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OVNI. Finlandia

ID #1567158435
Añadido Vie, 30/08/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
аэропорт Пори

La observación de la fuerza aérea de finlandia (conocido en finlandia como Porin seitsemän ilmapalloa ) es incidente con un ovni ocurrido el 12 de abril de 1969 en pori, y uno de los mejores oficialmente registrados casos de ovnis por todo el tiempo. Es el único incidente con un ovni hasta el día de hoy, reconocido oficialmente por la fuerza aérea de finlandia. Pública nacional la empresa de finlandia Yle ha confirmado que el incidente realmente ocurrió y todavía no se explica.

El 12 de abril de 1969 sobre el aeropuerto de pori se observó siete amarillas de los discos o шаровидных de los objetos.

Yoko Куронен (Jouko Kuronen) de las fuerzas Armadas de finlandia se encontraba en el aeródromo de su avión, cuando escuché en la radio que el avión Fouga Magister se entrevistaron con el piloto Тармо Тукева (Tarmo Tukeva).

El comandante ordenó Тукеве ver de qué se trataba siete globos que volaban sobre el aeropuerto. Dijo Тукеве que su altura es de alrededor de 1.500 a 3.000 metros. Куронен quería ver y aquellos objetos. Volando, él se volvió hacia su avión, para ver lo que había anteriormente. Vio a siete de los objetos en forma de disco o de la bola y próximo a él Fouga Magister.

A continuación, el propio radar Куронена encontró los objetos, y también se han detectado terrestre ejecuta.

Cuando Тукева se acercó lo suficientemente cerca, también se puede decir que estos objetos estaban en la forma de una bola o un disco, pero no podía decir su distancia de ellos. A continuación, los objetos a gran velocidad voló al norte del aeropuerto. Fuerte el viento contrario, parecía no ha influido en su sorprendentemente rápida atención.

Тукева, que volaba detrás de ellos con una velocidad de aproximadamente 435 millas por hora (700 km/h), se quedó atrás, como si él no se movía, a pesar de lo rápido que realmente volaba. La enorme velocidad de los objetos también ha sido confirmada por el hecho de que sobre ellos se ha informado en la ciudad de vaasa, a 110 millas (177 km) de pori, en el mismo minuto, cuando salieron del aeropuerto.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Finnish Air Force sighting (known in Finland as Porin seitsemän ilmapalloa) is a UFO incident which occurred on April 12, 1969 in Pori and is one of the best officially documented UFO cases of all time. It is the only UFO incident to this day officially acknowledged by the Finnish Air Force. Finland's national public broadcasting company Yle has confirmed that the incident really happened, and is still unexplained.

On April 12, 1969 seven yellow disc or ball shaped objects were spotted above Pori Airport. Jouko Kuronen from the Finnish Defence Forces was on the airfield with his plane when he heard on his radio that the overseer of Fouga Magister planes was talking to fighter pilot Tarmo Tukeva. The overseer commanded Tukeva to go see what were those seven air balloons that floated over the airport. The overseer told to Tukeva that their height was around 1500-3000 meters. Kuronen wanted to see also those objects that the overseer was talking about. After taking off, he turned his plane to see what was above. He saw seven disc or ball shaped objects and a Fouga Magister which was approaching them. Then Kuronen's own radar spotted the objects and they were also spotted by the ground control. When Tukeva got close enough, he also could say that these objects were ball or disc shaped but he could not tell his distance to them when lacking set points. Then the objects took formation and accelerated with enormous speed to the north from the airport. A strong head wind did not seem to have any effect to their amazingly fast departure. The overseer told to Tukeva that he can't reach them and Tukeva who was flying after them with speed of around 435 mph (700 km/h), was left behind like he was not moving at all despite of that how fast he was really flying. The enormous speed of the objects were also proved by the fact they were reported on Vaasa, over 110 miles (177 km) away from Pori, in the same minute that they left the airport.

Ongoing military exercises and the nearby water system are traits that this case has in common to other similar cases reported over the world.[1] Tarmo Tukeva from the Finnish Defence Forces told about the incident himself in an interview in 1992 UFO documentary, Visitors from Space. This documentary movie later won an EBE Oscar at the Las Vegas UFO Film Festival.


Havainnosta on puhuttu vuosikymmeniä Suomen ainoana merkittävänä ufohavaintona.

Tunnistamattomat lentävät kohteet, eli ufot ovat päässeet laajan artikkelin aiheeksi puolustusvoimien Ruotuväki-lehden tuoreimmassa numerossa.

Lehti kertoo artikkelissaan Suomen ilmavoimien lentäjien aikoinaan tekemästä ufo-havainnosta.

Lentäjä Jouko Kuronen valmistautui suunnistuslentoa varten Porissa huhtikuun 12. päivänä vuonna 1969. Hetkeä ennen lähtöä hän kuuli radion kautta jo ilmassa olevan lentäjän ja lennonohjaajan keskustelun.

- Hei 286, keskeytäpä syöksysi ja katso mitä noi seitsemän ilmapalloa yläpuolellasi ovat, viestitti valvoja Ruotuväen mukaan.

Taistelulentäjä Tarmo Tukeva vastasi tarkastaessaan tilannetta:

- Ne seisovat paikallaan tässä kentän päällä – olisiko korkeus joku 1500–3000 metriä – ja niitä näyttää olevan seitsemän kappaletta.

Myös Kuronen sai näköyhteyden havaintoon. Taivaalla hän näki seitsemän levyn muotoista esinettä lentokentän yllä ikään kuin muodostelmassa.

Juuri kun Tukeva oli pääsemässä taivaalla lähietäisyydelle,
esineet lähtivät muodossa kiihdyttämään ällistyttävällä nopeudella kohti pohjoista.

Esineiden vauhti oli havaintojen mukaan uskomaton, sillä vastatuulesta
huolimatta 700 kilometria tunnissa taittava hävittäjä jäi kuin paikoilleen
seisomaan. Muutaman minuutin kuluttua esineet havaittiin tutkan avulla 200 kilometrin päässä Vaasassa.

Lehden mukaan Kurosen havainnosta on puhuttu vuosikymmeniä
Suomen ainoana merkittävänä ufohavaintona. Havainnossa voi olla kyse esimerkiksi valtioiden välisistä vakoilulentokoneista tai -laitteista.

Porin mysteeri on on ainoa tapaus, jonka Suomen ilmavoimat
on todella myöntänyt. 

Tapaus on lehden mukaan samankaltainen useiden ulkomaalaisten
ufo-havaintojen kanssa. Yhdistävinä tekijöinä muihin tapauksiin ovat olleet vesistön läheisyys sekä käyynnissä oleva sotilasharjoitus.


Only officially recongnized UFO incident by Finnish Government: 1969 UFO sighting in Pori, Finland


I thought this was an interesting, and lesser-known event, that occurred in Finland. From my understanding, this is the only officially acknowledged UFO incident by the Finnish military/government.

On April 12, 1969, during a Fouga Magister jet training mission at Pori Airport, a flight controller from the Finnish Defence Forces instructed trainee pilot Tarmo Tukeva to check out seven air balloons hovering about 1500-3000 meters above the airport. Upon inspection, Tukeva described the objects as ball or disc-shaped, although he was unable to determine his distance from them. He noted that the objects darted away "at great speed" when he approached. Not only that but, within a minute they were again spotted on radar at Vaasa airport - almost 200 kilometers farther north. Another pilot-in-training, Jouko Kuronen, mentioned that he caught the radio exchanges between the flight controller and Tukeva, and also spotted the objects. The Finnish Armed Forces magazine Ruotuväki drew parallels between the April 12 observations and other instances over water bodies during active military drills, speculating that these might have been "transnational spy planes or aircraft."

What I find odd about trying to explain these away as spy planes or balloons, is that when they were first observed they were hovering and only upon being approached by Tukeva did they maneuver away. So they seemed to recognize his approach and made an intelligent decision to avoid him. Not only that, they were seen at 1500-3000 feet which seems extremely low for a spy plane. This explanation doesn’t make sense at all.

The plane that was sent to intercept them was traveling at approx. 700kph but couldn’t even get close to them. For these objects to go from basically stationary to well beyond the plane's speed, allegedly traveling 200km in 60 seconds, this would be a technology we aren’t familiar with or capable of.

Why is this the only official UFO incident that the Finnish government acknowledges? If there was one, certainly there have been more.

I’m surprised there isn’t more about this incident from official/unofficial sources. Any input is appreciated.



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