ID | #1566555246 |
Añadido | Vie, 23/08/2019 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Joel Mesnard, FSR Vol. 19. No. 3
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Una noche, en marzo de 1958, en el momento de la guerra argelina, en el campamento de la legión Extranjera en Буамаме en la corte-Константинуа registraron un inusual fenómeno ovni. El único testigo. Legionario N. Año, llevaba караульную el servicio fuera del campamento. El lugar donde se encontraba, representaba la fortificada de fuego en un punto, вырытую de la tierra, легкобронированную y equipada con teléfono, conectado con el campo.
La noche estaba despejada, y el resplandor de la Luna. Todo estaba en silencio en el desolado paisaje. Mientras que en la zona no han realizado ningún operaciones de gran escala, por lo tanto N.G., прослуживший en la legión de tres años, no se sentía especial de preocupación. Él estaba sentado en el suelo cerca de la trinchera y tenía en sus manos un rifle. Si ha ocurrido algo inesperado, tenía o disparar con un rifle, o llamar al campamento por teléfono.
De repente, después de unos minutos después de las 0:30 horas, algo ha ocurrido. Lo que sucedió, estamos seguros de que no lo puedo decir. El testigo recuerda que he visto en positivo, con un fenómeno físico de enormes dimensiones. Pero él siente que le había ocurrido algo muy inusual psicológicamente. Y reconoce, que bien puede ser la diferencia entre lo que él verdaderamente se acuerda, y lo que sucedió en realidad.
Todo comenzó con свистящего de sonido, que es similar a la чтоможно escuchar si soplar en el cuello de la botella. Este sonido, le parecía que bajaba desde el cielo. De inmediato levantó la cabeza y vio спускающийся enorme redondeado de la asignatura. Se detuvo cuando estaba a unos 35-40 metros (aproximadamente de 100 a 120 pies) sobre el suelo, y se elevan por allí, inmóvil y silencioso.
Se aprecia a 350 metros de ancho (1000 pies). Había visto un poco de la parte inferior, durante las fases de llegada y despegue, cuando aquel parecía эллиптическим de forma completamente independiente del efecto de la perspectiva, que hace que el disco verá эллиптическим, cuando lo miran desde un punto fuera de la línea central de la unidad. Su envergadura, pensó, podría ser en el área de 250 metros. Se evaluó la distancia entre ellos y el más cercano el borde de un objeto en un poco más de 50 metros (150 pies).
Cuando le pedí a Monsieur N. El año de tender la mano a los extremos de la asignatura, como él lo recordaba, él los entregó a un ángulo de alrededor de 100 entre ellos. Esta evaluación muy en consonancia con el anterior estimaciones de su tamaño y distancia de él.
El objeto fue rodeado por el verde pálido de la luz, y el intenso cónico rayo verde esmeralda de la luz venía del centro de la parte inferior de la Tierra.
N. El año no le disparó con un rifle y no tomaba el teléfono. Simplemente recuerda, es mirado como un objeto durante 45-50 minutos. De color verde pálido y esmeralda de color eran los más hermosos, relajantes y hermosas flores que había visto. Legionario olvidado completamente de la guerra. Todos nerviosa o estrés psicológico salido de su mente. Se sentía feliz.
A continuación, de nuevo se oyó un ruido, como si alguien soplaba en la botella, y el objeto comenzó a subir lentamente hasta que alcanza una altura de unos 120 metros. Luego él a gran velocidad voló hacia el noroeste, tomando la altura de la marcha.
Lo que sentí entonces un legionario, es una especie de tristeza la desaparición de este hermoso espectáculo. Después de unos minutos esa sensación de comienzo a desaparecer y el lugar de regresar a su estado normal de la conciencia, hasta que todo volvió a su capacidad mental. Rápidamente se levantó el auricular del teléfono y, informó de que había visto. Sin embargo, para su gran asombro, el oficial en el campamento simplemente respondió de esta manera: "Bien. Vamos a ver mañana por la mañana."
Muy decepcionado por la reacción oficial N. El año continuó estar de servicio, hasta que una mañana temprano, que fue sustituido por otra persona. De nuevo se habló de sus experiencias, y esta vez le ha prestado más atención. Algunos de sus jefes se tienden a creer en su relato, porque N.G., que entonces tenía 28 años, se ha respetado el soldado y era considerado serio y confiable. La mayoría, sin embargo, pensaban que era simplemente un caso de problemas psicológicos causados por las duras condiciones de la guerra en el desierto.
En el lugar del accidente se realizó una investigación minuciosa. N. El año con una sonrisa, recuerda que los oficiales incluso han considerado la arena con la ayuda de una lupa. Ni huellas ni marcas de picaduras, ni ningún material ajeno no fue encontrado en la zona, y el olor también.
Probablemente, más médicos, más que por "уфологическим" razones, el testigo ha sido interrogado por los oficiales. Él creyó en su original de la historia, y el asunto se consideraba bastante impresionante. Fue trasladado al hospital militar de val-de-grace en parís. Allí, mantuvo la semana bajo la supervisión de neurólogos y psiquiatras. Electroencefalograma no había nada fuera de lo común. Todos los médicos llegaron a la conclusión de que N.G. se encuentra en un estado de buena salud física y mental. No era especialmente sufrió los efectos de la tensión causada por el servicio militar en argelia. Él no tenía la tendencia a la borrachera, y era considerado apto para el servicio en la legión Extranjera, lo que significa especialmente pesado estilo de vida. De hecho, ni un solo hombre con una inclinación por el carácter soñador o de ciencia ficción, o demasiado desarrollada la imaginación o análisis crítico de la mente no sería seleccionado para el servicio en la legión.
El testigo dice que desde aquella noche, cuando la ha visto, no tenía ninguna enfermedad, ninguna inusuales físicas o mentales de estado. Nunca había tenido otra experiencia con platillos voladores, ni antes ni después de su experiencia en Буамаме. Lo que pasó con él allí, en 1958, ha dejado con la creencia de que "algo hay", y que "es algo que viene de otro mundo, para observar a los nuestros."En cuanto a su sorprendente serenos durante el tiempo de observación, utiliza palabras como: "esto se parece a lo que el tiempo corre muy lentamente . . ." y "esto se parece a la estancia en el otro mundo".
Desde entonces, ha experimentado un cierto interés a disfrutar los platos y recuerda que leí sobre los ovnis en los periódicos y revistas.
El caso Буамамы, sin ningún tipo de pruebas, pero tan misterioso, en muchos aspectos, merece la comparación con otros casos.
Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»
Noticias originales
An extraordinary UFO sighting was reported one night in March, 1958, during the Algerian War, at a Foreign Legion camp at Bouamama in the Sud Constantinois. The sole witness. Legionnaire N.G., was on sentry duty outside the camp. The site where he was consisted of a fortified emplacement dug out of the ground, lightly armored and equipped with a telephone connected to the camp.
The night was cloudless and the moon was shining. All was silent on the desert landscape. No large-scale operations were being carried out in the area at the time so N.G., who had been in the Legion for three years, was not feeling especially anxious. He was sitting on the ground near ihe trench, and had his rifle. If anything unexpected happened he was supposed either to fire his rifle or call the camp by telephone.
Suddenly, at a few minutes after 0.30 hours, something did happen. What it was that happened, we cannot say for sure. The witness remembers seeing a positive, physical phenomenon of enormous size. But he feels that something most unusual happened to him psychologically. And he freely admits that there might well be a difference between what he sincerely remembers and what actually took place.
It began with a whistling noise, the sort of noise you hear if you blow into the neck of a bottle. This sound seemed to him to be coming down from the sky. He immediately looked up, and saw an enormous, roundish object descending. It stopped when it was about 35-40 meters (roughly 100 to 120 ft.) above the ground, and began to hover there, motionless and silent.
He estimated it to be as much as 350 meters wide (1,000 ft.). As seen by him slightly from below, during the arrival and take-off phases, it seemed to be elliptical in shape, quite independently of the perspective effect that makes a disc look elliptical when observed from a point outside the disc’s center-line. Its span might, he thought, have been in the neighborhood of 250 meters. He estimated the distance between himself and the nearest edge of the object at little more than 50 meters (150 ft.).
When I asked Monsieur N.G. to extend his arms towards the ends of the object as he recalled seeing it, he held them out at an angle of about 100 between them. This estimate would fit quite well with the estimates given above of its size and its distance from him.
The object was surrounded by pale green light, and an intense conical beam of emerald-green light was coming from the center of the under-part towards the ground.
Legionnaire N.G. did not fire his rifle, nor did he pick up the telephone. He just remembers staring at the object for 45 to 50 minutes. The pale green and emerald colors were the most beautiful, relaxing and fascinating colors he had ever seen. Legionnaire N.G. had forgotten all about the war. All nervous or psychological tension had gone from his mind. He was just feeling happy.
Then came the noise again, like somebody blowing into a bottle, and the object started rising gently, until it had reached a height of about I(K) or 120 meters. Then it flew offal tremendous speed towards the North-West, climbing as it went.
What the Legionnaire then felt was a sort of sadness at the disappearance of this beautiful sight. After a few minutes this feeling began to fade, yielding place to a return of his ordinary state of consciousness, until his full mental faculties were back. He quickly picked up the telephone and reported what he had seen. To his great amazement however the officer at the camp simply replied in the manner: “Alright. We’ll see about it tomorrow morning.”
Greatly disappointed at the officer’s reaction, N.G. continued his watch until he was relieved by another man in the early hours of the morning. He again reported his experience, and this time more attention was paid to him. Some of his superiors were inclined to believe his story, because N.G., then aged 28, was a well-respected soldier and was considered serious and reliable. The majority however thought it was just a case of psychological trouble caused by the tough conditions of war in the desert.
A careful investigation was carried out at the scene of the sighting. N.G. recalls with a smile that the officers even examined the sand with a magnifying lens. No footprints, no marks, no alien material was found in the area, and no smell either.
Probably more for medical than for “ufological” reasons, the witness was thoroughly questioned by officers. He stuck to his original story, and the affair was considered to be quite amazing. He was sent lo the Military Hospital at Val dc Grace in Paris. There he was kept for a week under dose scrutiny by neurologists and psychiatrists. An electroencephalogram revealed nothing unusual. The conclusion of all the doctors was that N.G. was in a slate of good physical and mental health. He had not been notably affected by the strains caused by wartime service in Algeria. He had no tendency towards drinking, and was considered to be competent for service in the Foreign Legion, which means an especially hard way of life. Indeed, no man with a tendency towards dreaming or science-fiction, or with an over-developed imagination or analytical, critical mind would he selected for service in the Legion.
Monsieur N.G., who is today a civilian, is obviously a man with a strong sense of the realities of everyday life, and seems lo be just the opposite of an over sensitive type or a poet.
What happened that night in Bouamama? It is just as difficult for us to believe in the physical features of the reported sighting as it is for us not to believe in the sincerity of the witness.
Monsieur N.G. obviously is not seeking publicity. He just recounts his experience, in a natural manner, to his own close relatives, and when I met him in May 1970, he looked slightly reluctant for the first few minutes, and then answered my questions without emphasis on any particular feature.
I have been unable so far to find any evidence from military sources regarding his alleged experience. The
Val de Grace Hospital in Paris does not keep documents about patients beyond a period of ten years.
The size of the reported object is so large that, if it actually was where the witness claims to have seen it, it must have been visible from the camp at an angle of about 60 . Yet nobody else reported seeing it. When 1 asked him about the possible reasons for his having been the only witness, N.G. replied that it is in no way astonishing, since most of the men in the camp were asleep in their barracks at the time. There was a legionnaire on sentry duty at the opposite end of the camp, and he could have seen the UFO at an angle of almost 40 ! And yet that sentry reported nothing. Monsieur N.G. does not think that the slope or the irregular pattern of the ground could have been sufficient to render the phenomenon invisible from the camp.
The witness seems to be conscious that something quite extraordinary happened to his mind, but he seems to believe quite positively in the geometrical features of his “sighting.” He says he has had no disease or illness of any kind since the night of the sighting, and no unusual physical or mental conditions. He has never had any other experiences involving flying saucers, cither before, or since, his experience at Bouamama. What happened to him there in 1958 has left him with the belief that “there is something,” and that “something is coming from another world to watch ours.” Regarding his amazingly peaceful state during the sighting, he uses words like: “It was like time running very slowly . . .” and “it was like being in another world.”
Since the experience he had felt a certain degree of interest in flying saucers, and recalls having read about UFOs in newspapers and magazines. In any case, the subject definitely docs not upset him and his experience, however extraordinary it may seem, has not notably changed his life.
The Bouamama case, devoid as it is of physical evidence but so puzzling in many respects, invites comparison with a number of other cases. What she wrote of the witness actually was leaves much to our imagination. It is just one more of those very special UFO sightings which lead us to think that Ufology may somehow be related to some obscure psychic phenomenon.
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