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НЛО. Аргентина

ID #1637319519
Добавлен пт, 19/11/2021
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
16.11.2021 07:00
Колония Санта-Тереза ​​в Куинто-Меридиано

Аргентина: женщина утверждает, что свет унес ее на 60 километров

 (Хасинто Араус) - Весь вторник днем ​​и вечером в южной части Хасинто Араус велись интенсивные поиски. Когда она исчезла из своего обычного места жительства, вчера утром ее обнаружил патруль Колония Санта-Тереза ​​в Куинто-Меридиано, недалеко от полицейского участка в этом месте, что в 65 километрах от того места, где ее видели в последний раз. Дело рассматривается в окружной прокуратуре Дженерал Ачи.

 Женщину доставили в больницу Гуатраше, а затем отправили в учреждение в Дженерал Ача для проведения более точных исследований, поскольку она могла общаться только посредством письма, по-видимому, в результате нахождения в состоянии шока.

 В больнице в Гуатраше женщина сообщила врачам - в письменной форме - что она была в своем загородном доме, когда услышала шум и вышла на задний двор, где ее ослепил свет, а затем она появилась там, где ее нашли, в Куинто-Меридиано, в 5 км к югу от полицейского участка Гуатраше, ничего не может вспомнить. Из-за ее состояния ее отправили к Дженерал Ача для проведения тестов, которые могут исключить любое существующее состояние здоровья, так как она была физически в хорошей форме.

 Матиас Альварес, начальник полиции в Хасинто Араус, рассказал LA ARENA о мобилизации местных и районных пожарных, сотрудников полиции, поисково-спасательного персонала с обученными собаками и признал, что поиски были безнадежными. Собаки следовали по ее следу на расстоянии до 150 метров от дома, прежде чем отвернуться, как будто потеряв запах.

Наконец, вчера утром стало известно, что ее нашли в описанном месте, и вскоре последовали вопросы, в том числе, учитывая ее физическое состояние, она не могла пройти 65 километров, тем более что родственники сказали, что тысячи метров ходьбы было достаточно, чтобы утомлять ее.

 В настоящее время ситуация, с которой столкнулась женщина, находится в руках окружного прокурора в Дженерал Ача, поскольку в то время там было возбуждено дело о пропавших без вести.

 Все это произошло во вторник утром, когда партнер женщины вернулся домой после посещения другого загородного дома и обнаружил, что ее нет. Не найдя ее, он связался с родственниками и сделал соответствующие уведомления. К поисковикам добавились полиция и пожарные, а также поисково-спасательный персонал с обученными собаками.

Всю ночь в помещениях и соседних владениях в районе, известном как Куатро Эскинас, примерно в 25 км к юго-востоку от населенного пункта Хасинто Араус, велись безумные обыски. Вчера рано утром с мобильного телефона женщины была получена фотография, на которой была определена улица, которую нельзя было определить как местную. Через несколько минут стало известно, что она была найдена полицией в Колония Санта-Тереза.


Ирма Рик, главная героиня дела, живет со своим мужем в сельской местности примерно в 20 километрах от города Хасинто Араус (Ла-Пампа), где разворачивается рассматриваемый эпизод. 

Во вторник, 16 ноября 2021 года, ее муж рано утром ушел на работу в другой объект. В 07:00 женщина с мобильным телефоном в руке замечает своего рода «помехи» на устройстве, при этом слыша шум сильного ветра. 

В это время отключилось электричество, и она вышла на улицу, чтобы «исследовать» - она ​​прошла около 10 метров и теряет память и представление о времени. Она помнит только, что видела яркий белый свет, который не позволял ей нормально открывать глаза. (Сразу после случившегося она утверждала, что вообще не видела никакого света, как поначалу писали многие новостные агентства, и что это было продано публике).

Через несколько часов, когда муж вернулся, он позвонил ей на мобильный, и никто не ответил. Он позвонил родственникам, и начался обыск с соответствующим заявлением в полицию о «установлении ее местонахождения», операции, в которой принимали участие сотрудники районной полиции. 

Ближе к вечеру мужу позвонили с телефона жены, но все, что можно было услышать, - это акустический звук, похожий на звук ветра или «турбины». 

Официальный обыск продолжался всю ночь, но не дал положительных результатов.

Среда, ноябрь 17

На рассвете в 05:10 женщина «появляется» сидящей на проселочной дороге с протянутыми руками к ногам. Она постепенно приходит в сознание и попыталась связаться со своими тремя сыновьями, которые живут в Араузе, используя функцию текстовых сообщений на своем телефоне. Они, в свою очередь, отвечают видеозвонком, который относительно успешно определяет ее географическое положение. Впоследствии женщина сфотографировала окрестности и отправила их обратно, чтобы они знали, где она находится. 

Время шло, и примерно в 10:30 утра - пять часов спустя - она ​​была найдена полицией в окрестностях Гуратрахе, примерно в 60 километрах от того места, где она «исчезла». Ее доставили в местную больницу, а затем в больницу в Генерал Ача. В этот момент вмешивается д-р Хуан Баутиста Мендес из прокуратуры.

По словам главных героев, поисково-спасательный персонал сказал, что она представила «профиль нечистоты и запаха», а в больнице сделали компьютерную томографию. Никаких травм или жестокого обращения со стороны супруга не обнаружено, за исключением отметки на коже головы, не представляющей никакого риска. 

С юридической точки зрения дело закрыто, и она найдена в целости и сохранности. Однако женщина умоляет узнать, что с ней случилось.


Этим утром (16.03.2022), давая интервью программе "Bahia Hoy" на La Brújula 24, Ирма сделала ошеломляющее открытие. 

«Я беременна от космического пришельца», — сказала она.

 Хотя она начала презентацию с того, что попросила денег, «потому что я бедная старуха, работающая в поле», она также добавила, что «ей есть что рассказать».

 Далее она сказала:

«Я прохожу тесты, потому что могу забеременеть от инопланетянина. Я не прошу многого, мне нужно сделать кучу дел, просто немного помочь. УЗИ и тому подобное. Я якобы забеременела, когда меня забрали».

 В заключение она сказала:

«Я пока не появляюсь, чувствую дискомфорт от того, что со мной что-то происходит. Я должна посоветоваться с прокурором, так как она не хочет, чтобы я говорила слишком много». 



Анализ телефонов «не дал никакой интересующей информации, согласно отчету, опубликованному Отделом анализа телекоммуникаций провинциальной полиции.

 Таким образом, предполагаемое исчезновение Ирмы Рик сводится к аномальной ситуации, которую закон не будет расследовать, кроме гарантии того, что преступление не было совершено.

Оригинальная новость

Source: La Arena (Argentina) www.laarena.com.ar

Date: 11.18.2021

 Argentina: Woman Claims Light Carried Her 60 Kilometers Away

 (Jacinto Arauz) - An intense search was carried out all Tuesday afternoon and evening in southern Jacinto Arauz. When she vanished from her customary place of residence, she was found yesterday morning by a patrol of Colonia Santa Teresa in Quinto Meridiano, not far from the police station at that location, which is 65 kilometers distant from where she was last seen. The District Attorney's office of General Acha is looking into the case.

 The woman was taken to the Guatraché Hospital and then sent to the facility at General Acha in order to conduct more precise studies, since she could only communicate via writing, seemingly as a result of being in a state of shock.

 At the hospital in Guatraché the woman told physicians - in written form - that she was in her country house when she heard a noise and stepped out into the back yard, where she was blinded by a light and then appeared where she was found, at Meridiano QUinto, 5 kilometers south of the Guatraché police station, unable to remember a thing. Due to her condition, she was sent to General Acha in order to carry out tests that may discard any existing health condition, as she was physically in good shape.

 Matías Alvarez, the chief of police in Jacinto Arauz, told LA ARENA about the mobilization of local and area firefighters, police personnel, search and rescue personnel with trained dogs, and admitted that the search was a desperate one. The dogs would follow her trail up to 150 meters of the house before turning away, as if having lost the scent.

 Finally, yesterday morning it was learned that she had been found at the described location and questions soon followed, among them, given her physical condition, it was impossible for her to walk 65 kilometers, especially as relatives said a thousand meter walk was enough to tire her out.

 For the time being, the situation experienced by the woman is in the hands of the district attorney's office in General Acha, as a missing persons file was opened there at the time.

 It all happened Tuesday morning, when the woman's partner returned home after a visit to another rural property, only to find her gone. Being unable to find her, he contacted relatives and made the proper notifications. Police and firefighters were added to the search, as well as search-and-rescue personnel with trained dogs.

A frantic search was conducted all night in the premises and neighboring properties in the area known as Cuatro Esquinas, approximately 25 kilometers southeast of locality of Jacinto Arauz. Early yesterday morning, a photo was received from the woman's cellphone, identifying a street that could not be identified as a local one. Minutes later, it was learned that she had been found by police at Colonia Santa Teresa.


[Translation (c) 2021 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Marcelo Metayer]


Argentina: The "Teleporting Woman" Mystery Continues


Source: Maraco Digital and Marcelo Metayer

Date: November 17 2021

 Argentina: The "Teleporting Woman" Mystery Continues

  Jacinto Araúz - La Pampa

November 17, 2021

 - Phone calls were made from the Araúz woman's phone; a mechanical buzzing sound could be heard.

- The woman vanished for 24 hours.

 The woman, whose 24 hour long disappearance was made known by her partner, appeared some 60 kilometers distant without showing any signs of having covered the distance on foot, according to reports.

The mystery deepened when it was ascertained that on Tuesday afternoon, phone calls were made from her phone to several relatives. However, all that could be heard was a sound some compared to the wind and others with a mechanical buzzing sound.

 The protagonist of the event 'awoke' seated on a rural road near the 5th Meridian, the geographic border between the provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires. After getting her bearings, she walked several meters until she was able to get a signal on her cellphone, sending out photos of the landscape to help people find her. This was successful, as she located by a police patrol. Residents of  Jacinto Araúz highlighted the heavy movement of police forces and volunteer firefighters from neighboring communities, the police dog section and the forensic police.

 The woman was in a deep state of shock that kept her from uttering a single word. She was transferred to the Guatraché Hospital, where she wrote about "having heard a loud noise in the back yard" and "having been enveloped in a bright light like that of an operating room", remembering nothing else.

 At this point, the narrative becomes confused, since it was not possible to determine if she was aware when the phone calls to relatives were placed, and the circumstances under which she made them.

 Another detail is that the woman reported having a headache, presenting a slash injury on one of her temples. The decision was made to send her to the General Acha Hospital for a series of tests.

 It was also learned that at the site she had made reference to 'lights' which she drew, and which almost surely will be available to the authorities investigating this strange case.

 Some investigation sources determined that the woman had experienced strange incident years ago - one in which she witnessed an odd, low-flying object in the year 2002, a time when many similar events were reported.

 To researchers, this is one of the 'hot spots' of regional ufology, due to the memorable "Dorado Incident" having taken place there 19 years ago. In 1980, a witness reported numerous strange ground markings had been left behind by a giant 'bucket' shaped object.

 The presence of a red-eyed creature was also reported in the area, after which two mutilated cows were found on a property. A number of cattle mutilations took place in the area during the pandemic, exhibiting a new behavior on the part of its perpetrators: they would "return on the following night' to remove soft tissue from their victims.

 [Translation (c) 2021 S. Corrales, IHU with special thanks to Marcelo Metayer]


Argentina: Interview with Irma About her Teleportation (or Abduction) Experience

[An interview with the experience, conducted by Marco Bustamante (interviewer), Esteban (news presenter) and an unidentified woman, also a presenter for CRONICA-TV. Irma is the woman abducted by an alleged UFO in La Pampa. She saw a very bright light in her patio, vanished for 24 hours, and reappeared 65 kilometers away.]

Interviewer: We’re here in La Pampa with Irma. What a fright!

Irma: Yes, it was a fright. I don’t even know how to explain it.

Interviewer: Could you tell us what happened?

Irma: Yes, see here. My husband went away to look after another property and…he left, and I got up, had two or three cups of mate, I played around with the phone and such, drinking mate early in the morning, then the phone began getting crisscrossed with lines, like when the service is going out –

Interviewer; [interrupts] So it was interference?

Irma: Yes, yes. I suddenly began hearing a buzzing, like when the wind whistles against a window

Interviewer: A windstorm on the phone

Irma: Yes, a buzzing, a loud whistling, so, ah, I told myself –

Interviewer: But it was outside?

Irma: I’ll tell you. When I looked at the phone, and heard this sound, I went outside, thinking my husband had forgotten something. I stepped out as far as there [points] where that little dog is.


[camera pans right]

Irma: Up to there. That’s as far as I remember. Ten meters. I remember nothing more.

Interviewer: So four or five meters to the dog, and you lost sight of everything?

Irma: By the time I got here, I had no memory of anything.

Interviewer: [to camera] Friends, Irma is the woman about whom everyone has spoken, but this is the first time she’s speaking out.

News Presenter: Mirta, it’s such a pleasure to speak with you…

Interviewer: Irma, Irma

News Presenter: I’m so sorry, I’m awful with names. I apologize. Tell me, what is it that you remember?

Irma: As far as remembering, I remember very little. All I remember is the interference to my phone, the signal was lost. At that time, I stepped outside to where we have a covered porch, and I recall nothing else after that. I didn’t see any lights or anything at all. All I heard was the wind, a lot of wind, like an incredibly powerful wind.

News Presenter: And you woke up the next day somewhere else? Am I right in saying this? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Irma: Yes, yes. Look, all I remember is that I wasn’t sure if it was night or day. I tried to open my eyes and all I could see was lights, many, many lights. And everything was white, as white as snow, you see. Just like that. But that same brightness didn’t let me open my eyes. It was something that kept my eyes from opening up.

News Presenter: And you couldn’t tell if it was day or night, or where you were?

Irma: No, no. No, no, no. Nothing. Nothing at all.

News Presenter: And you couldn’t hear anything or see anything?

Irma: Only the light, a very bright light that made my eyes shut again.

Interviewer: What did you feel?

Irma: I have no idea. No idea whatsoever. The next day I remember –

Woman’s voice: Yes, please tell us.

Interviewer: Go ahead, tell us, tell us.

Irma: What I do remember the next day is that I was sitting on the street with my legs outstretched, my arms on my legs. When I opened my eyes, I saw the street, I was at the edge of the street, I could see the other side, but I don’t remember how long I was sitting there.

Woman: And that’s what I was going to ask you. You disappeared for 24 hours. Do you remember the perception of time that you had? Did you feel 24 hours had gone by?

Irma: No

Woman: Did it feel like six months?

Irma: No, I only know what they told me. I don’t remember how long I was –

News Presenter: Right, and the place you turned up…was it known to you, did you recognize it or not?

Irma: Yes, because I’d gone by there. Which is why I’m telling you, after I got up, I walked around, I felt my body and noticed that I had my phone, right? The phone was in the pocket of my housecoat and it was on.

Woman: Your phone was on?

Irma: I don’t know how long –

Woman: Yes.

Irma: I don’t know how long I wandered around until I began reacting. When I looked at the phone, and saw it was on, I saw the time was 5:10 in the morning. That much I recall.

Reporter: So at what time did you vanish?

Irma: Look, it must have been around 7 in the morning.

Interviewer: 7 in the morning on Monday, and you appeared on 5 in the morning on Tuesday.

Irma: No, I disappeared on a Tuesday and reappeared on Wednesday

Interviewer: Ah, because that hadn’t been ascertained so far, getting the dates right. You were gone on Tuesday and came back on Wednesday.

Irma: Supposedly it was Wednesday.

News Presenter: That means there’s a one-night window of absence between Tuesday and Wednesday

Irma: Yes, yes.

Woman: Twenty-four hours

News Presenter: A little less than that, though. Twelve hours.

Irma: I don’t know, because I was around seven in the morning that I went outside and then appeared the next day as far as I know.

Interviewer: At five-thirty more or less. And when you came to and regained consciousness, you had enough presence of mind to take photos?

Irma: No, that came later. What I did first was phone my children. But I couldn’t speak. I started texting the kids. They tried to video call me, but all I could do was move my hands around, because I couldn’t [speak].

News Presenter: How? How did you move your hands around?

Irma: I moved my hands around because I couldn’t speak. Words wouldn’t come.

News Presenter: But you were able to see your phone?

Irma: Of course, and that’s why I began to text.

Woman: What you did was get in touch by messaging.

Irma: Of course, it was the first thing I did.

News Presenter: In fact, when you got to the hospital, you still weren’t able to speak.

Irma: No, no, it was a long time later that I –

Woman: When were you able to speak?

Irma: I don’t know. I couldn’t tell you. I remember what happened from 5:30 in the morning to around 10:30 more or less.

Interviewer: What did they tell you at the hospital?

Irma: No, nothing. They just asked me questions, much as you’re doing right now. I gestured, because it was the only way I could answer

News Presenter: Irma, evidently, this is the first time you’re telling your story…the possible abduction…is that how you say it? By a UFO, in the enormity of the province of La Pampa. Now, you’ve surely told this to your friends, relatives, acquaintances. How did you say it, and how was it received? Did they believe you or not?

Interviewer: [to News Presenter] Esteban, look at this. This is the first time she’s spoken to anyone about it, except her husband. This is the first time she’s spoken about it.

Irma: And with my kids. I only discussed it with my husband and my kids.

News Presenter: And what did they say?

Irma: What were they going to say? They’re just as startled as me. I would like to know what happened to me, but I still don’t know anything.

News Presenter: But your children…you have two, is that right?

Irma: Three, three.

News Presenter: Your three children and your husband – I understand you all live together there in this farmhouse?

Irma: I’m sorry?

News Presenter: You all live together in the farmhouse?

Irma: No, not at all. My children are in town. I’m out here alone with my husband.

News Presenter: With your husband. So your husband was an entire day without seeing you?

Irma: Yes. Look, maybe it would be better if he told you.

Interviewer: What impresses me is –

News Presenter: [overlapping]

Interviewer: Esteban, do you know what impresses me? Is that to get to the place where she was found, you have to make a complete turn. You have no idea how complicated it is to get here. We’re some 20 kilometers away from the town, but you need at least between forty minutes to an hour by car to get here, because the road isn’t lovely, there are many parts…you even have to drive across a stream…how were able to do all this? What explanation do you have?

Irma:  What can I tell you?

Woman: Your clothes were clean.

Interviewer: When you were found, your clothes were clean.

Irma: Yes, but they said I was very dirty, smelly…at least that what they said.

Interviewer: So you walked 60 kilometers?

News Presenter: Excuse me, if you were able to walk sixty kilometers on rural roads, dusty roads, at the very least your shoes or slippers would be covered in dirt, at the very least. Your clothes too, but the footwear, definitely.

Irma: Yes, but no matter how much, I don’t think I could walk such a distance in that time.

Woman: Irma, did you have any marks on your body?

Irma: Yes, I have something that was done to my head. That’s all I have.

Woman: They did what?

Interviewer: [to Irma] You stay right where you are. We’re going to move the camera to show it. Where is the cut, Irma? Where is the cut on your head?

Irma: On top.

Interviewer: Okay, on top. We’re going to be showing you live this incision that appeared on her head.

[Irma brushes her hair aside with her right hand, camera focuses in to show a dark pink mark on the scalp.]

News Presenter: Look at that cut! so weird. This is incredible, Marco! It’s a meticulous incision. And a tough one to do, am I right?

Irma: What I want is an explanation. How would I do this to myself?

Interviewer: I have a confession to make. You know, Irma’s case made me think of…do you remember the case of the Chinese woman who left Ezeiza Airport, walked a few kilometers, she’d suffered a stroke and was unconsciously doing some things. Did the doctors tell you if you’d had a stroke or anything?

Irma: Well, they took me to [the town of] General Acha, they performed X-rays and [earpiece falls out]

Interviewer: [fumbles to replace Irma’s earpiece]

News Presenter: It’s very strange, the thing about your head.

Woman: Very strange.

Irma: It’s as if –

[On screen caption: “They Performed a Tomography and There’s Nothing To Be Seen”]

Interviewer: Can I ask you a favor? Could you get up and show us where it happened? Come, come, that way we walk around a little [puts earpiece into Irma’s ear. Both walk to the middle of the property. News Presenter thanks Irma for agreeing to the interview]. You were there, by that blue curtain, is that your dining room?

News Presenter: It was seven o’clock in the morning, is that right?

Irma: Yes, yes. That’s the house. [Points to door and a cement path leading to a covered car port] I walked right up to there. From the blue curtain to where the little white car is.

Interviewer: So the abduction took place right there?

Irma: I don’t remember, but I know I got that far.

News Presenter: There’s interference, Marco. Did you step on a wire or is there something else going on?

Interviewer: I’m using the cordless mike, no wires involved.

News Presenter: Maybe I’m going deaf. Anyway, go on, go on.

Interviewer: [Pointing at spot] So that’s where it would have taken place [Buzzing metallic interference becomes noticeable]

Irma: Yes, as far as I know, it was right there. I don’t remember anything beyond that.

Interviewer: [to News Presenter] Esteban, let me tell you…the distance from the door to the entrance of the rural road is at least one kilometer. If there was a vehicle involved, she would have noticed. Right, Irma?

Irma: Yes, I suppose I would have. Aside from that, take a look, all I could hear was the wind. A very strong wind that seemed to suck you in, but that’s where I lost consciousness.

Interviewer: Yes, it’s very odd

News Presenter: The production staff is checking the weather forecast for that day and there was no call for strong winds, at least from what the records show.

Interviewer: [Walks with Irma to the carport, which contains a Mitsubishi SUV. A sleeping dog gets up and walks away. Camera focuses on two sizeable indentations in the soil] We’re standing exactly on the spot where the abduction took place. [Looks at Irma] The place you were kidnapped.

Irma: Yes, yes.

Interviewer: And from here, to the place where you were found, there’s a 60 kilometer distance.

Irma: That’s more or less what they say.

Interviewer: [To News Presenter] But notice something. Irma takes very short steps.

News Presenter: [Interested in the indentations] Would those be the mark, the record, of the event? Am I saying it right or not?

Interviewer: Now we’re noticing the interference. We got cut off.

Woman: Did you notice that?

Interviewer: There’s some sort of interference.

News Presenter: I was saying that those indentations, depressions on the soil…could they be a record of the event? Could it be a key to this investigation?

Interviewer: Was there a ground impression, ma’am?

Irma: No, I don’t think so. Well, I didn’t see anything, so I don’t know.

Interviewer: [To News Presenter] Esteban, a little context here…

News Presenter: Stop, we saw what looked like a pit of some sort. Or is it a natural depression on the soil?

Irma: No, that’s something the dog does.

News Presenter: Oh, OK, nothing to do with it at all. And Irma, could you tell me, how did the animals react? The dog, the cats…how did they react?

Interviewer: Dogs are highly sensitive.

Irma: I couldn’t tell you.

Interviewer: You weren’t there.

Irma: There’s nothing I can say.

Woman: Did you hear them bark?

Irma: Can’t tell you. All I know is that I got this far and…that’s all I know.

Interviewer: This is all very strange, guys. Very, very odd.

News Presenter: Irma, would you be willing to tell your story to an agency tied to the research into these matters?

Irma: No, I didn’t speak to anyone.

News Presenter: But would you be willing to do so?

Irma: Yes, yes.

[Translation and transcription (c) 2021 S. Corrales, IHU]


Viewpoint:  Argentina’s Alleged Abduction in La Pampa

By Luis Burgos (FAO-ICOU)

A Chronology of the Event

Irma Rick, the protagonist of the case, lives with her husband in a rural setting some 20 kilometers from the town of Jacinto Arauz (La Pampa), the setting of the episode in question. On Tuesday, November 16 2021, her husband went off to work at another property in the small hours of the morning. At 0700, the woman, cellphone in hand, notices a sort of “interference” on the device, while hearing the noise of a powerful wind. At that time, the power went out and she went outside to “investigate” – she walked some 10 meters and loses her memory and the notion of time. She only remembers seeing a bright white light that did not allow her to open her eyes in the normal manner. After the event, she claimed not having seen any light whatsoever, as many news outlets had said at first, and as it was sold to the public.

Hours later, upon the husband’s return, he called her cellphone and no one answered. He phoned relatives and a search began, with the corresponding report to the police concerning “finding her whereabouts”, an operation in which regional police elements took part. In the late afternoon, the husband received a call from his wife’s phone, but all that could be heard was an acoustic sound similar to the wind or “a turbine”. The official search continued throughout the night without yielding positive results.

Wednesday, November 17

At 05:10, at daybreak, the woman “appears” sitting down on a rural road, with hands outstretched toward her legs. She slowly regains lucidity and tried to contact her three sons who live in Arauz, using the texting function on her phone. They, in turn, reply with a video call that has relative success in determining her geographic position. The woman subsequently took photos of the surroundings and sent them back so that they would know where she was. Time went by, and approximately 10:30 a.m. – five hours later – she was found by police in the vicinity of Guratraché, some 60 kilometers from where she had ‘vanished’. She is taken to the local hospital and later the Hospital at General Acha. Dr. Juan Bautista Méndez of the public prosecutor’s office intervenes at this point.

According to the protagonists, the search and rescue personnel said that she presented “a profile of uncleanliness and odor” and a computerized tomography is performed at the hospital. No injuries or spousal abuse are detected, except for a mark on her scalp, posing no risk whatsoever. From the legal perspective, the case is closed with her being found safe and sound. The woman, however, pleads to know what happened to her.

Preliminary Conclusions

There is no question that the case requires special treatment by being linked – inexplicably – to the UFO phenomenon by the media, ufologists and peddlers of mystery. Someone threw the first stone and got it rolling.

The journalistic uproar caused by the event drew the attention of the United States, Russian and Europe, according to sensationalist media.

Were NASA, the Pentagon or the KGB getting ready to fly to Argentina? No, nothing of the sort. It drew the attention of UFO groups or researchers abroad, much like a case overseas may draw our own attention. These days, with social media plagued by users, everything connects instantaneously. But when words go unmeasured, they feed a popular fantasy craving mystery. And so it goes.

Among the few “reliable” abductions in our country, there are certain items of physical evidence that back the abductee: ground traces, witnesses, injuries, symptoms, etc. In this case, there is nothing at all beyond the alleged abductee’s story. No official on site investigation took place (scans for radiation, electromagnetism, location of strange marks or prints, animal symptoms, etc.). The response by the police-legal system was regrettable, no matter how one looks at it, regarding the investigation carried out around the house and the place where she appeared. Even more so was to see a television channel engaging in its own UFO circus, contaminating the scene and stopping at nothing to “draw attention with anything that will produce more ratings.”

In ufology, we always say that time is on the side of the researchers. Letting years or even decades go by is a salutary practice. Very juicy elements emerge, especially if the witness ‘changes the story or introduces new elements.’ If this happens, the case would begin to wobble, in street parlance.  More so when the witness has recurrent UFO experiences. For example, following an anomalous experience involving the phenomenon, he/she contacts the UFO researcher once more, adding a new contact, an new encounter, and so forth. In this case, the element working against the woman is that she is the same person (Irma Rick) who acquired certain notoriety in the press in 2002 with an unusual claim, as we shall see:

To Irma Rick, a farmer from Jacinto Arauz, La Pampa, June 19, 2002 had been a day like any other. However, the evening turned into something verging on a nightmare.

The time was approximately 04:30 hours (on the 20th) when unable to sleep due to an injury to her finger, she decided to get up.

“I was wandering around the house when a very bright light began coming into the house, making me think it was a car. It was bluish and came in through the cracks. I opened the door and saw a device floating in the air, above the silo,” she said.

“It was round, judging by the light I could see, and very bright. I could see everything clearly, and it hurt my eyes. I was feeling silly at the moment,” she explained “Suddenly a creature descended. It was elongated, white and transparent. It looked slender and had a sort of head in its upper section. I didn’t notice any hands, feet or eyes. It just hanged there and didn’t move anywhere,” she added.

Rick says she was focused on the strange being for some five minutes until she dropped her flashlight.

“I crouched down without taking my eyes off it. I picked up the flashlight, which was off, and watched it for a few seconds or another minute. Suddenly, it dived into the light and went inside it. The light turned off and I didn’t see where it took off to.

“I closed the window and went outside, thinking there I needed to look at something. I looked upward in an effort to make out a tiny light, but couldn’t see anything else,” added Rick.

The 36-year-old farmer says that she was the only person awake at home during the phenomenon’s appearance, noting that she reacted 20 minutes later, realizing her children were sleeping there, and went to wake them up.

“I couldn’t sleep anymore after that. It’s something that paralyzes you, because I didn’t think to call the children and didn’t remember anything else.”

“The next day, the police climbed to the top of the silo and said the bird droppings were burned. Pigeons no longer stop there like they used to. That’s the only trace they found. “Subsequently, after saying that she was unafraid, she described what happened to a pig she keeps some 50 meters from the house.

“It wasn’t in its usual spot. We walked to the back with the child and couldn’t find her. We searched and she was hiding in a corner. She got up but didn’t come over to eat immediately, as always. Something odd had happened.”

To date, looking through our database to locate in Argentina (and very likely anywhere in the world) an abductee who was taken with a cellphone or that humanoids should have allowed it.  This is a key and basic element used by the police and the authorities of any country to ‘solve’ crimes, thefts, kidnappings, drug trafficking, etc. Current technology allows for the capture of GPS signals through a geo-location system, Wi-Fi, towers/antennae and radio frequencies, enabling a detailed knowledge of the suspect’s whereabouts, as well as calls made or received previously. In the case of this lady, her cellphone, whose battery was remarkably unaffected inside a UFO, was activated on 3 occasions. Twice on Tuesday and once on Wednesday. That is enough. If the prosecutor in charge did not keep her cellphone, she should have turned it over to him in good faith, and the case would’ve been solved in a matter of hours or days. That way, she herself, her relatives, the media, and ufologists, would know whether the protagonist was kidnapped on the Moon, Mars, and underground bunker in an American desert or in Guatraché o Macachín. Very simple, very neat, but there must be – I repeat – the will of a single party. We have the elements to say that this is – from a legal standpoint – one of the easiest UFO cases to solve, which cannot be said of others. Tracking the cellphone becomes the key that opens the door to the truth. What would have happened if the lady hadn’t taken her cellphone with her? It was simply her word against anyone caring to refute her. Therefore, was not surrendering the mobile unit the great failure of the case? Time, once again, is in our favor. And Irma Rick has the last word.

Finally, it is striking that this case presents ‘condiments’ drawn from three other cases that happened to take place in that province, such as the cases of Julio Platner (Winifreda), Raul Dorado (also in Jacinto Arauz) and Sergio Puchetta (in Dorila). There is a very specific extraction of each of these which make up the landscape of Irma Rick’s alleged abduction. Highly suggestive.


Argentina: Further Developments in the Irma Rick Abduction Case

By Luis Burgos (FAO/ICOU)


One can count - on the fingers of one's hand - the number of UFO cases in which the Justice Ministry has played a part. But when it has occurred, the cases acquire unexpected dimensions, for it is no longer up to UFOs or journalists to research - but up to a given court and a judge or prosecutor assuming the roles of actors in charge of shedding light on the matter. In it, policemen, physicians, experts, etc. will play a part, striving to gather the greatest possible amount of evidence tied to the case. Any element of strangeness slanting the case toward the 'anomalous' or 'what can be explained in terms of science' will be validated or dismissed weeks, days or months after the case is closed.

Bearing in mind the episode of the probable abduction of Mrs. Irma Rick in Jacinto Araúz (La Pampa), ufologists, the press and the public at large split into factions of credibility vs. skepticism. There are still many dark areas to be clarified, particularly when the protagonist of the case does not remember other sequences aside from those that have already been made known, and which coincide with other close encounter ordeals. No progress has been made beyond that point.

But the possible abduction of Irma Rick by an unknown aircraft isn't merely another case - it is one of a kind in the world: a human being entering a UFO carrying a cellphone. This would the dream of any abductee - carrying a portable device aboard and having the object's crew allow it! Can you imagine for a moment Betty and Barney hill having a phone inside their captors' UFO? Or here in our country, Dionisio Llanca, Carlos Diaz or Juancito Perez (who wasn't abducted, but was able to gain entry into a UFO), just to name a few well-known ones? It is for such a reason that this case merits special treatment beyond the "UFO circus" and journalistic or ufological 'scoops'. This little instrument now becomes the key to it all. This is where words come to an end, along with on-site investigations by whoever reached the site first, second or third, future interviews with Mrs. Rick, the shows, ufological opinions leading the case in one direction or another, etc. More of the same. That's all over now. Perhaps even the witness herself. The scientific proof so longed for is now in the hands of the judicial authorities of La Pampa, which can technologically lead us into a new UFO Illusion or a new hoax.

It may seem simple, but cellphones have played a role in solving crimes, kidnappings, extortion, etc. in a swift and efficient manner, and it is for this reason that the Irma Rick case isn't merely another case for the UFO ghetto. It is a 'swing case', marking a before and after for future abduction cases. The fact that it is intriguing, disquieting or entrancing does not mean that it cannot be easily solved. Therefore, we went straight to the source of the investigation.

The Word of the Judiciary

The 3rd Judicial District of General Acha (La Pampa) has intervened as the competent body in this case. Dr. Juan Bautista Méndez took over the case in the court of first instance, but within a few days, investigative continuity fell to Dr. María Virginia Antón, deputy prosecutor, who was elevated to the position in June 2021. Both magistrates belong to the Sole Office of the Public Prosecutor (OUMPF). We reached out to her to get the specifics of the case, and she kindly granted us an interview, from which arise the following:

- The case has been marked as a PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION.

- The investigation aims at dismissing all "suspicious" that the event might have had: Spousal abuse, kidnapping, extortion, injury, etc.

- Irma Rick's smartphone is in the hands of judiciary at Dr. Antón's request. Her expert investigation is on the account of the corresponding division, located in Santa Rosa, the provincial seat.

- At first, a story circulated about Irma Rick's spouse's smartphone having also been taken. Dr. Antón denied this.

- A medical report has been attached to the cause of action.

- In principle, a report by an interdisciplinary team that visited the protagonist is yet to be attached.

- The expert report on the infamous smartphone should be ready by February/March, as this matter takes time and Judicial Recess begins in January.

- The results of the expert investigation will not be made public. Notice will be given to the parties involved, which is understandable. This excludes the possibility of "leaks" which are common in such proceedings.


In recent days, I laughed at how some ufologists and journalists "are astonished" by how so many cases could happen in La Pampa. For years now, my report "LA PAMPA: KEY PROVINCE OF THE UFO PHENOMENON" has been posted to a number of websites, and I have not stopped repeating this assertion in any conference, meeting, newspaper article or congress that I attended. It seems that many are just now 'discovering' La Pampa following the events at Jacinto Araúz. And it makes us wonder...if the Irma Rick case falls apart, collapses, or otherwise becomes uncertain, does it change Pampean case histories to any extent? Absolutely not. Going back to this intricate experience, it is evident that the Judiciary will take its time. We should not expect incredible results of any kind. In the coming months or years, the Irma Rick Case will serve to set a precedent in the subject of abductions and witnesses with smartphones. In closing, the words said more than once by Dr. María Virginia Antón still resonate in my ears: "We investigate earthly matters."


(FAO/ICOU) and LaBrújula24.com (Argentina)

Date: March 16 2022

Argentina: Vanishing Woman Thinks She's Pregnant By Aliens

"I think I'm pregnant by an alien."

 Irma Rick is the resident of [the town of] Jacinto Aráuz who claimed having been abducted by a UFO in November [2021]. Her case made the news throughout the country. "I need to have a bunch of tests done," she said.

 Irma Rick, a resident of Jacinto Aráuz, disappeared on 16 November last year and was the protagonist of a true enigma, as she was found 65 kilometers distant from her home one day later, and she herself claimed to have been conveyed by a white light.

 This morning, while interviewed by the "Bahía Hoy" program on La Brújula 24, Irma made a stunning disclosure. "I'm pregnant by a space alien," she said.

 While she began the presentation by asking for money, "because I'm a poor old woman who works in the fields", she also added that "she had many things to tell."

 She went on to say: "I'm undergoing tests, because I could be pregnant by the alien. I'm not asking for much, I have to have a bunch of things done, just a little help. Tomorrow I have to have ultrasounds and such. I supposedly got pregnant when they took me."

 She ended by saying: "I'm not showing yet, I feel discomfort, things are happening to me. I have to consult with the prosecutor, as she doesn't want me saying too much." 

[Translation (c) 2022 IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos and La Brújula24.com]


 The Inevitable Conclusion of the Irma Rick Case

 Source: La Arena and FAO / ICOU

Date: 08.19.2022

 Alleged Abduction: No Crime Committed

 (Jacinto Araúz) - Irma Rick and her partner finally recovered their cellphones after these had been held over for expert analysis, and no elements were discovered for further investigation.

 The investigation began on 16 November last year when the woman suddenly vanished in the morning without leaving a trace from a field located some 25 kilometers from [the town] of Jacinto Araúz. She was found the next day near Santa Teresa.

 Judicial sources confirmed that "none of the crimes under investigation were found upon opening the devices, and the case was dismissed, as there is no crime to prosecute."

 The missing woman was found some 18 hours later by a patrol in Santa Teresa, one kilometer from the Guatraché Checkpoint on the 5th Meridian. According to members of the police, she was in shock. The case was originally assigned to the Court of the Third Judicial Circuit, based in General Acha and presided by Virginia Antón, who ordered a series of expert valuations. The result of these shows there were no third parties involved.

 The case was then handed to prosecutor Juan Bautista Méndez, who explained that "this investigation was closed without the causes for which this woman disappeared from a field, and her subsequent appearance in a distant location, having been established."

 Interviewed by LA ARENA, he added that "the causes could not be determined, and the authorship or participation of another party in the disappearance could not be established. The situations brought up by this lady, linked with a supposed alien abduction, were not investigated beyond journalistic sources".

 Finally, he ratified that the analysis of the phones "did not yield any information of interest, according to the report issued by the Telecommunications Analysis Division of the provincial police. This is a very strange case," he concluded.

 Thus, Irma Rick's alleged disappearance is reduced to an anomalous situation - one which the law will not investigate beyond insuring that no crime was committed.

 [Translation (c) 2022 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos, FAO / ICOU]


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29.05.2002 Ирма Рик из Хасинто Араус (La Pampa, Аргентина) наблюдала, как вращающийся светящийся объект спускается близко к земле, а из него спускается странное существо - #1622201029 Вероятно, это та же женщина.



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