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UFO over Perm province

Added Fri, 29/10/2021
Дата публикации
Thu, 24/07/2003

The appearance of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is a rare phenomenon. And their visits to the same places during the week is an exceptional case. It was this kind of event that was observed by residents of the Perm province (the city of Yekaterinburg was then a county town of the province) in August 1914. Frequent visits of strange flying machines, as UFOs were called in those days, sometimes with aliens, so alarmed the population that local authorities were forced to take appropriate measures.

There were quite a lot of reports about UFOs in the newspapers of that time. Here are some of them - from the newspapers "Ural life" and "Trans-Ural region":

"On August 2 of this, 1914, in the afternoon, two peasant women (surnames are known) of the village of Vyukhina were picking berries in a "Drunken forest" that stretched for dozens of miles. When they headed from the Shadrinsky tract to the Strakhov mine, they noticed two persons in unusual "red suits" moving near "something gray" lying on the ground at the edge of the forest - in an area deaf and pitted with pits. They rushed to run from strangers... A peasant berry farmer from the same village told both of them that "something big and dark" had flown in the direction from which they were fleeing, which had "rustled" over her head a little earlier. Arriving in the village, the frightened women were met with general distrust. But already on one of the following nights, the same "airship" was spotted far from the village of Borovsky, as well as in the villages of Fomina and Kolyutkina (Chernousov factory), located down the Iseti River. Eyewitness accounts are of the nature of complete verisimilitude."

"A group of boys on the night of August 6, 1914 went for berries overnight in the forest along the Moscow highway and, before reaching the Mohammedan cemetery (zap. outskirts of Yekaterinburg. - Author's note) saw a "monster" descending from a height with a lantern. The boys, frightened by this phenomenon, screamed, and then the "flying monster" began to rise and disappeared, according to them, in the direction of the barracks over the swamp near the city. The boys ran away from fear..."

"In the village of Asanova, Sarinsky parish (south of Krasnoufimsk. - Author's note) an aircraft with two unknown persons was descending. The parish clerk shot them three times, but with no result. Bashkirs who have seen up close say that they are warmly dressed."

"On August 8, 1914, some kind of apparatus, according to the peasants, descended at 7 o'clock in the evening from the village of Borovsky in the area "Drunken Forest". The witnesses of his descent were terribly frightened and ran away."

"Hundreds of surveys and statements have established that in recent days the aircraft is daily seen flying at an altitude inaccessible to shots over Yekaterinburg, its environs and nearby places."

"It has been finally established that some kind of aircraft has been appearing within the Perm province for some time now. There are reports from everywhere that locals have observed either its flight, or even its lowering. For several days between the 10th and 11th hours of the evening, the aircraft regularly appears over Perm, and lets out red, blue and white lights. An aircraft appears from somewhere in the northeast, presumably from the Verkhotursky district."

"The totality of the stories about the observed aircraft, obviously, gave confidence in the certainty of its passage over Yekaterinburg, which caused concern to the administration, and the commissioner of the commander-in-chief of the Perm province issued a special announcement in which he invited residents to "immediately inform the military and police authorities about the reappearance of the apparatus and to assist in every possible way in detecting its permanent location and the persons managing it."

It would be interesting to know - what was the reason for the active visit of aliens to the Urals from August 2 to August 8, 1914? Is it not with an earthquake on August 4 of the same year? It was also exceptional - not focal, but ubiquitous, shaking all over the Urals, and quite strongly.

Instruments at the Yekaterinburg seismic station (it was then the only one in the Urals and one of the first in Russia. - Author's note), calculated for 6 points on a 12-point system, went off scale. In the city, some houses had broken windows in the windows, and some chimneys fell into. Some of the houses were askew. The fish in the Upper Iset pond, stunned by the underground rumble, half-alive surfaced. Deep cracks appeared in the walls of a number of brick houses.

As noted in the newspapers of that time, the earthquake was associated with the growth of the Ural Mountains. The mountains are still growing at a rate of 3-7 mm per year. It should be recalled that strong earthquakes, as a rule, repeat in the same place after 80-100 years.

Are we ready to face such a formidable element? In 1914, the vast majority of residential buildings were one-story wooden, there was no water supply, sewerage, gas pipeline, tram traffic. Therefore, there were no casualties among the population.

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