ID | #1599144099 |
Añadido | Jue, 03/09/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Envié por correo electrónico un borrador de lo que vi hace 36 años en enero de 1970 en las zonas sublimes de Argelia, donde vivía entonces y desde entonces he estado reflexionando sobre esta tecnología inusual.
La ilustración que presenté es bastante precisa en términos de colores y puede estar cerca del número correcto de barcos en la flota. La flota estaba a una Altitud de 1500-2500 pies (tal vez más pequeña), por lo que cada uno era del Tamaño de un campo de fútbol.
Jugué fútbol con mi hermano y entrené en pases de cabeza. Lo siguiente que vi fueron grandes objetos brillantes en el cielo moviéndose juntos. Volaron como una unidad matricial con barcos de la fila trasera moviéndose en los ÁNGULOS CORRECTOS para estar por delante de la flota (la figura está allí, pero el artículo no se publica). Cada barco en la fila de atrás salía de la fila de atrás hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha, dependiendo del borde de la flota que estaba más cerca.
¡Sus maniobras se realizaron a muy, muy alta velocidad! Parecía una caricatura. ..y cuando todos han sido descartados para liderar la primera fila, la Última fila recién expuesta repetirá el proceso. Y siguió y siguió. La aceleración fue absolutamente increíble, especialmente cuando se movía en ángulo recto para encontrarse repentinamente frente a la flota para mantener su velocidad a una velocidad constante de la flota. Una flota muy, muy tranquila.
Otras cosas inusuales eran una pequeña llama azul en la parte posterior de cada barco, como si estuviera hecha de propano, la llama era azul y tenía una forma tan perfecta como la llama que ves en tu estufa de gas.
El resplandor del color naranja de los barcos no pudo ser identificado. No hubo otras luces. También parecían planos, pero estaban sobre su cabeza y no lo suficientemente cerca como para ver ningún lado.
Estos objetos eran rectangulares con esquinas redondeadas, se movían a buena velocidad.
Pasaron aproximadamente 2 minutos desde el momento en que los vi (sobre mi cabeza) hasta el momento en que desaparecieron detrás de los obstáculos en el horizonte Oriental (había edificios, árboles, colinas), tiempo suficiente para que mucha gente los observara (y eso es mucho en realidad). El Observatorio de Argelia anunció la observación de esto en un periódico nacional al día siguiente; también lo notaron, y están ubicados a 2 millas al este de donde estaba, en la cima de una colina.
Noticias originales
I’ve emailed a draft of what I have seen 36 years ago – January 1970- in the elevated areas of Algiers were I then lived and have been ever since pondering about this extraordinary technology. The illustration that I have provided is pretty accurate in terms of colors and may be close to correct in the number of crafts in the fleet. The fleet was about 1500-2500 feet overhead (may be less) so each would size to a football field.
I was playing soccer with my brother and practicing head passes, next thing I see are these large bright objects in the sky moving together. They flew as a matrix-like unit with the back row crafts moving AT RIGHT ANGLES to come to the front of the fleet (see picture). Each craft in the back row would exit the back row to the left or to the right depending on which edge of the fleet it was closest. Their maneuvers were done at very very high speed! seemed like a cartoon. ..and when they were all reset to lead in the front row, the newly exposed last row would repeat the process. And it went on and on. The acceleration was absolutely amazing, especially when going at right angle to suddenly get in front of the fleet to rest their speed at the constant speed of the fleet. A very very quiet fleet.(No noise at all) I was lucky to be able to observe them as they flew from the west to the east.
Other things that were extraordinary was the small blue flame they had at the back of each craft, as if it was generated from propane, the flame was blue and had a shape that was as perfect as the pilot flame you see on your gas stove. The luminous orange color of the crafts did not have an identifiable source. No other lights were present. They also looked flat, but they were overhead and not close enough to see any side of them.
These objects were rectangular with rounded corners, moved at a good speed. It took about 2 minutes from the time I saw them (overhead) to when they disappeared behind the eastern horizon obstacles (buildings, trees, hills), long enough time for many people to observe them(and many have actually ) This includes the observatory of Algiers that announced it in the national newspaper the day after – they too observed it , and they are located 2 miles east of where I was, on top of the hill.
Date: January, 1970
Location: Algiers, Algeria
"I was playing soccer with my brother and practicing head passes, next thing I see are these large bright objects in the sky moving together. They flew as a matrix-like unit with the back row crafts moving AT RIGHT ANGLES to come to the front of the fleet (see picture). Each craft in the back row would exit the back row to the left or to the right depending on which edge of the fleet it was closest."
Drawing by the witness of the sighting.
Summary: Fleet of bright orange UFOs flying across the sky at night, about 9pm.
Date Reported: 3/13/2006
Sighting Time: 9pm
Day/Night: Nighttime
No. of Witnesses: about 15-20
Duration: 2-3 minutes
Appearance / Description of Object(s)
This was an organized fleet of bright orange rectangular objects with rounded corners without an identifiable light source. Each object had a small flame at the back, small relative to the size of the object itself. The flame was bluish . They appeared flat to me as I could not see any of their sides, since they were overhead.. It was quiet. no noise were heard from them. The neighborhood was pretty quiet as well.
Size of Object(s)
I'd have to put my streched arms apart almost 2 feet to cover the fleet in its length, about 1 foot to cover the width.
Distance to Object(s) & Altitude
The fleet was overhead, about 5-10 degrees south from the zenith (almost overhead).
Description of Area / Surroundings
This was an urban area, 5 story buildings on the west side of a major intersection and houses on the east side. I was located where the 5 story building were. The landscape goes uphill from the east to the west, altitude is about 1800 feet.
Full Description & Details
I've emailed a draft of what I have seen 36 years ago - January 1970 - in the elevated areas of Algiers were I then lived and have been ever since pondering about this extraordinary technology. The illustration that I have provided is pretty accurate in terms of colors and may be close to correct in the number of crafts in the fleet. The fleet was about 1500-2500 feet overhead (may be less), so each would size to a football field.
I was playing soccer with my brother and practicing head passes; next thing I see are these large bright objects in the sky moving together. They flew as a matrix-like unit with the back row crafts moving AT RIGHT ANGLES to come to the front of the fleet (see picture). Each craft in the back row would exit the back row to the left or to the right, depending on which edge of the fleet it was closest. Their maneuvers were done at very, very high speed! Seemed like a cartoon...and when they were all reset to lead in the front row, the newly exposed last row would repeat the process. And it went on and on. The acceleration was absolutely amazing, especially when going at right angle to suddenly get in front of the fleet to rest their speed at the constant speed of the fleet. A very very quiet fleet (No noise at all). I was lucky to be able to observe them as they flew from the west to the east.
Other things that were extraordinary was the small blue flame they had at the back of each craft, as if it was generated from propane, the flame was blue and had a shape that was as perfect as the pilot flame you see on your gas stove. The luminous orange color of the crafts did not have an identifiable source. No other lights were present. They also looked flat, but they were overhead and not close enough to see any side of them.
These objects were rectangular with rounded corners, moved at a good speed. It took about 2 minutes from the time I saw them (overhead) to when they disappeared behind the eastern horizon obastacles (buildings, trees, hills), long enough time for many people to observe them(and many have actually ) This includes the observatory of Algiers that announced it in the national newspaper the day after - they too observed it , and they are located 2 miles east of where I was, on top of the hill.
Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
Absolutely not! And I am a structural engineer. The right angle navigation while undergoing stunning acceleration was amazing.
Witness Background
I graduated from UCLA with an engineering degree. For the past 10 years, I have been working in the Information Technology field doing various development work for a number of companies.
Views on UFOs, before and after sighting
I never was skeptical and always had an open mind, believe in the impossible, so to speak. I was 16 when I saw these - had not been around long in life, but since pre-school I was interested an curious about the unknown. I did belive in the existence of othe worlds before this event. I had an interest in the world wonders that were left as mysterious, Mayan calendar, Pyramids, advanced ancient civilizations etc... Today, I do not question the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial advanced civilizations. I question their technology but most of all, the purpose of their visitation is questionnable. Why do they hide from us?
Other Comments
I did not report the event because members of the observsatory of Algiers observed the event as it was reported in the newspaper the day after.
Reported Sighting? No
Location: Los Angeles
Age: 52
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