ID | #1624984758 |
Añadido | Mar, 29/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Lyly Fu MYFOX International
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Investigación
Datos iniciales
Los lugareños y turistas acuden en masa a esta área con la esperanza de echar un vistazo a una sirena que ha sido vista realizando algunos trucos y desapareciendo en el agua. Según Shlomo Cohen, uno de los primeros en ver una sirena:
"Estaba con amigos cuando, de repente, vimos a una mujer que estaba extrañamente tumbada en la arena. Al principio pensé que solo estaba tomando el sol, pero cuando nos acercamos, saltó al agua y desapareció. Todos nos sorprendimos porque vimos que tenía una cola".
El Ayuntamiento de Kiryat YaMa incluso ofrece $ 1 millón a quien sea el primero en fotografiar a dicha sirena.
Las sirenas son consideradas criaturas mitológicas con cabeza humana, tronco y cola de pez. Se dice que a lo largo de la historia han fascinado a la gente, a menudo los distrae y los obliga a Bajar de la cubierta de sus barcos o encallar barcos.
Noticias originales
Location. Kiryat Yam, Israel
Date: July-August 2009
Time: various
Summary: Locals and tourists are flocking to this locality hoping to catch a glimpse of a mermaid who has been spotted doing a few tricks and disappearing into the water. According to Schlomo Cohen, one of the first people to see the mermaid, “I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought she was just another sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail.” The town council of Kiryat Yam is even offering $1 million to the first person to snap a photograph of the reported mermaid.Mermaids are believed to be mythological creatures that have a human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Throughout history, they are said to have charmed people, often distracting them and causing them to walk off their ship decks or run ships aground. Other mermaids are said to have squeezed men to death while attempting to rescue them.
Source: Lyly Fu MYFOX International and other news sources
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