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The Alien. Russia

ID #1616684226
Added Thu, 25/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Гора Аю Даг (Медвежья гора)

Three people, Natalia Gracheva, a correspondent for Crimean Times, and two men, Anatoly and Alexander, arrived by boat near the remote village of Partenit and set up camp at the front of the Ayu-Dag, near high rocky cliffs directly above the water. This place was usually used for sunbathing in the sun and for swimming. 

At night, as they rested near a lone tree, Natalia felt a strange sense of unease. She noticed how the air seemed to condense at the surface of the water, like some kind of cloak, and strange shadows crossed the moon. 

Suddenly, Alexander screamed, asking her if she was okay as he couldn't move, the next moment they were blinded by a bright white light. 

Now Natalia, too, was completely paralyzed. Anatoly, who was standing closer to the water, was also shouting. The only thing Natalia saw was a blinding white light. She lost consciousness and only woke up in the morning.

 Anatoly was now quite able to move and told a strange story of meeting with alien creatures (not described). The entire contact lasted about 15 minutes, the aliens apparently communicated by telepathy and seemed to know everything about it. 

He asked them to give him "adequate knowledge", and, as he stated, he was faced with an "abyss" of knowledge that is usually inaccessible to people. He also claimed that the aliens had cured him of varicose veins, which Natalia confirmed.

Original news

Location. Ayu Dag Mountain (Bear Mountain), Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1996
Time: night
Three people, Natalya Gracheva a reporter for the “Crimean Times” and two men, Anatoly and Alexander had gone by boat near the remote hamlet of Partenit and camped near the front section of Ayu Dag, near the high rocky precipices directly above the water. This location was usually used to bake in the sun and to skinny dip. At night while they rested near a lone tree Natalya sensed a strange feeling of worry. She noticed how the air seemed to condense near the water surface, like a cloak of some kind, and strange shadows were crossing the moon. Suddenly Alexander screamed, asking her if she was OK since he could not move, the next moment a bright white light blinded them. Now Natalya was also completely paralyzed. Anatoly, who was closer to the water also screamed. The only thing that Natalya could see was a blinding white light. She lost consciousness and awoke only in the morning. Anatoly was now quite able to move and told a strange story of encountering alien beings (not described). The whole contact lasted about 15 minutes, the aliens apparently communicated by using telepathy and seemed to know everything about him. He asked them for “adequate knowledge” and as he stated, an “abyss” of knowledge, normally inaccessible to humans, was opened before him. He also stated that the aliens cured him from his varicose veins, a fact that was confirmed by Natalya.

Source: Natalya Gracheva “At night in the Bear’s Nostrils” Crimean Times # 92 May 24 1997


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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