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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34949 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1183 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2821, otros 10890 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 320 versiones.

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OVNI. Canadá

ID #1553530999
Añadido Lun, 25/03/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
15.10.1952 17:00
Голубиное озеро
Эдмонтон, AB

El informe de un testigo:

Buenas noches, chicos. Lo que voy a contar me ha visto todavía en 1952, en una zona que se encuentra a unos 75-80 km al suroeste de la ciudad de edmonton en un lugar llamado Голубиное lago.

En ese momento yo trabajaba en los yacimientos de petróleo, y desactivamos la zanja en la noche. Estábamos en una zona donde no había ningún objeto, sólo bajo los sauces y a las colinas. De noche el cielo estaba despejado - la típica tarde de otoño. El tiempo fue alrededor de las 17: 00 horas, el mes ha sido el retraso en septiembre o en octubre.

No puedo estar seguro en el área, ya que de donde estábamos, no funcionaban las plataformas petrolíferas, y junto a nosotros no se las boquillas de los hoyos. Cuando comenzamos a descender hacia el campamento, nos vimos. Íbamos al este y al norte, y marcharon hacia el sur. Перео sí hemos notado 2 de un objeto de forma cilíndrica, uno de los cuales estaba un poco por encima y delante de otro. Ambos lucían, como el rojo, el carbón, pero la línea del cilindro era clara, y no borrosas. No parecía haber sido alto, y se movían muy rápido. Los dos estamos bien visto, cuando ellos pasaban por allí. Eso lo asustó de mí a los diablillos de la misma, como un chico con el que he trabajado.

Oh, hasta que no se ha olvidado de que no se ha publicado ningún sonido.

Cuando íbamos en el campamento. acordaron mantener la lengua detrás de los dientes. Todavía estoy asustado de esta experiencia. No sé qué más puedo añadir a esta aprobación.

((nombre borrado))

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Good evening folks—What I am about to discribe is what I saw back in 1952,in an area that is about 75 to 80 miles southwest of the city of Edmonton at a place called pigeon lake. I was working in the oil fields at the time and we had shut down the ditching machine for the night. Now as you know after operating a machine like this all day, when it is shut down,the stillness you can cut with a knife. We were in an area that was clear of any objects, only low willows and rolling hills. The evening sky was clear as a bell, not a cloud to be seen, a typical fall evening. The time was about 17.00 hours, the month was late sept or early oct. I cannot be sure. there was no oil rigs working in the area that we were at nor was there any flare pits burning anywhere near us. As we started back down the right of way that we had cut through,to get back to the half ton truck to go back to camp, this is what we saw. We were walking east and out of the north and going south came these 2 objects, they were cylinder in shape with one just above and ahead of the other. they both glowed like the red ember of coal but the out line of the cylinder was sharp,not fuzzy. they did not appear to be that high, not traveling all that fast. we both had a good look at them as they went by. It scared the Hell out of me as well as the chap I was working with. Oh before forget they did not make a sound. As I look at him and he look me this is what he said, When we get back to camp don’t you open your mouth to anyone as to what we had just seen, and I did not talk to anyone for years about this as in those days they would have thought you were nuts. Even now when I bring up the subject which is not often I get that “who ((deleted)) look” from people. Even when putting this info down I can still se them and the goose bumps go up my spine and the hair on the back of my neck goes up. I am still spooked by this experence. I do not know what more I can add to this statement other than you can’t tell me there is no such things as U.F.O.’s I still live with the two I saw. I hope I have done this information right for you folks because what I have written down here is not a cock and bull story, I swear on the bible it is true. Well thank you and also George Noory who’s program I listen to every night when I can pick up the station, and the gentleman he had on tonight as well yours truely ((name deleted)) (spud)


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