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Fantasma. Reino Unido

ID #1541154992
Añadido Vie, 02/11/2018
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha de origen: 
Llancaiach Fawr
Reino Unido

El historiador, en general, el escéptico se refería con a los fantasmas, decidió compartir su experiencia de encuentro con el fantasma en honor de este halloween.

Si Джесап (Lee Jessup) trabaja en la casa, conocida como la Llancaiach Fawr. Esta antigua mansión fue construida alrededor del año 1550. Se dice que allí viven los fantasmas de sus habitantes. Algunos de ellos fueron testigos de los barrios y de las salidas de estos esquivos de los espíritus. Además, muchos oído hablar de los misteriosos pasos y se rieron.

Pero la historia Si es aún más terrible de lo que algunos inexplicables ruidos.

Yo estaba en la parte de abajo de la cocina al final del día. Me levanté de la base de la escalera, y observó cómo el inicio de sesión en el sótano apareció la silueta de la joven , probablemente, de 15 y 16 años. La muchacha tenía un largo abrigo con capucha, откинутым atrás. En consecuencia, se podía ver claramente el cabello. Me sonrió y asintió con la cabeza. Ella no parecía transparente.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Lee Jessup works in a 16th Century house thought to be the most haunted in Wales — Llancaiach Fawr.

The old manor was built around 1550 and reported ghoulish goings-on from its resident ghostsinclude mysterious footsteps and laughter.

But Lee’s story is even creepier than some unexplained noises.

He told the BBC about his personal experience with the “ghost” who now is said to stalk him.He said: “People who were working here and had worked here quite some some would tell me stories of what had happened to them.”

He added that visitors “experienced things” and although initially taking the tales with a pinch of salt, “any skepticism has been eroded”.

In fact, after his own haunting he is convinced there is “certainly something going on at Llancaiach”.

He added: “I think just about everybody who works here has had some sort of experience.“Personally my experience at Llancaiach started shortly after I came to work here.

“I was downstairs in the kitchens, late in the day, I was damping the fire down before we locked and alarmed the house for the night.

“I turned to my right and stood at the bottom of the steps and there was a figure of a girl, probably 15, 16 years old.”

He said the girl wore a long cloak with a hood pulled back so he could see her hair.Lee wasn’t alarmed and said he “smiled at her, nodded.”

He added: “She didn’t look transparent like would expect a classic ghost to be.”

But the ghost story doesn’t end there, years later a woman who claimed to be a medium sidled up to Lee with a spine-chilling revelation.

According to Lee, she said, “You know there’s a girl who follows you around this house?”


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