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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1636548771
Добавлен ср, 10/11/2021
Автор July N.

Исходная информация

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Дата происшествия: 
07.11.2006 16:30
Чикаго, IL
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Примерно в 16:30 (центральное время) во вторник, 7 ноября 2006 г., федеральные власти в аэропорту О'Хара получили сообщение о том, что около дюжины свидетелей наблюдали небольшой круглый дискообразный объект металлического вида, который парил над Выход C17 в этом аэропорту.

Очевидец описал идеальный диск, который он и его коллега наблюдали в течение многих минут, парящий средь бела дня на очень низкой высоте 1900 футов чуть ниже нижней границы облаков прямо над одним из самых загруженных аэропортов мира. Эти двое переправляли большой лайнер United из одной стороны О'Хара в другую, наблюдая за НЛО/кораблем, парящим прямо над одним из главных ворот терминала.

Оригинальная новость

Date: November 7, 2006
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

At approximately 16:30 p.m. (Central) on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, Federal authorities at O'Hare Airport received a report that approximately a dozen witnesses were observing a small, round disc-shaped object, metallic in appearance, which hovered over Gate C17 at that airport.

[Audio interview with witness to O'Hare UFO (9mb MP3 audio file)]
Jeffe Rense (Rense.com), December 12, 2007

The eyewitness described a perfect disc that he and a co-worker watched for many minutes hovering at a very low 1900 feet just below the cloud base right over one of the world's busiest airports in broad daylight. The two were ferrying a large United jetliner from one side of O'Hare to the other as they watched the UFO/craft hovering directly above one of the main terminal gates.

Drawing of the object by Chicago sketch artist Carol Renaud, according to the description
given by one of the witnesses, an aircraft mechanic. (source: CNN)

Sketch artist creating the drawing of the object. (source: CNN)

Photo of planes waiting at terminals at Chicago O'Hare Airport. (not a picture of UFO

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport, Director

"The National UFO Reporting Center has received the following information from a single source, who, for the time being, wishes to remain anonymous, and who prefers not to reveal for what entity he works. We have received documentation about the alleged sighting, which satisfies us as to the veracity of the report, and as to the credentials of the party reporting the incident.

We have delayed release of this case, principally because an investigation was begun almost immediately after our receipt of the initial report, and because we were hoping to obtain addition documentation about the sighting, before it could be concealed, or destroyed.

At approximately 16:30 p.m. (Central) on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, Federal authorities at O'Hare Airport received a report that approximately a dozen witnesses were observing a small, round disc-shaped object, metallic in appearance, which hovered over Gate C17 at that airport.

The object was first spotted by an employee, working on the ramp, who was engaged in "pushing back" Flight 446, departing Chicago for Charlotte, NC. The employee reported to his supervisors that the object appeared to be almost directly above his location at Gate C17; it appeared to be perfectly round, and that its size was approximately equal to a U. S. quarter, held at arm's length. The object had a metallic appearance, according to the first witness, and it appeared to him to be spinning.

The first witness apprised the flight crew of Flight 446 of the existence of the object above their aircraft, and we believe both the pilot and co-pilot were witness to the bizarre object, as well. The witness also contacted his supervisors, who also witnessed the object, which was visible for approximately 2 minutes.

At the end of that time, the object was seen to suddenly accelerate straight up at a very rapid pace, and it "shot" through the solid overcast, which was at 1,900 feet at the time. The witness added that the object appeared to leave a "hole" in the clouds, where it had streaked upwards through the overcast.

Both the Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration were apprised of the event at the time it was occurring, and personnel in one, or more, of the towers at O'Hare may have witnessed the object, possibly with binoculars. The FAA apparently reported that the object was not visible on radar, although that fact has not been confirmed at the time of this writing.

We hope to be able to release more information about the incident at some time in the near future. In the meantime, we would like to invite anyone who may have been personal witness to the event to submit a report of their sighting, using our Online Report Form. We would be most grateful if you would indicate in your report where you were located, at the time of the sighting, and what the object looked like, from your vantage point."


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