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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1527249637
Añadido Vie, 25/05/2018
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
18.09.1896 18:30
Сакраменто, CA
Estados Unidos

Varias personas la noche anterior, entre las 6 y las 7 horas, vieron la gran bola de fuego. Él era brillante, como la luz eléctrica. Él voló por encima de la ciudad, y se marchó en dirección suroeste. Él se movía lentamente y fue en el campo de visión de más de una hora y media, hasta que finalmente desapareció en la niebla y la oscuridad.

Varias personas dijeron que de ella se oían las voces humanas, similares a las de la canción y la diversión. Un hombre en las afueras afirma que escuchó la voz de advertencia "a la persona al volante", para que pueda elevarse por encima de, y lo que no se enfrentan con la iglesia agujas, etc.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Sacramento Record Union September 18th, 1896

Several persons last evening, between 6 and 7 o’clock, saw a big ball of fire, like an electric light, pass over the city going in a southwesterly direction. It moved slowly and was in sight for more than a half-hour, finally disappearing in the mist and darkness.

More than one person was heard to declare that he distinguished human voices engaged in song and mirth coming from above , but could discover no out line of a balloon-nothing but a large ball of light.

One man in the suburbs declares he heard a voice warning “the man at the helm” to go higher, or they would collide with the church steeples, etc.

It is possible someone sent up an illuminated balloon, or that a stray meteor was hunting for the rest of the gang, but there really were persons who insisted that it was a new fanged airship lighted by electricity and traveling for San Francisco from-somewhere.

The Evening Bee – Sacramento November 18th,1896

Last evening between the hours of 6 and 7 o’clock, in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and ninety six, a most startling exhibition was seen in the sky in this city of Sacramento. People standing on the sidewalks at certain points in the city between the hours stated, saw coming through the sky, over the housetops, what appeared to them to be merely an electric arc lamp propelled by some mysterious force. It came out of the East and sailed unevenly towards the southwest, dropping now nearer to the earth, and now suddenly rising again as if the force that was whirling it through space was sensible of the dangers of collision with objects upon the earth.

That much hundreds of people saw. That much caused consternation in this city last night among groups who gathered to hear the tale. What follows some of the witnesses to the strange spectacle assert to be as true as the circumstance related.


Startled citizens last night living at points of the city along a rough diagonal line, yet far distance from each other, declare they not only saw the phenomenon, but they also heard voices issuing from it in mid air-not the whispering of angels, not the sepulchral mutterings of evil spirits, but the intelligible words and the merry laughter of humans.

At those intervals where the glittering object, as if careless of it’s obligation to maintain a straightforward course, descended dangerously near the housetops, voices were heard in the sky saying:

“Lift her up quick! You are making directly for that steeple!”

Then the light in the sky would be seen obeying some mystic touch and ascending to a considerable hight, from where it would take up again its southwesterly course.

The light sailed along the line of K Street, so it appeared from those in the eastern part of the city, although it appears that after it had passed Fourteenth Street it was wafted far south of K.

Laughter and words sounding strange in the distance, though fairly intelligible, fell upon the ears of pedestrians along the course of the light who had paused to look up at the novelty.


Last night’s Bee contained a telegram from New York announcing that a man had perfected an air ship and would on Friday of this week, accompanied by one or two friends, ascend from a vacant lot in the metropolis and go directly to California, which he promised to reach in two days. The description furnished in the telegram included an apparatus which was electrical to supply light and power for the astonishing contrivance. It is not regarded as likely, in view of the announcement contained in the dispatch, that last night Sacramento was over swept by the aerial ship. But here is the incident-here is the chronicle of the words heard, of a strange spectacled witnessed. Whence the light, which was not a meteor, all agree, came whither it went, where it is now-these things is not within the capacity of the article to deal with.


Charles Lusk, Cashier of the Central Electrical Street Railway Company, was at his home at Twenty-fourth and Q Streets last evening when, having stepped outside, he saw the remarkable appearance in the sky. He went into the house, and told the inmates of what he had seen.

This morning Mr. Lusk mentioned the incident to some of the carmen, and was amazed to learn from them that they had seen such a light as he described while they were in the neighborhood of East Park. More than that, they heard music and voices. One voice distinctly said:

“Well we ought to get to San Francisco by tomorrow noon.”

The carmen said they caught some faint idea of the shape of the object that was floating in the air. It was of balloon shape, and they concluded that it was a balloon.


Foreman Snyder, of the Car Barn, Says It Was Not a Meteor

This afternoon G.C. Snyder, foreman of the car house of the Electric Car Company, gave the following to The Bee:

“I assure you there is no joke about this matter, so far as I am concerned. Last evening about ten minutes before 7 o’clock, I saw a light, which was then above approximately, Twenty-seventh and P Steets, sailing in a southwesterly direction. It rose and fell and swayed from right to left as if it were being propelled by some motor power.It was a white light, and not a star or a meteor, I am certain of that.”

“Mr. Lowry, who used to be connected with the car company, told me he saw the thing when it was directly overhead and that it had a wheel, which was going around.”

“I don’t think it was a balloon, for it was going in the southwest and a heavy wind was blowing from that direction. David Curl, a horse- trainer at the race track, told me he heard voices in the balloon, or what ever it was.”

“I learn that Michael Shelly , a carmen on car 103 on the J street line distinguished the shape of the affair.”


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material

El Dirigible/Метеозонд

El dirigible (simplificado es el globo) — una nave más ligero que el aire, como la fuerza de elevación se utiliza un recluso en el shell de gas o de aire caliente) con una densidad menor que la densidad del aire ambiente.

Distinguen привязные, свободнолетящие y los aeróstatos, con motor — los dirigibles.

El dirigible

No tripulada más ligero que el aire, que representa la combinación de los globos con la máquina (normalmente de tornillo con motor eléctrico o con motor de combustión interna y los sistemas de gestión de la orientación (timones de control), gracias a la cual la aeronave es capaz de moverse en cualquier dirección, independientemente de la dirección del flujo de aire.
Por la forma de las aeronaves se clasifican en:


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.

La apariencia, impresa en la figura en el periódico (probablemente составленый por las descripciones de los testigos de vista) es característico de los dirigibles de la época.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación

El dirigible

No tripulada más ligero que el aire, que representa la combinación de los globos con la máquina (normalmente de tornillo con motor eléctrico o con motor de combustión interna y los sistemas de gestión de la orientación (timones de control), gracias a la cual la aeronave es capaz de moverse en cualquier dirección, independientemente de la dirección del flujo de aire.
Por la forma de las aeronaves se clasifican en:

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