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Пришелец. Папуа – Новая Гвинея

ID #1567188913
Добавлен пт, 30/08/2019
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
26.06.1959 18:00
Папуа – Новая Гвинея

В 1959 году Папуа-Новая Гвинея все еще была территорией Австралии.В июне того же года отец Вильям Джилл, австралийский англиканский миссионер и 37 членов его миссии в Боянае, увидел впечатляющие события.

Как указывается в его заметках, Гилл увидел яркий белый свет в северо-западном небе. Похоже, он приближался к миссии и завис на высоте около 100 метров. В конечном итоге 38 человек, в том числе Гилл, учителя Стивен Гилл Мой и Анания Рарата, и миссис Нессл Мой, собрались, чтобы посмотреть НЛО, который выглядел как большой объект в форме диска. 

Оно было очевидно твердое и круглое с широким основанием и более узкой верхней палубой. Объект, казалось, имел четыре «ноги» под ним. Также было около четырех «панелей» или «иллюминаторов» на стороне объекта, которые, казалось, светились немного ярче, чем остальные. Через несколько интервалов объект создавал луч синего света, который сиял вверх в небо под углом около 45 градусов.

То, что выглядело как «люди», вышло из объекта, на то, что казалось палубой сверху. Всего было четыре человека, иногда двое, потом один, потом три, потом четыре. Луч синего света и «люди» исчезли.Затем объект прошел сквозь облака. 

Были другие наблюдения НЛО в течение ночи. Гилл описал погоду как переменное небо, рассеяные облака, которые сначала очистили небо, а затем стало пасмурно. Он оценил высоту облаков примерно в 600 метров. По словам преподобного Гилла, первое наблюдение над морем, казалось, все время находилось на высоте около 150 метров над водой. Основной НЛО был отчетливо виден и казался в основном неподвижным в течение двадцати пяти минут наблюдения.

Удивительно, но объект повторил представление на следующую ночь, 27 июня. Джилл подготовил еще одно заявление.

Большой НЛО, впервые увиденный Энни Лори в 6 часов вечера в том же положении, что и прошлой ночью (26/6/59), казался немного меньшим, когда ГВБ увидел его в 6 февраля. Я позвонил Анании и нескольким другим, и мы стояли под открытым небом и смотрели на это. Хотя солнце уже садилось, в течение следующих пятнадцати минут было довольно светло. Мы наблюдали, как фигуры появляются. Без сомнения, что они как люди. Два меньших НЛО были замечены одновременно с этим, но  они были стационарные. Один над холмами на западе, другой над головой.

Две фигуры, казалось, делали что-то около центра палубы, иногда наклонялись и поднимали руки, как будто что-то настраивали. Одна фигура, казалось, стояла и смотрела на нас сверху вниз (группа из дюжины). 

Я вытянул руку над головой и помахал рукой. К нашему удивлению, фигура сделала то же самое. Анания взмахнул обеими руками над головой, затем две внешние фигуры сделали то же самое. Анания и я начали махать руками, и все четверо, казалось, махали в ответ. Казалось, нет никаких сомнений в том, что наши движения получили ответ. Все миссионеры издавали слышимые вздохи (радости или удивления, возможно, и того и другого).

Когда темнота начинала приближаться, я послал Эрика Кодавару за факелом. Через минуту или две НЛО сделал несколько колебательных движений вперед и назад. Размахивание нами повторялось, после чего следовало еще больше вспышек факела, затем НЛО начал медленно увеличиваться, видимо, в нашем направлении. Это прекратилось, возможно, через полминуты и больше не шел. Еще через две-три минуты фигуры, очевидно, потеряли к нам интерес, так как исчезли «под палубой».

В 18.25 две фигуры вновь появились, чтобы продолжить то, что они делали до перерыва. Синий прожектор включался на несколько секунд подряд дважды.

Гилл описал, как он и члены миссии призывали людей, даже кричали на них, и поманили их, чтобы спуститься, но ответа не было, кроме того, что уже было отмечено. Два небольших НЛО, которые были выше, оставались неподвижными. К 18:30 вечера сцена практически не изменилась, и Джилл записывает, что он пошел на ужин. Впоследствии критики должны были усомниться в этом, зачем кому-то уходить от такого необычного зрелища?

Мне всегда задают этот вопрос, - сказал Гилл, - либо в замешательстве, либо с усмешкой. Вы также должны помнить, что в этом не было ничего жуткого. Все было так просто, как автомобиль Форд. Это выглядело совершенно нормальным объектом, созданным землянами. Конечно, я понимал, что некоторые люди могут думать об этом как о летающей тарелке, но я воспринимал это как некое судно на воздушной подушке, построенное американцами или даже австралийцами.

Фигуры внутри выглядели совершенно по-человечески. На самом деле, я думал, что они люди, что если мы заставим их приземлиться, мы найдем летчиков в военной форме и поужинаем с ними.

В 19-00 один НЛО все еще присутствовал, хотя он казался несколько меньшим. Группа наблюдателей пошла в церковь. После пения в церкви видимость была очень ограничена облаками. В этот вечер больше ничего не было видно. 

В 22-40 нас на станции разбудил очень пронзительный, «колющий» взрыв. Звучало так, словно он пришел прямо из окна дома миссии.

Джилл почувствовал, что это не похоже на раскат грома. Ничего не было видно, но все небо было пасмурным.

Преподобный Гилл во время своих наблюдений уже планировал вернуться в Австралию. Это дало гражданским группам прекрасную возможность оценить достоверность докладов. Все следователи нашли историю Гилла очень впечатляющей.

Оригинальная новость

The Boiani Visitants of 1959
by Bill Chalker

In 1959 Papua New Guinea was still a territory of Australia. June of that year saw the spectacular sightings by Father William Gill, an Australian Anglican missionary, and 37 members of his Boianai mission. Gill made notes about the experience, which the media obtained. Stories appeared in August, causing a sensation. I have had two extended interviews with Reverend Gill and was impressed with his quiet and certain manner in relating the events. What follows comes from his own account of the affair.

Only the day before the sighting, Gill had composed a letter to the Reverend David Durie, Acting Principal of Saint Aidan’s College at Dogura, to accompany a report regarding a UFO sighting made by Stephen Moi, an assistant teacher at Gill’s mission.

‘Dear David, Have a look at this extraordinary data. I am almost convinced about the “visitation” theory. There have been quite a number of reports over the months, from reliable witnesses. The peculiar thing about these most recent reports is that the UFOs seem to be stationary at Boiani or to travel from Boianai. The Mount Pudi vicinity seems to be the hovering area. I myself saw a stationary white light twice on the same night on 9 April, but in a different place each time.

I believe your students have also sighted one over Boiani. The Assistant District Officer, Bob Smith and Mr Glover have all seen it, or similar ones on different occasions again, over Boiani, although I think the Baniara people said they watched it travel across the sky from our direction. I should think that this is the first time that the “saucer” has been identified as such.

‘I do not doubt the existence of these “things” (indeed I cannot, now that I have seen one for myself) but my simple mind still requires scientific evidence before I can accept the from outer space theory. I am inclined to believe that probably many UFOs are more likely some form of electric phenomena, or perhaps something brought about by the atom bomb explosions, etc.

That Stephen should actually make out a saucer could be the work of the unconscious mind as it is very likely that at some time he has seen illustrations of some kind in a magazine, or it is very possible that saucers do exist, but it is only a 50/50 chance that they are not earth made, still less that they should carry men (more likely radio controlled), and it is still unproven that they are solids.

‘It is all too difficult to understand for me; I prefer to wait for some bright boy to catch one to be exhibited in Martin Square. ‘Please return this report as I have no copy and I want Nor, (Rev. Norman Crutwell) to have it. Yours, Doubting William Anglican Mission, Boianai. 27/6/59’

The events of the next day converted the Doubting William, as the next letter graphically indicates.

‘Dear David,
Life is strange, isn’t it? Yesterday I wrote you a letter, (which I still intend sending you) expressing opinions re: The UFOs. Now, less than twenty-four hours later I have changed my views somewhat. Last night we at Boianai experienced about four hours of UFO activity, and there is no doubt whatsoever that they are handled by beings of some kind. At times it was absolutely breathtaking. Here is the report. Please pass it round, but great care must be taken as I have no other, and this, like the one I made out re: Stephen, will be sent to Nor. I would appreciate it if you could send the lot back as soon as poss.

Convinced Bill’

As indicated by his notes, Gill saw a bright white light in the north western sky. It appeared to be approaching the mission and hovering about 100 meters up. Eventually 38 people, including Gill, teachers Steven Gill Moi and Ananias Rarata, and Mrs Nessle Moi, gathered to watch the main UFO, which looked like a large, disc-shaped object. It was apparently solid and circular with a wide base and narrower upper deck. The object appeared to have four ‘legs’ underneath it. There also appeared to be about four ‘panels’ or ‘portholes’ on the side of the object, which seemed to glow a little brighter than the rest. At a number of intervals the object produced a shaft of blue light which shone upwards into the sky at an angle of about 45 degrees.

What looked like ‘men’ came out of the object, onto what seemed to be a deck on top of it. There were four men in all, occasionally two, then one, then three, then four. The shaft of blue light and the ‘men’ disappeared. The object then moved through some clouds. There were other UFO sightings during the night. Gill described the weather as variable sky scattered clouds to clear at first, becoming overcast after. He estimated the height of the clouds at about 600 meters. The first sighting over the sea, according to Rev. Gill, seemed to be about 150 metres above the water all times. The main UFO was clearly visible and seemed mostly stationary during the twenty-five minutes of observation.

Astonishingly, the aerial visitor put in a repeat performance the following night, 27 June. Gill prepared another statement.

‘Large UFO first sighted by Annie Laurie at 6 p.m. in apparently same position as last night (26/6/59) only seemed a little smaller, when W.B.G. saw it at 6.02 p.m. I called Ananias and several others and we stood in the open to watch it. Although the sun had set it was still quite light for the following fifteen minutes. We watched figures appear on top four of them, no doubt that they are human. Possibly the same object that I took to be the “Mother” ship last night. Two smaller UFOs were seen at the same time, stationary.

One above the hills west, another over- head. On the large one two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck, were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or “setting up” something (not visible). One figure seemed to be standing looking down at us (a group of about a dozen). I stretched my arm above my head and waved. To our surprise the figure did the same. Ananias waved both arms over his head then the two outside figures did the same. Ananias and self began waving our arms and all four now seemed to wave back. There seemed to be no doubt that our movements were answered. All mission boys made audible gasps (of either joy or surprise, perhaps both).

‘As dark was beginning to close in, I sent Eric Kodawara for a torch and directed a series of long dashes towards the UFO. After a minute or two of this, the UFO apparently acknowledged by making several wavering motions back and forth. Waving by us was repeated and this followed by more flashes of torch, then the UFO began slowly to become bigger, apparently coming in our direction. It ceased after perhaps half a minute and came no further. After a further two or three minutes the figures apparently lost interest in us for they disappeared “below” deck. At 6.25 p.m. two figures re-appeared to carry on with whatever they were doing before the interruption. The blue spotlight came on for a few seconds twice in succession.’

Gill has described how he and the mission people called out to the men, even shouting at them, and beckoned them to de- scend, but there was no response beyond what has already been noted. Two smaller UFOs higher up remained stationary. By 6.30 p.m. the scene had remained largely unchanged, and Gill records that he went to dinner. Subsequently critics were to question this, why would someone walk away from such an extraordinary sight? ‘I’m always asked this question,’ Gill has said, ‘either in puzzlement or with a sneer.

Having had about four hours of this sight on Friday night, we were not nearly so interested when it returned on Saturday night, especially after we were unable to persuade it to land. You must also keep in mind that there was nothing eerie or other worldly about any of this. It was all so ordinary, as ordinary as a Ford car. It looked a perfectly normal sort of object, an earth made object. I realized, of course, that some people might think of this as a flying saucer but I took it to be some kind of hovercraft the Americans or even the Australians had built.

The figures inside looked perfectly human. In fact, I thought they were human, that if we got them to land we would find the pilots to be ordinary earth-men in military uniforms and we would have dinner with them.

At 7.00 p.m. the ‘No. 1 UFO’ was still present, although it appeared somewhat smaller. The group of observers went to church for evensong. After evensong, visibility was very limited with the sky covered in cloud. Nothing else was seen that evening. At 10.40 p.m., a very penetrating, ‘ear splitting’ explosion woke up people on the station. It sounded like it had come from just outside the window of the mission house. Gill felt it did not sound like a thunderclap. Nothing had been seen, but the whole sky was overcast. Other less compelling activity occurred the following night. Then it seemed the Boiani visitants had gone. But the controversy had just begun.

Reverend Gill was at the time of his sightings already scheduled to return to Australia. This presented civilian groups with an excellent opportunity to assess the credibility of the reports.

All investigators found Gill to be very impressive. This led one of the leading civilian groups, the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, to view the Gill reports as constituting the most remarkable testimony of intensive UFO activity ever reported to civilian investigators. They were unique because for the first time credible witnesses had reported the presence of humanoid beings associated with UFOs. The major civilian groups of the day, in a spirit of new found cooperation inspired by the significance of the Boianai observations, distributed copies of Gill’s sighting report to all members of the House of Representatives of Australia’s federal parliament.

A letter accompanied the report, signed by the presidents of the participating civilian UFO groups, urging members of parliament to press the Minister for Air for a statement about the attitude Air Force Intelligence had to the New Guinea reports.

On 24 November 1959 in federal parliament E.D. Cash, a Liberal member from Western Australia, asked the Minister for Air, F.M. Osborne, whether his department (specifically Air Force Intelligence) had investigated the reports. The minister’s reply did not address this question, but instead focused on the general situation, indicating that most sightings of UFOs were explained and ‘that only a very small percentage, something like 3 per cent of reported sightings of flying objects cannot be explained’. A representative of one UFO group was advised by the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence that the Department was awaiting ‘depth of evidence’ on the New Guinea sightings.

However, the department had not even interviewed Gill. Finally the Minister for Defense requested a report and the RAAF interviewed Gill on 29 December 1959, some six months after the sighting. Gill’s recollection of the visit is that the two officers from Canberra talked about stars and planets and then left. He heard no more from them.

As one might expect, Gill’s account was dismissed by the RAAF despite its extraordinary nature and the number of witnesses. The senior interviewing officer, Squadron Leader F.A. Lang, concluded:

‘Although the Reverend Gill could be regarded as a reliable observer, it is felt that the June/July incidents could have been nothing more than natural phenomena colored by past events and subconscious influences of UFO enthusiasts. During the period of the report the weather was cloudy and unsettled with light thunder storm. Although it is not possible to draw firm conclusions, an analysis of rough bearings and angles above the horizon does suggest that at least some of the lights observed were the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Light refraction, the changing position of the planet relative to the observer and cloud movement would give the impression of size and rapid movement. In addition varying cloud densities could account for the human shapes and their sudden appearance and disappearance’.

My own close analysis of the reports suggests that the RAAF ‘explanation’ of either known planets seen through fast moving cloud, or natural phenomena’ does not bear up.

Over the years there have been a number of ‘explanations’ put forward to account for the Boiani sightings, including astronomical mis-identification, hoax, cargo cult effects, and that Gill had myopia and astigmatism. (In fact at the time he was wearing correctly prescribed glasses). None of these satisfactorily address the evidence. Dr Alien Hynek, and staff at his Center for UFO Studies, went to great lengths to investigate and research the affair.

Hynek and Alien Hendry, the the center’s chief investigator, concluded the ‘lesser UFOs’ seen by Gill were attributable to bright stars and planets, but not the primary object. Its size and absence of movement over three hours ruled out an astronomical explanation. My own discussions with Gill led me to the same conclusion.

Most recently there was an attempt at explaining the whole affair away by suggesting that Gill and the other witnesses were confused by a false horizon, and that all they had been watching was a brightly lit squid-boat and crew too busy to do more than just wave at the people on shore. This idea is not tenable when one realizes that Gill was certain that the object he saw was at a 30 degree elevation in the sky. A more radical attempt to dispose of the Gill case came from UFO skeptic Daniel Cohen in his book Myths of the Space Age.

The Boiani visitations are enshrined in a classic piece of Australian fiction. Novelist Randolph Stow’s 1979 book “Visitants”, which has the Boiani visitations as a backdrop to a striking story of confrontation and disintegration, emerged from Stow’s experience as a cadet patrol officer in Papua-New Guinea. He was an assistant to the Government Anthropologist. His novel opens with this sentence: ‘On 26 June 1959, at Boiani in Papua, visitants appeared to the Reverend William Booth Gill, himself a visitant of thirteen years standing, and to thirty-seven witnesses of another color.’

The Boianai ‘visitants’ still stand as remarkable evidence for an impressive aerial anomaly and are regarded as some of the best entity reports on record. At the time of writing I spoke again with Gill. He still remains puzzled by what he saw and was pleased that an authority like Dr Hynek had independently interviewed him and some of the other witnesses and traveled to the site. While he accepts that the sightings remain unexplained, he questioned my characterization of some attempts to explain them as ‘silly’. He felt that these ‘explanations’ were serious attempts to bring understanding to the events. I think that attitude encapsulate the integrity of Gill and the reality of the affair.

In 1973 Alien Hynek visited Australia and Papua New Guinea and found six of the witnesses to the Boianai events. They all supported Gill’s version of what had happened.

…..based on Reverend Gill’s own written statement prepared on location in 1959 and interviews with Gill I undertook, in particular in 1978;

See also “Papua/Father Gill revisited”, International UFO Reporter, November and December 1977 (CUFOS) and Jerome Clark, “Close Encounters: History’s Best Case.”, Fate, February 1978. VISITANTS AT BLENHEIM: Dykes 1981, 34-38; Stott 1984, 123-126; Chalker 1992, 349-350

Quoted Directly from Bill Chalker “The Oz Files” Duffy & Snellgrove Sydney 1996 ISBN 1 875989 04 8. pages 91 – 98 and 232. Copies of this excellent book can no doubt be obtained by ringing Tower Books on Oz (02) 9975 5566 It is *full* of remarkable and well-documented cases.


Bonaiai è un villaggio che sorge su una piccola lingua di terra creata nel Maser River dove quest’ultimo fuoriesce da un gorgo profondo dagli Owen Stanleys. Si trova sul lato meridionale della Goodenough Bay, a circa venti miglia da Menapi. Circa quattro miglia verso l’interno sorgono alte le montagne culminanti in due picchi che dominano il gorgo da tutte le parti, Monte Nuanua e Monte Pudi. Sono alte circa 1300 metri. Dietro di esse sorgono varie catene montuose, fino al Monte Simpson, alto circa 3300 metri, che domina tutta la catena.
Sulla spiaggia troviamo la Stazione della Missione di Tutti i Santi, a Bonaiai, con una chiesa corallina di cemento e vari edifici della missione. E’ rivolta verso nord, mentre la spiaggia va da nord/ovest a sud/est. Guarda sulle basse colline di Giwa e Menapi sulla Penisola di Capo Vogel.
Il Missionario in Carica, il Rev. William Booth Gill, è un mio vecchio amico. E’ venuto a Papua con me nel 1946. Era sulla sua piccola barca di cinque metri e navigava a circa un miglio sotto osta e stava tornando a casa dopo la visita ad una stazione periferica. Erano le 18.50, e stava per diventare scuro. Il tempo era sereno sopra di lui, ma c’erano nuvole e nuvoloni tutt’intorno. Le montagne erano un profilo scuro contro il cielo ancora luminoso.

Improvvisamente notò una brillante luce bianca “come una lampada Tilley”, apparentemente posata in alto sul fianco del Monte Pudi, non lontano dalla cima. Calcolò che la luce si trovasse a circa 150 metri dalla cima. Rimase molto incuriosito da quella luce, ma non eccessivamente, e così distolse lo sguardo, continuando a leggere il suo libro. Cinque minuti dopo alzò di nuovo lo sguardo, ma la montagna era al buio. La luce era scomparsa. La cosa gli sembrò di nuovo strana, ma non le diede importanza, e continuò a leggere. Dopo altri cinque minuti fu nuovamente consapevole della presenza della luce, che risplendeva su un fianco della montagna, ma con sua sorpresa splendeva da una posizione completamente diversa, sul lato opposto della montagna. Si era spostata di un buon miglio verso est, cosa abbastanza impossibile se fosse stata portata da un uomo.

Però, padre Gill non si rese conto del significato di quello che aveva visto, e distolse di nuovo lo sguardo. Quando successivamente guardò da quella parte, la luce era scomparsa, e non ricomparve più. Il mattino seguente esaminò la montagna alla luce del giorno, e si rese conto che non c’erano case o villaggi e nemmeno tracce di vita umana lassù, ma solo i lati a picco delle montagne. Soltanto quando ricevette una mia lettera a proposito dei più recenti avvistamenti di Giwa gli venne in mente che avrebbe potuto trattarsi di un UFO.

Padre Gill fu di nuovo testimone di un’osservazione successiva che avvenne il 26 giugno 1959. Questa volta c’erano trentotto testimoni in tutto, e le loro descrizioni dell’UFO e dei suoi occupanti sono diventate classiche. Quello che segue è un estratto di un rapporto sull’evento steso dal Rev. Cruttwell.

Padre Gill aveva appena cenato ed uscì dalla porta principale della Casa della Missione. C’è un piccolo fraticello, ed alcuni alberi, comprese palme da cocco, e poi una discesa di circa quindici metri verso la spiaggetta sottostante.
Lanciò distrattamente un’occhiata al cielo cercando Venere, che in quel periodo era molto luminosa. Per usare le sue parole: “Ho visto Venere, ma ho visto anche quell’oggetto scintillante che mi sembrò molto strano proprio perché scintillava, e perché era veramente molto luminoso ed era vicino a Venere e così rimasi a guardarlo per un po’, dopo di che lo vidi discendere verso di noi”.

Stephen Gill Moi (un maestro della missione nativo del posto), che si unì a Padre Gill qualche minuto dopo, lo descrisse come “splendente con una brillante luce bianca, come una lampada Tilley”. Ananias (un lavoratore indigeno) si servì esattamente della stessa espressione. Stephen sottolinea che sembrava sciogliersi e svanire e poi diventare più luminoso, come se si stesse avvicinando ed allontanando. A un certo punto si avvicinò abbastanza e rimase immobile ad un’altezza che Padre Gill calcolò tra i 130 ed i 150 metri, anche se ammette che è stato molto difficile giudicare l’altitudine, di notte, senza conoscere le dimensioni dell’oggetto. Calcola il suo diametro apparente come dodici centimetri tenuti alla distanza di un braccio. Stephen disse che se allungava una mano chiusa a pugno riusciva a coprirne metà.

Padre Gill dichiara che cambiò da una brillante luce bianca, quando era molto lontano, ad un giallo opaco, o forse arancione pallido, quando venne più vicina. Alla domanda se pensava che si trattasse di un oggetto metallico, rispose:
“Bé, sembrava solido, certamente non trasparente né poroso; possiamo solo dire che fosse metallico in base alla nostra esperienza di cose che viaggiano e trasportano uomini”.

Tutti i testimoni sono d’accordo sul fatto che era circolare, che aveva una grossa base ed una parte superiore più stretta, che sotto aveva delle specie di gambe; che di tanto in tanto produceva una lama di luce azzurra che splendeva in alto verso il cielo a un angolo di circa quarantacinque gradi e che in cima comparvero quattro “figure umane”.
Due testimoni dichiararono di aver visto circa quattro oblò o finestrini sulla fiancata, che hanno indicato nei loro disegni. Essi non compaiono invece nei disegni di Padre Gill. Commentando questi disegni disse: “Ho visto quelli che sembravano pannelli sul fianco dell’oggetto che brillava un po’ più luminoso del resto, ma non li ho interpretati come oblò. Per questo non li ho indicati nel mio disegno approssimativo”.

Discutendo l’aspetto dell’oggetto e dei suoi occupanti, il rapporto del Rev. Cruttwell continua:

C’è una certa discrepanza tra i calcoli dei vari testimoni sul numero di gambe, anche se tutti convengono che erano divise in due gruppi. Padre Gill tiene a sottolineare che c’erano quattro gambe, aperte, due per parte, un po’ divergenti.
Ho riprodotto il disegno di Padre Gill e i disegni di tre testimoni per poterli paragonare, disegni che sembrano comprendere il vero aspetto dell’oggetto così come si ricava dalla descrizione dei testimoni.
Riportiamo qui i commenti di Padre Gill sugli “uomini”:

“Mentre lo guardavamo (l’oggetto) da esso uscirono degli uomini e comparvero nella parte superiore, su quella che sembrava una piattaforma sulla sommità di quel grosso disco. In tutto c’erano quattro uomini, in certi momenti due, poi uno, poi tre, poi ancora quattro; annotammo le varie occasioni in cui tali uomini comparvero. E poi in seguito tutti quei testimoni che furono abbastanza sicuri del fatto che le nostre registrazioni erano corrette, e che concordavano con esse, e video gli uomini nello stesso momento in cui li vidi io… poterono firmare la loro testimonianza su quella che abbiamo interpretato come un’attività umana o comunque di creature di qualche tipo poste sull’oggetto stesso”.
“Un’altra cosa peculiare era questa lama di luce blu, che emanava da quello che sembrava il centro del disco. Gli uomini sembravano illuminati non solo dalla luce che si rifletteva su di loro, ma anche da una specie di bagliore che li circondava completamente insieme al veicolo. Il bagliore non li toccava, ma sembrava esserci un po’ di spazio tra il loro profilo e la luce. Ho cercato di indicarlo nel disegno. Sembravano illuminati in due modi: (a) da luce riflessa, come gli uomini visti al lavoro in alto su un edificio di notte, ed illuminati dal bagliore di una lampada ossiacetilenica, e (b) da questa curiosa aureola che li delineava, seguendo ogni contorno delle loro figure senza però mai toccarli. In effetti sembravano essere illuminati nello stesso modo in cui lo era la macchina”.
Tutto questo è indicato nel diagramma di Padre Gill.

Alla domanda se pensasse che quegli uomini indossassero tute spaziali, rispose: “Non saprei dirlo. Può anche darsi; la cosa mi sembrerebbe una spiegazione possibile del doppio profilo, ma non vidi nessuna tuta effettiva”.
Gli chiesi se avesse potuto vedere qualche dettaglio, come per esempio il colore della loro epidermide. Rispose che erano troppo lontani per poter vedere tali dettagli, ma che comunque avrebbe detto che probabilmente erano pallidi. Per quanto riguarda i dettagli dei loro corpi, l’unica cosa di cui poteva essere sicuro era che avevano il contorno di normali esseri umani dalla cintura in su. Le loro gambe erano nascoste dai lati del veicolo. Se portavano abiti, erano estremamente aderenti.

La seconda notte

L’oggetto tornò la sera seguente e ripeté le sue esibizioni. Un astronomo americano, il Dr. Menzel, ha dichiarato che l’oggetto che tutti i testimoni stavano guardando eccitati era il pianeta Venere!
Questa ipotesi può essere rifiutata su basi astronomiche, per non parlare delle altre. Il 27 giugno, il sole tramonta, ora locale, alle 18.15; quindi il cielo sarebbe stato ancora parecchio luminoso alle 18.02, quando secondo le annotazioni di Padre Gill, fu chiamato per andare a vedere un oggetto sufficientemente chiaro nel cielo da provocare costernazione tra i nativi del luogo. Venere semplicemente non avrebbe mai potuto apparire così chiara in un cielo ancora azzurro.
Il Reverendo Cruttwell, che conosce molto bene il terreno montagnoso di Bonaiai, conferma personalmente questo fatto:

Alle 18 il sole sarebbe andato dietro le montagne, ed il cielo rimane brillante fino alle 18.30. Non diventa realmente buio fino almeno alle 18.45. Ciò esclude qualsiasi possibilità che l’oggetto sia stato un pianeta, quale Venere, che non avrebbe potuto essere tanto luminoso così presto. Riportiamo qui il rapporto di Padre Gill sugli eventi di sabato 27 giugno:
“Un grosso UFO fu avvistato per primo da Annié Laurie Borwa, un’assistente medico papuana, apparentemente nella stessa posizione della notte precedente. Erano all’incirca le ore 18”.
Chiamò Padre Gill, che uscì intorno alle 18.02, e vide anch’egli l’oggetto. Aveva lo stesso aspetto dell’oggetto della notte precedente, ma sembrava un po’ più piccolo, probabilmente a causa dell’accresciuta distanza. 

Padre Gill continua:
“Ho chiamato Ananias e parecchie altre persone, e siamo rimasti all’aperto a guardare. Anche se il sole era tramontato dietro le montagne, c’era luce sufficiente per i seguenti quindici minuti. Guardammo delle figure apparire in cima… erano quattro… non c’è dubbio che fossero umane. Questi è probabilmente lo stesso oggetto che considerai “nave madre” la notte precedente. Due UFO più piccoli vennero avvistati nello stesso momento, stazionanti, uno sopra le colline, a ovest, e un altro sopra di noi.
“Sul più grande, due delle figure sembravano intente a fare qualcosa vicino al centro del disco… di tanto in tanto si piegavano ed alzavano le braccia come se stesero regolando e “sistemando” qualcosa di non visibile. Una figura sembrava in piedi, e ci guardava dall’alto (eravamo circa una dozzina)”.

Padre Gill, descrivendo in seguito questa scena al Rev. Cruttwell, gli disse che “l’uomo” era in piedi con le mani sulla “ringhiera” e guardava in basso, “proprio come si potrebbe guardare dal ponte di una nave”. Il rapporto di Padre Gill continua:

“Alzai” le mani sopra la testa e feci un cenno di saluto. Con nostra grande sorpresa quella figura restituì il saluto.
Ananias e tutti noi cominciammo ad agitare le braccia e tutti e quattro sembrarono rispondere ai nostri saluti. Sembrava non esserci alcun dubbio sul fatto che stavano rispondendo ai nostri movimenti. Tutti i ragazzi della missione emisero grida percepibili (di gioia o di sorpresa, o forse entrambe le cose).
“Mentre il bio stava scendendo, mandai Kodawa a prendere una pila, dopo di che diressi una serie ritmata di lampi verso l’UFO. Dopo un paio di minuti, l’UFO evidentemente riconobbe il segnale e cominciò a fare diversi movimenti in avanti e indietro (in direzione laterale, come un pendolo)”.
“I nostri saluti vennero ripetuti, e la cosa fu seguita da altri lampi della pila, poi l’UFO cominciò lentamente a diventare più grande, evidentemente si stava muovendo verso di noi. Smise di avvicinarsi dopo circa mezzo minuto e da quel momenti rimase immobile”.
“Dopo altri due o tre minuti quelle figure persero evidentemente ogni interesse per noi, in quanto scomparvero sotto coperta”.
“Alle 18.25 due figure ricomparvero, riprendendo quello che stavano facendo prima dell’interruzione. La lama di luce blu ricomparve per qualche secondo, due volte in successione”.


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