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UFO. Russia

ID #1716799499
Added Mon, 27/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Kurganskaya oblast

Pensioner P. Korolev writes to the Commission on AYA:

Comrade Kuzovkin A.S., I have received your letter. You are asking me to describe the miracle light that I saw as a child.

It has been more than 70 years since then: I am now 82 years old. I was born in 1897 on January 12th. At that time, he lived with his parents in the village of Makushino, formerly the Tobolsk province, or rather probably the Kurgan region.

It was like that.

My father arrived on horseback in the evening, it was dark. He unhitched the horse from the cart and told me to ride it to a night pasture near the lake to feed the horses. The time of the year is summer. Of course, I don't remember the month, but it was probably July or August, the current, the grass was good.

And so, when I drove away from the village about three versts, the night was dark, then suddenly it lit up so that my horse fell to his knees, and it became so bright that everything in the vicinity could be seen as in the daytime. Of course, I was very scared of such a miracle, like the horse, but I did not fall off it, but only cried with childish tears, and heard the howling of wolves, who were also probably scared by such a miracle at night, the fiery flame dazzlingly illuminating.

When it passed, it became dark again, then the horse got up from his knees and I rode on. Not far from this place was the arable land of the peasant Varakosov. They had a ploughshare hut, and their father, an old man, lived in it. When I drove up to the hut, the old man recognized me from the conversation. And he said

"get off the horse, spend the night with me, don't go beyond the lake" Took my horse, confused it, and we went to the hut. I was still sobbing from fright.

He persuaded me and began to tell me about this miracle that he had seen

Just like me. He began to tell me that the devil had sent a fiery serpent for someone's soul to take her to heaven in hell. Well, and other old prejudices of believers. So we didn't sleep that night because of fear.

In the morning I rode my horse home. I told my father and mother about it. They also got sick of my story. They were all completely illiterate and also believed in these religious legends and were glad that I was alive, untouched by this fiery serpent, sent, as the old man said, by the devil from heaven for someone's soul. But now I assume that it was some kind of falling meteorite, of unprecedented enormity, and in my opinion this time coincides with the Tunguska meteorite.

The time of this vision is more than 70 years old, so some of it has probably already been forgotten by me, but I will answer your questions, what remains in my memory.

Your question. His appearance, what did he look like?

Answer: A huge fiery flame was flying from my right side to the left. It looked like this: the front part was very hot in flight

a continuation of the fiery tail of lesser incandescence.

2nd question. At what distance from you was he flying and at what altitude?

Answer: it flew in my view from the horizontal and vertical diagonally closer to the horizon. At what distance and at what height

I find it difficult to answer. At that time it seemed to me that this miracle was flying

close to me behind the lake, which was not far from me and it all lit up like day.

3. What are its dimensions?

Answer: The size is very sick, comparing it now with an airplane, it's just a fiery mountain heated to the limit, forge welding iron. And from the beginning of his head there is a red-hot tail of a long distance, probably 2 kilometers long.

4. Did he make any noise, what time of day was it?

Answer: At that time, as a child, I was too scared to make noise, and even from howling

wolves, which I don't remember. And I was driving on a dark night, not in the daytime. Here my horse fell to his knees, I do not know if it was from the unexpected incandescent light or maybe from the noise and wind. I can't imagine it right now.

5. Was it glowing? If it was glowing, then what kind of light? If possible, a drawing. Answer: Not only was it glowing, but there was this incandescent flame, a fiery

the mass of the monster, to the limit of melting metal. The colors of the metal melting.

6. Did light rays come out of it?

Answer: I saw this whole incandescent mass, which illuminated everything around

It was like daytime, but I couldn't see more from fright, and even the horse fell to his knees from fear.

7. Were there any other affects? (smoke, traces of glow around it- and?)

 I didn't see anything from this fear anymore, except for this incandescent conflagration.

8. Have you noticed any objects that have been hit by UFOs

were you attracted to him, i.e. everything that seemed strange and unusual to you?

Answer: I didn't see or hear anything else, except for this fiery game of passion.

Here are all my answers to your questions described.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Meteor, "shooting star" is a phenomenon that occurs when small meteor bodies (for example, fragments of comets or asteroids) burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. A similar phenomenon of greater intensity (brighter than magnitude -4) it's called a fireball.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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