ID | #1547815564 |
Añadido | Vie, 18/01/2019 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Rogerson, Peter Worldwide Catalog of Type 1 Reports
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
A las 5: 45 a.m., dos industriales en España vieron un objeto de nube azul brillante durante un viaje a Villarta de San Juan, provincia de ciudad real. Durante el viaje fue visto unas 20 veces.
Noticias originales
Two industrialists saw bright cloud-like object while driving, emitting very bright light. Appeared to collide with object, seen again 20 times during drive. At 5:45 a.m. two industrialists in Spain saw a bright blue, cloud-like object while driving in Villarta de San Juan, Ciudad Real Province. It emitted a very bright light that appeared to collide with the object. The UFO was seen again 20 times during their drive.
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