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OVNI. Reino Unido

ID #1685346534
Añadido Lun, 29/05/2023
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
11.12.2018 06:00
Reino Unido

Helena le dijo a Cambrian News sobre un extraño avistamiento que hizo temprano en la mañana de 2018 cuando dejó salir a su perro para una caminata matutina.

Vio una luz brillante en el cielo, a aproximadamente ¾ de milla de distancia, y al principio pensó que debía haber sido un incendio en la casa. Pero entonces la luz comenzó a moverse:

"Era circular como una esfera, y se congeló hasta que comenzó a moverse hacia el oeste muy lentamente, pero en una trayectoria rectilínea".

Según Helena, el objeto se movía bastante lento en dirección este, a una velocidad promedio de no más de 30 mph.

"Y a medida que se movía hacia el este, comenzó a gotear", agregó Helena, " como si estuviera goteando lava fundida. "Y justo antes de que desapareciera de la vista, el barco se tiñó de rojo brillante y desapareció detrás de los árboles".

Helena, de 41 años, dijo que al principio mantuvo su experiencia bastante tranquila, pero ahora, dice, "está llegando a una edad en la que ya no me importa lo que piense la gente". 

Noticias originales

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

These are the words of British science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke.

Sheep mutilations in Ceredigion, mysterious lights in the night sky at Clarach Bay and strange shapes on the horizon near Pwllheli are evidence to some that the latter poss­ibility is more likely.

One cold winter morning, lifelong Ciliau Aeron resident Helena Worth arose early to let her puppy out into the garden and noticed something in the sky over the Aeron Valley.

“So, on 11 December 2018, it was six o’clock in the morning and, because it was winter, it was pitch-black outside,” she recalled.

“Then I noticed, at the other side of the valley – which is about ¾ of a mile away – a very bright white, yellow light.

“I knew there were houses there and my initial thought was that there was a house on fire.

“I wondered whether I should drive over and find out what was going on or phone the fire brigade.

“And as I was deciding, the bright light started to move. It was circular, like a sphere, and it was hovering until it started to move to the west very slowly but in a straight-line trajectory.

There is far, far more evidence of extra-terrestrial life visiting earth than there is of God.

Helena Worth

“Then it stopped above some houses, and it was there for a few seconds. I thought I was seeing things but then it started moving back to the east in the same straight line.

“It was moving at between, I would guess, 20 and 30 miles per hour.

“And as it was moving to the east it started dripping – like molten lava was dripping down from it.

“And just before it went out of sight, the craft turned a bright red colour and disappeared behind the trees.”

Helena, aged 41, is a self-described UFO-ologist and ‘amateur scientist’.

She told the Cambrian News: “There is far, far more evidence of extra-terrestrial life visiting earth than there is of God.

“Do people rubbish those who believe in God? Where is the evidence for God?

“I haven’t really spoken outwardly until now but I’m reaching an age where I don’t really give a crap what people think anymore.”

Helena has spent her entire life looking up at the stars.

As a young girl, she and her childhood friend would lie on a quiet road near her home and stargaze for hours on end.

After leaving Ceredigion to see out her studies in marketing and economics at the University of Reading, she has since returned, got married and given birth to two children – who are now teenagers attending Ysgol Gyfun Aberaeron school.

But despite all the changes in her life, she has never stopped looking at the stars nor imagining what sort of life could exist in the far away galaxies and planets she observes from her telescope – her prized possession.

“I look up more than I look ahead,” she said. “The vast majority of people go about their day looking straight ahead, but I’ll be looking up.

“I’ve been interested in UFO-logy since a very young age. I’m very passionate about it.

“My friend and I got used to seeing shooting stars and satell­ites – and we got to know what was normal and what wasn’t. So, my interest all started from there.

“And then when I got older, I got really interested in astrophysics and astronomy. But I wasn’t clever enough to study those subjects at university.

“But I’d read books by Professor Stephen Hawking and Professor Brian Cox as well as other famous scientists.

“And I just love looking at the stars more than anything.”

Helena, who works for Ceredigion County Council, said she saw another similar orb-like spacecraft – which was bigger than a star but smaller than the moon – as she was driving back home from Aberaeron this year.

She said it got smaller and smaller as it moved west and then blinked out. She said it could not be a satell­ite because it moved freely rather than in one direction, couldn’t have been lightning in fair weather and couldn’t have been a meteor because it didn’t burn up in the atmosphere or descend towards earth.

“So, in my mind I know it was something very, very unusual and if I were to take a guess it would be an extra-terrestrial craft,” she added.


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