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OVNI. Colombia

ID #1561549445
Añadido Mié, 26/06/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
авиабаза Эльдорадо

El piloto, oriundo de cartagena, informó por radio de que su alarma por las extrañas luces que supuestamente volando por encima y por debajo de su авиалайнером. Этобыло confirmado por el personal del aeropuerto, así como también pudieron ver las luces de los que "juegan" con el avión.

Estos eventos eran raras, ya que el colombiano de la fuerza aérea (fuerza aérea) decidieron enviar T-33 para apoyar y aclarar si las luces de algún tipo de riesgo, y determinar su naturaleza.

En la mañana de eduardo russi se desempeñó como oficial de alto rango de la torre de el dorado. Una de las instrucciones, los datos de su jefe, pedro sánchez, era para recordar acerca de la llegada de los aviones militares de la FAC.

"El tiempo no podía ser mejor", dijo él, - "porque el cielo es azul y limpio, hasta tal punto que eran visibles los volcanes ruiz y tolima".

"Chicos, que tantas vueltas debido a estas observaciones, ahora le mantienen la fuerza aérea. Trasladados aquí en caso de que algo suceda", dijo sánchez russi.

El primer T-33, que dejó la Паланкеро, fue FAC2072.

Según russi, a 10 minutos de la FAC 2072 le informó de que se aproxima el Росала, y a la espera de las instrucciones de embarque. Control de la torre dio la orden de notificar a ella cuando entra el avión pasó por encima de faro, a pocos kilómetros de la pista de aterrizaje.

Después de este mensaje russi señaló que en la sala de control de torre en él se indicaban los cargadores, los ecosistemas terrestres cisterna y la gente en la cubierta. Lo primero que pensó fue que se indican en él, por lo que ocurrió el terremoto, y el edificio fue dos columnas, causando fluctuaciones en el tiempo de los temblores. Sin embargo, él se volvió hacia los lados y vio que no se mueve nada. El controlador recibe una nueva llamada.

"Escucha, sobre la torre de algo extraño. Qué es esto?"

Russi se acercó a стеклянному la ventana, levantó la cabeza y dijo que nada, que no se ve, a pesar de la insistencia de quienes habla por teléfono. Él colgó el teléfono y se dio cuenta FAC 2072, que ahora cruzó el exterior del faro y recibió permiso para aterrizar.

El teléfono sonó de nuevo.

"Hay algo sobre la torre. Qué es esto?"

Russi una vez más se ve a través del cristal, y en realidad sobre la torre era un objeto. El contralor de la describió como un objeto redondo, parecido a la rueda, profundo, intenso color amarillo y negro con las parcelas. Una luz blanca brillante era visible en el núcleo de la esfera (como el arco de soldadura).

"Era más brillante que el sol, y el día estaba completamente despejado".

En ese momento, el avión de la FAC 2072 estaba a punto de aterrizar, pero pocos minutos antes de esta russi pidió al piloto, no se si se detecta desconocido movimiento.

FAC 2072 respondió afirmativamente.

FAC 2072, el caza T-33, utilizó su poder para maximizar sus máximas características y llegar a la meta. Russi recordó que el avión se ha levantado y se encontraba a menos de 2.000 pies (600 metros) de un objeto volador. Con la torre de control, el hombre notó como dispositivo desconocido se ha levantado verticalmente y sin sonido, cuando FAC 2072 trató de acercarse a él. Después de tres minutos de iniciar la persecución piloto de combate de nuevo en contacto con russi.

"La torre de el dorado, FAC 2072. De la torre, tenga en cuenta que estoy a la altura de 31 000 pies, el avión, la máxima carga. Yo no tengo suficiente combustible. Se requiere el permiso del descenso".

Un brillante objeto voló hacia el oeste formando un ángulo de 45 grados y desapareció.

"¿Qué fue eso? Yo no te puedo decir. Yo no lo sé. No sé lo que he visto, sólo lo que he visto", dijo el russi.

FAC y 2070 2072 aterrizado. Russi fue sorprendido por este evento, pero ahora, 55 años después, por la falta de experiencia en ese momento, ya que sólo recuerda los números de registro de combate, pero se olvidó de preguntar a los pilotos de sus nombres.

El chef pedro sánchez ordenó авиадиспетчерам guardar silencio acerca de este evento, también esta orden fue entregada a los pilotos de la cws, que volvió a Паланкеро a los pocos días.

"Esta fue la primera y la única vez que he visto algo similar en sus 50 años de carrera. Todos estos casos tienen un denominador común: se produce el evento, y se nos pide no hablar de ello", señaló russi.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

A week after this minor incident, an even more surprising incident caused a stir among El Dorado's air traffic personnel, Russi among them. The pilot of an Avianca Constellation, originating in Cartagena, radioed his alarm about some lights that supposedly flew over and under his airliner. The event was substantiated by the airport personnel, as they were also able to see the lights "toying" with the plane.

These events were unusual, to the extent that the Colombian Air Force (FAC) decided to send the T-33's to provide support and find out whether the lights represented some sort of hazard, and to ascertain their nature.

That morning, Eduardo Russi acted as the senior officer of the El Dorado Tower. One of the instructions given by his superior, Pedro Sánchez, was to be mindful of the arrival of the FAC warplanes. The weather could not have been better - he noted - as the skies were blue and clear, to the extent that the Ruiz and Tolima volcanos were visible.

"You guys, who fussed so much about those sightings, now have the Air Force catering to you. They've been transferred over here in case something happens," Sanchez told Russi.

The first T-33 to depart Palanquero was FAC2072.

"El Dorado this is Palanquero: Please note that Air Force 2072 has taken off from Palanquero heading to El Dorado. This a transfer flight, visual, I will route it by El Rosal."

El Rosal is a mountain on the Bogotá savannah, near the municipality of Subachoque. Only minutes later, Russi answered a new call from the Palanquero base.

"El Dorado, this is Palanquero: Please note that Air Force 2070 has taken off toward El Dorado. Transfer flight, routing it through El Rosal."

According to Russi, 10 minutes later, FAC 2072 advised him that it was approaching from El Rosal, and was waiting for landing instructions. The control tower issued an order to notify it when the incoming plane passed by the beacon, a signaling device a few miles from Runway 1-2 at El Dorado, near Funza, to authorize the landing.

Following this communication, Russi noted that the baggage handlers, the ground refueling crews and those on deck were pointing at him in the control tower. At first he thought they were pointing at him because there was an earthquake, and the building was only supported by two columns, causing it to sway during tremors. However, he looked to each side and saw nothing was moving. The controller received a new call, but this time from the deck.

"Listen, there's something strange hovering over the tower. What is it?"

Russi got close to glass window, looked up and said he could see nothing at all, despite the insistence of those on the phone. He hung up and attended to FAC 2072, which had now crossed the outer beacon and was authorized to land.

The phone rang again. It was a call from Avianca.

"There's something over the tower. What is it?"

Russi look through the glass again and there was, in fact, an object over the tower. The controller described it as a round object, like a wheel, of a deep, intense yellow hue and with black sections. A bright white light was visible at the sphere's core, like a welding arc. “It was brighter than the sun, and the day was completely cloudless."

At that moment, FAC 2072 was about to land, but moments earlier, Russi queried the pilot if the unidentified traffic was in sight.

"FAC 2072, El Dorado Tower. Do you have the unidentified object in sight?"

"El Dorado Tower, FAC 2072. Affirmative tower, I have it sight. I am in pursuit; requesting flyover authorization."

"FAC 2072, El Dorado Tower, authorized."

FAC 2072, a T-33 fighter, used its power to maximize its peak performance and reach the object. Russi recalled that the aircraft ascended, and was within 2000 feet (some 600 meters) of the unidentified flying object.

From the control tower, the man observed how the unknown device rose vertically and without a sound as FAC 2072 tried to approach it. Within three minutes of initiating the pursuit, the fighter pilot contacted Russi again.

"El Dorado Tower, FAC 2072. Tower, be advised that I am at 31,000 feet and the plane is maxed out. I do not have enough fuel. Requesting descent authorization."

The luminous object flew westward at a 45 degree angle and vanished. "What was it? I can't tell you. I don't know. I don't know what I saw, only that I did see it," Russi remarked.

FAC 2072 and 2070 landed. Russi was stunned by the event but now, 55 years later, bemoans his lack of experience at the time, as he only recalls the fighters' registration numbers but forgot to ask the pilots for their names.

Chief Pedro Sánchez ordered the air traffic controllers to remain silent about the event, an order also given to the FAC pilots, who returned to Palanquero a few days later.

"It was the first and only time I saw a something like it in a 50 year career. All of these cases share a common denominator: the event occurs, and we are asked not to discuss it," Russi noted.

Events similar to Russi's are under investigation in the United States, where the New York Times recently published a report stating that between 2014 and 2015, Navy pilots saw strange object that reached 30,000 feet with supersonic speeds, and were unable to identify them.

To Russi, authorities and governments appear not to be interested in these situations becoming known. Therefore, the incident or event may have taken place, but it does not reach the public.

Regarding UFO sightings in the country's capital, Germán Puerta, director of the Bogotá Planetarium, notes that it is common for people to say they see such things, bearing in mind that many aerial phenomena exist, such as airplanes, drones and satellites, as well as the International Space Station, which is very bright. All of these elements can be mistaken for unidentified flying objects.

"The Planetarium receives photos and videos of aerial phenomena, but not much more can be said about them. A luminous object, or one in motion, is hardly evidence. There is nothing that can be said about it," he notes.


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