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The Loch Ness monster is just a whale's penis

Added Sun, 06/06/2021
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Sun, 06/06/2021

Comedian and author of a book about penises, James Felton, said in a Twitter thread that people who thought they were watching legendary monsters in the seas and oceans were actually looking at the genitals of whales. Their erect penises resemble large snakes when the whale rolls over on its back and sticks its belly out from under the water. A surprising number of legends about sea monsters can be explained by the penises of whales. All the time, while the sailors sang songs and told pirate stories about rum, they observed strange and fantastic creatures-from kraken to sea snakes and mermaids. with a link to

The first mention of the Kraken, a deadly giant monster that craved human flesh, dates back to 1180, when King Sverre of Norway wrote that he saw a penis in the sea. Soon, the sailors began to claim that the monsters were the size of an island and attacked the ships with giant paws.

As the legend progressed, the monsters began to drag entire ships to the bottom of the ocean, creating a giant whirlpool.. Specifically, this monster, most likely, can be explained by the existence of giant squids. As for other creatures, in particular, sea snakes, the riddle can not be solved without carefully studying the whales.

IG Nobel Prize winner Charles Paxton studied reports of sea snakes in 2005 to find possible explanations for such stories. Comparing the images with contemporary photographs and descriptions, he concluded that many people actually talked about whale risers.

"A serious objection to cetaceans is that the rear part of the animal was described and depicted as snake-like. Although whales are found without caudal fins, snake-like or eel-like bodies are not usually associated with the rapid thrust that is required for ... lifting the whole body above the water, " he and several other authors wrote in the Archives of Natural History.

"However, there is an alternative explanation for the snake-like tail. Many large, smooth whales have long, snake-like penises."

"If the animal rolled over on its back, then its abdominal surface would be at the top. If the whale is aroused, the usually retracted penis becomes visible." "The penises of the northern smooth whale and the gray whale (from the Pacific Ocean) can be up to 1.8 meters long and 1.7 meters long, respectively. A naive layman may take them for a tail."

"The fact that the tails were observed at a ship's length distance from the body suggests that humans have observed more than one male whale."

There is a separate incident that can be convincingly explained by the good old-fashioned erection of a whale.

Sailors aboard the merchant ship Pauline in 1875 saw a sea serpent, which they described as a"whitish pole". This snake was spotted among a flock of sperm whales, who were "distraught with excitement" at the time. It wasn't a sea monster, but just a large group of whales with giant risers.

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