ID | #1553691857 |
Añadido | Mié, 27/03/2019 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
Experiencia Anders, 23 de marzo de 1974
Por la noche, el electricista, que trabajó hasta tarde, regresó a casa. La mayoría de las Fuentes mencionan a este hombre como Anders, aunque otros afirman que se llamaba Harald Andersson.
Por razones desconocidas, eligió una ruta desconocida que nunca antes había usado. Incluso dijo que se sentía guiado por una fuerza misteriosa que lo hizo tomar ese camino.
Mientras caminaba, la luz que venía de la nada lo golpeó desde el lado de su cabeza. Se desmayó. Termina despertándose cerca de la casa. Su esposa estaba cerca y parecía profundamente preocupada. Entonces se dio cuenta de que tenía muchas quemaduras dolorosas en todo el cuerpo. Además, no pudo responder a las preguntas de su esposa sobre lo que sucedió. No recordaba el incidente.
En el hospital Lindholmen, el Dr. Touré Arvidsson se hizo cargo de Anders e inmediatamente se interesó en su caso. Sospechando instantáneamente la participación de Ovnis o extraterrestres, sugirió a Anders que lo dejara hipnotizarlo. Esta experiencia, asegura, le permitirá recuperar recuerdos después de que esa luz brillante "le haya golpeado en la cabeza".
Según la historia de Anders durante la regresión hipnótica, fue elevado por el aire hacia la luz. Poco después, se encontró en una mesa en una habitación grande. Había criaturas altas a su alrededor. Podía ver al menos cuatro. Tenían una apariencia "translúcida", pero también tenían una cara dura con ojos, nariz y boca. Sin embargo, no pudo ver si las criaturas tenían orejas o cabello, ya que cada una llevaba una especie de capucha. Usaron herramientas de metal para pincharlo y revisar su piel. Trató de luchar contra estos ataques, pero fue rápidamente tomado el control. En esto, incluso fue herido.
Durante su hipnosis, Anders dijo repetidamente:
"¡No puedo decir nada!»
Probablemente, incluso durante la hipnosis, tuvo problemas para revelar lo que sucedió, no porque no tuviera memoria, sino porque de alguna manera estaba Prohibido.
Finalmente, reveló que le advirtieron que no le contara a nadie sobre su experiencia. Incluso afirmó que sus captores habían puesto "una especie de bloqueo mental" en su mente. Le dijeron que no le harían daño, pero que tampoco "lo dejarían recordar".
Por cierto, Anders mostró signos de exposición prolongada a "campos eléctricos muy fuertes" durante algún tiempo después del experimento. Incluso descubrió que tenía "habilidades" y "sentimientos" que no tenía antes.
Noticias originales
Anders’ Experience, 23rd March 1974
The previous evening after finishing work late, an electrician would begin his journey home. It was arguably the strangest walk home he would ever take. Most sources state the man’s name as Anders, although some claim him to be Harald Andersson (no relation to the Andersson’s mentioned above). For reasons unknown to him, he would take a route unfamiliar, and not one he had used before. He would even state he had a feeling of guidance to take the route he did. As he walked a sudden light “hit” the side of his head from out of nowhere. Everything went black, and the next thing he knew, he awoke outside his house. His wife was at his side, a look of deep concern on her face. It was then that he realized that painful burns raged all over his body. Furthermore, he couldn’t answer his wife’s questions as to what had happened. He had no memory of the incident whatsoever. At the hospital at Lindholmen, Dr. Ture Arvidsson would treat Anders, and took an immediate interest in his case. Instantly suspecting UFO or extra-terrestrial involvement, he would suggest to Anders that he allow him to hypnotize him. This, he assured him, would recover his memories following the bright light hitting his head.
Revelations Under Hypnosis
According to the story told by Anders while hypnotically regressed, following the flash of light he was “sucked” upwards, through the air and towards the light itself. The next thing he knew, he was on a table in a large room. All around him were tall creatures, at least four that he could see. They had a “transparent” look to them but also had solid faces, with eyes, nose, and a mouth. He couldn’t, however, see if the creatures had ears or hair as they each wore some kind of hood that “shimmered” as they moved. They used metallic tools to prod and test his skin. He briefly attempted to fight off the intrusions but was quickly overpowered. During the struggle, he even received an injury to his forehead. One interesting thing that Anders would repeat several times while under hypnosis was “I can not say anything!” Even during the regression, he struggled to divulge information of his account, not through lack of memory, but because it was forbidden. He would eventually state that he was warned not to talk about his experience. He even claimed his abductors had put “some kind of mental block” in his mind. They informed him they would not harm him but they would “not allow him to remember!” Incidentally, Anders would display signs of prolonged exposure to “very powerful electrical fields” for some time after the experience. He even found he displayed “abilities” and “senses” he hadn’t had before. While there is no certain connection between the incidents on consecutive nights in March 1974 just north of Stockholm, it is not at all a stretch of the mind to imagine a link. Furthermore, despite the investigations by Swedish authorities, no explanation exists for the bizarre episode.
Recuerdos falsos
Una persona recuerda algún evento, fragmento o detalle que no sucedió realmente.
Pueden formarse solos o bajo la influencia de métodos de Terapia de recuperación de memoria ( RECOVERED-memory therapy o RMT), como la hipnosis regresiva, las imágenes guiadas, la terapia de recuperación de memoria con medicamentos, etc. inflación de la imaginación.
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