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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1528385041
Added Thu, 07/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лос-Банос, CA
United States

This case occurred in 1975 near the town of Los Banos, California. About one o'clock Jack Edelson mark and Frank were driving North on highway 5 from Fresno to Stockton. When they approached an intersection on highway 152, happened something amazing.

"I (mark) was driving and when we got to highway 152, I saw a glow ahead. I pushed Jack, who was sleeping and he saw the same glow in the sky. We drove past the intersection and Jack said that a strange light now follows our car.

I've seen this moving in our direction, a bright orange light in the East and stopped the car, so we considered it better. A glow came up to us closer and then I realized that it's not just the light and said aloud "Oh my God, it's a flying saucer!".

Jack was very scared. Earlier we heard the story about how UFO has abducted the two guys in the South of Hickson and Parker, and Jack didn't want that to happen with him. But when I tried to start the car, nothing happened, the car wouldn't start and even the lights have become dimmer. We continued to look at the glowing object, which is now not moving and froze in one place. In appearance it was a flat disk like a real plate, only inverted.

We looked at her with fear, but at the same time we were curious to see what will happen next. The object hovered and didn't seem threatening, so I decided to get out of the car. Jack remained inside. Suddenly out of the bottom of the "plates" came a ray of light, which was equal width top and bottom. Then we saw how it floated down from the "plates" strange dark silhouettes. Jack started to say that we have to leave. The funny thing is that while we stood and watched a UFO, passing us on the highway drove several cars. They didn't even stop, like didn't notice anything. I thought that was really funny, not to notice this phenomenon was still that elephant in a small room. Seeing that I'm not coming back, Jack decided to leave the car and approach me. And I stood there, staring at the object and its beam and even lit up in anticipation of what will happen next.

Then Jack said out there on the road something making noise, and then from the field he heard a terrible loud screech. We are so frightened that they rushed to the car.

Again there was a noise, louder and then directly to us from the field popped up this big black thing with wings. It looked like a huge bat, but it flew, and was on his feet, swaying slightly like a penguin. It was looking right at us. It was the most horrible thing you can imagine. His nose was flattened, like the macaque, and it went Bouncing and squealing. We stepped back thinking that it wants to attack us, and it is even more widely spread your wings and become more than our car. The creature then soared upwards. Well, we have seen, as it circled over us and flew somewhere, continuing to issue strange squeal.

At that moment we noticed that the orange light was gone, too. After that, we called a tow truck for our never starts the car. Later we learned that in the same month, near Auckland, in the same California, people named Lloyd king told me that he saw a fearful creature, stranded on a eucalyptus tree near his home. At the height it was at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) and his head was like the head of a vulture. He had large gray wings.

When this creature flapped its wings and spread them, and then flew away, it became clear that it's size was much larger than any local bird. Its wingspan was about 15 feet (4.5 meters). It is possible that the king saw the same creature we faced in the field and to emerge from a UFO."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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