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UFO. United States

ID #1624546103
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.07.2007 21:33
Сент-Луис, MO
United States

The UFO appeared at 21: 33 on the left at 21: 39, and then returned exactly an hour later and flew away exactly an hour after its last departure. 

It was a ship in the shape of a triangle with lights at the ends of the triangle. The lights were a mixture of these colors: red, burgundy, orange and yellow. The ship's hull was black. He came from the west and moved to the east. It was big, bigger than any airplane I'd ever seen, and it made a little buzzing sound. The size of the ship would be the size of a baseball field. The ship could distort radio waves and cell phone frequencies. 

This caused a lot of interference in the radio and on my mobile phone. There was a chirping sound coming from my static radio. There was a lot of interference in my cell phone. I was on the phone with a family member telling him about it, and he may have seen it. It could be connected to any remaining electrical appliances. My watch on my hand went awry: the second arrow continued to rotate forward and eventually stopped after it left. My camera was even static. I send by mail what I saw on the LCD screen of the camera. 

It looks like I was called out to the camera, like in the TV series "Star Trek". The strangest part of the experience is the effect it had on my 5 cats. All five cats entered the room I was in. I even locked one in my room, and she opened the door to get there. The cats circled around me as I looked at the object. 

The object was moving slowly over my house, and behind it was another flying object, and it was much smaller, like an artificial plane chasing it. The plane did not make a sound, and when it approached the UFO, it flew away for about an hour. I sent an earlier report and mixed up the time by three hours. It happened in the dark, and the ship's lights were the only things that could be easily seen. He kept rotating clockwise all the time and when he hovered over the house. 

I tried to go outside, but the cats wouldn't let me go. He came back an hour later, and! the same results were obtained with electrical devices. I was talking on the phone with my girlfriend and it became static, I went into the room and saw a UFO coming from northwest to southwest towards my house, it seemed like it was about to collide, and then it became invisible and the cats started hissing something that I couldn't even see in the room. 

There was a constant humming sound in the room until the cats hissed, then it disappeared again and never came back. It was earlier, on September 8, on September 23. The same thing happened then. It was when I was 8 years old, half of my life is in the past. I think they were going to capture me.

Original news

Date: July 13 2007
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Time: 21:33
Summary: The UFO appeared at 21:33 left at 21:39 and then returned exactly one hour later and left exactly one hour after the last time it left. It was a triangle shaped craft with lights on the tips of the triangle. The lights were a mix of these colors, red, maroon, orange and yellow. The body of the craft was black. It came from the west and was moving east. It was large, it was bigger than any airplane or I had ever seen and it made a small humming noise. The size of the craft would have been he size of a baseball field. The craft was able to distort radio waves and cell phone frequencies. It caused a lot of static on radios and on my cell phone. There were chirping noises coming from my radio in the static. My cell phone had a lot of static. I was on the phone with a family member telling him about it and he may have seen it. It was able to mess with any electrical appliances that were left on. It had my watch on my hand going off the fritz. The second hand kept spinning forward and eventually stopped after it left. My camera even had static on it. I am mailing what I saw on the camera lcd screen. It looked like they were hailing me on my camera like on the show star trek. The weirdest part of the experience is the effect it had on my 5 cats. All five cats came into the room I was in. I even had one locked in my room and it opened the door to get out there. The cats circled me as I was gazing at the object. The object was slowly moving over my house and there was another flying object behind it and it was much smaller like a manmade aircraft chasing it. That aircraft did not make any sound and when it came close to the UFO it left for approximately one hour. I had sent in an earlier report and I mixed up the times by three hours. It happened at dark and the lights of the craft were the only things that could easily be seen. It was spinning clockwise the entire time and when it was hovering over the house. I tried to go outside but my cats would not let me. It came back an hour latter and the! same re sults with electrical devices were happening. I was on the phone with my girlfriend and it went static, I went out to the room and I saw the ufo coming from northwest going southwest towards my house it looked like it was going to collide and then it went invisible and the cats started hissing at something I could not even see in the room. There was a constant humming sound in the room until the cats hissed then it went away again and did not come back. This happened before in September 8 years ago on the 23. The same thing happened then. That was when I was 8 years old, half my life in the past. I think they were going to try and take me.
Source:  Davenport, Peter


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