza, regresa a ver a la niña y ya no estaba”, expresó el hombre de prensa.

El incidente ha conmocionado a la comunidad de Ventanilla, especialmente porque en el vídeo se observa al guardia aparentemente hablando solo. Sus gestos y la altura a la que alza sus manos sugieren que estaba intentando comunicarse con alguien más pequeño. El inquietante evento fue captado alrededor de las 11 de la noche del 20 de mayo de 2023.

Los detalles del suceso han generado gran interés y especulación entre los vecinos, quienes se preguntan si realmente hubo una presencia sobrenatural. Algunos creen que se trata de una manifestación paranormal, mientras que otros buscan una explicación más racional.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


A hallucination is a form arising in consciousness without external stimulus, i.e. the perception of non-existent real objects (objects and phenomena).

Negative hallucinations represent the opposite-perception of actual objects.

Hallucinations appear as ordinary people in stages of extreme psychological exhaustion in the extreme fatigue, the absence of external stimuli, lack of sleep, high temperature, intoxication, dehydration, etc., and also in the use of alcohol, psychotropic substances, various injuries and diseases, and some mental and neurological diseases.

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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