ID | #1617557883 |
Añadido | Dom, 04/04/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | OVNIS En Extremadura, El Dragon Invisible
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Luis cuesta Trinidad y una amiga estaban acampando al borde del agua en la playa cuando observaron cerca una extraña figura saliendo del agua. La figura salió y comenzó a mover las manos de una manera extraña.
Estaba de espaldas a los testigos de entonces cuando de repente se dio la vuelta para mirarlos. Cuando la figura notó la linterna que llevaba Luis, corrió extrañamente, aparentemente sin doblar las rodillas. Su cabeza no tenía pelo, pero su cuerpo estaba cubierto de pelo grueso, tenía ojos redondos, ligeramente orientales, de color naranja.
Tenía casi 2 metros de altura, con largos brazos y piernas colgando, que aparentemente estaban deformados. Era de un color muy pálido, su cabeza tenía forma de pera invertida, no tenía nariz y no podían ver la boca. Estaba completamente tranquilo. Los testigos estaban nerviosos durante el incidente.
Noticias originales
Location. Mazagon, Extremadura, SpainDate: August 24 1998
Time: 2030
Luis Cuesta Trinidad and a woman friend were camping near the water’s edge on the beach when they noticed a strange figure coming out of the water nearby. The figure came out and began moving its arms in a strange fashion. It was standing with his back to then witnesses when it suddenly turned around to look at them. When the figure noticed the flashlight carried by Luis it took off running in a strange fashion, apparently not bending its knees. Its head was hairless, but his body was covered with ample hair, it had round slightly oriental eyes, orange in color. It was almost 2 meters in height, with long dangling arms and legs that were apparently deformed. It was very pale in color, its head was shaped like an inverted pear, it had no nose, and they could not see a mouth. It was totally silent. The witnesses felt nervous during the incident
Source: OVNIS En Extremadura, El Dragon Invisible
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