ID | #1540381482 |
Añadido | Mié, 24/10/2018 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Caso
Datos iniciales
El caso ocurrió el domingo, 18 de febrero de 1996, en la tranquila localidad Мбурукуя, a unos 144 kilómetros de la capital. Varios testigos vieron cómo luminoso no identificado объектиспускал flash de diferentes colores durante unos cinco o seis minutos.
Radio Alfa FM выссказало la alarma, cuando la gente vio un extraño objeto, que irradiaba luz, el color que se acercó a la habitación blanca, смещающемуся a rosa, a continuación, casi rojo. Más tarde, antes de asustado свидетеляит, el objeto varias veces cambió de posición, apagando la luz.
Масимо Cantero, de 35 años, un hombre, un veterano de la guerra de las malvinas (islas falkland) contó impresionante experiencia que tuvo el día anterior, es posible, con la participación de un mismo objeto.
Haciendo uso de la palabra antes de la audiencia de la radio, el hombre dijo que viajaba en el Декабезадо. Ya que su máquina ha sufrido un error inesperado en el trabajo, que no pudo corregir, decidió ir a la ciudad a pie (distancia de 30 kilómetros). Por el camino se encontró con un amigo (vecino), que le prestó su caballo para volver rápidamente tan pronto como se enteró del accidente. Sin embargo, poco después del comienzo de su camino, él vio una luz brillante, que llenó el campo de los alrededores.
"Al principio yo no le prestó más atención, - dijo él, pensando que es la luz de la luna. Pero cuando se convirtió en la más brillante, levanté los ojos y descubrió que veo en el oval de un objeto que no hace ruido. Para mi sorpresa, el objeto se convirtió en más y más cerca. Sobre la piel se arrastran. El caballo también se ha vuelto bastante nervioso, por lo que me apresuré hacia adelante".
Будучикатоликом, comenzó a orar fervientemente, hasta llegar a su casa Рито riquelme (otro vecino), que con su esposa, fue en el lugar de la observación, para ver el objeto. El todo este tiempo permaneció inmóvil, constantemente cambiando de color. Los tres fueron sorprendidos.
A continuación, el objeto ha dejado de moverse y pulsar y rápidamente desapareció en el firmamento. Después de todo esto, la gente decidió continuar con su viaje, y una extraña luz apareció de nuevo, provisto de su ciudad.
Cantero ha pasado restantes de siete kilómetros de alta velocidad. Más tarde dijo que "tenía miedo de que él ovni, objeto desconocido o algo más, roba en algún tipo desconocido de la galaxia o planeta como una muestra de la vida terrenal. En ese momento él pensó en su esposa y los hijos, los parientes y amigos, que él nunca se hubiera visto".
Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»
Noticias originales
The case that concerns us took place on Sunday, 18 February 1996 in the peaceful locality of Mburucuyá, some 144 kilometers distant from the capital. Numerous reslidents witnessed how a luminous unidentified object virtually paraded over the community, issuing flashes of many colors and keeping the citizenry on edge for approximately five to six minutes.
Radio Alfa FM sounded the alarm an people turned out in droves to the edge of Route 13, where they were treated to the sight of a strange object that emitted a very odd light, whose color was akin to bright white shifting to pink and then practically red. Later, before the startled eyes of the many witnesses, the object changed position several times with its lights off. The story prompted the immediate presence of Máximo Cantero, a 35-year-old man at the time, a veteran of the Malvinas (Falklands) War, married with four children. He retold a spectacular experience he had had the night before, possibly with the very same object.
Speaking before a radio audience, the man said that he had traveled to El Descabezado, a rural area located on Provincial Route 11. Since his car suffered an unexpected breakdown (it was rendered completely without power) and he was unable to fix it, he decided to set off to the town on foot - a 30 kilometer distance. On the road he came across a friend an neighbor, who loaned him his horse for a faster return trip, once informed of the accident. The animal would be returned at a suitable time once the problem had been solved. However, shortly after beginning his journey he saw a bright light that filled the countryside.
"I didn't pay it much mind at first," he said, "thinking it was moonlight. But as it grew brighter, I looked up and found myself staring at an oval object that made no noise whatsoever. It was completely silent. To my surprise, the object came closer and closer, slowly, and at that time my skin broke out in goose pimples, a very strange sensation. The horse also became rather nervous so I hurried along."
Being a practicing Catholic, he began to pray fervently until he reached the house of Rito Riquelme, another neighbor, who accompanied him with his wife to look at the object that remained motionless, constantly changing colors. All three were stunned.
When the object was near the couple and Cantero, it calmed down and after endless minutes, vanished at high speed into the firmament. After all this, the man chose to continue his journey, praying the Rosary, although the strange light appeared once more, escorting him into town.
Cantero traveled the remaining seven kilometers at high speed, reaching his house in a state of nervousness after all he had experienced. He later said that "he was fearful that he UFO, unknown object, or whatever it was, would take him and spirit him off to some unknown galaxy or planet as a sample of Earth life. At that time I thought about my wife, my children, my relatives and friends, who I would never see again."
He firmly stated that this is not the first time such strange apparitions in the sky have befallen him. The had occurred before, and he had even taken photos.
He ended by musing: What could these beings be after in this part of the Northeast, especially in Mburucuyá, whose villagers have been surveyed many times during that season of the year. Jokingly, he noted: "Perhaps they heard the sound of our chamamé during the last festival, which was highly successful, and couldn't resist to come and take a closer look at what was going on." He smiled, but his nervousness wasn't completely dispelled. It was, without question, an experience that marked him forever.
Further corroboration for Cantero's statement came two days later. Julio Sesín, a local businessman from Loma Alta in the first section of Mburucuyá, told the sheriff's office that he had seen an unidentified flying object in the area, of average size and very bright.
He also stated having seen - in the company of his children and some twenty locals, a bright, large pink light in motion, clearly visibly against the cloudy sky that had preceded a rainstorm. Just another of so many cases that have taken place in our province and which often do not become public knowledge, but which have taken place and continue to happen, no matter what anyone says.
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