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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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Mística niebla. Finlandia

ID #1599148983
Añadido Jue, 03/09/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
07.01.1970 16:45
Имъярви, Пайстьярви

El tiempo era 16.45, miércoles 7 de enero de 1970, el lugar era Imjärvi, a 15 km al noroeste de Heinola, en el sur de Finlandia. 

Woodman Aarno Heinonen, de 36 años, y el granjero Esco Vilo, de 38, ambos esquiadores activos, esquiaban. Bajaron de una pequeña colina a un claro, donde generalmente hacen una pausa. Había una puesta de sol y había algunas estrellas visibles en el cielo sin nubes. Hacía mucho frío (-17 grados centígrados) y sin viento.

Estuvieron en el claro durante unos 5 minutos cuando escucharon un zumbido y vieron una luz muy fuerte que se movía por el cielo. Se acercó desde el Norte, hizo un amplio círculo y se movió hacia ellos desde el sur, descendiendo a medida que se acercaba. El zumbido débil se hizo más fuerte. La luz se apagó y vieron que una niebla roja y gris brillante se enredaba a su alrededor. Desde lo alto de la nube se elevaban las nubes de humo.

Los dos hombres se quedaron quietos, mirando al aire sin decir nada. La nube pronto cayó a 15 m y pudieron ver lo que había dentro: un objeto redondo, plano en la parte inferior, de aspecto metálico y de unos 3 m de diámetro.

La historia de Heinonen, según lo informado por GICOFF (centro de información ovni de goteberg), dice:

"El aparato redondo flotó sobre nosotros completamente inmóvil por un tiempo, mientras que el zumbido todavía se escuchaba, bastante bajo. Luego, el enorme disco comenzó a descender junto con una niebla de color rojo grisáceo que se volvió más delgada y transparente. Se detuvo a una altura de 3-4 m, por lo que podría tocarlo si alcanzara mi bastón de esquí.

El barco era completamente redondo. Cuando se inclinó hacia nosotros, vimos que tenía una cúpula arriba. A lo largo del borde inferior, había algo así como una elevación en la que había tres esferas o cúpulas dispuestas a distancias iguales. Un tubo de aproximadamente 25 cm de diámetro sobresalía del centro de la parte inferior, desde el cual de repente salía un intenso rayo de luz.

No creo que nos hayamos dicho nada. Estábamos completamente asombrados. Vimos que la luz se movía varias veces antes de detenerse e iluminar intensamente una sección de nieve de aproximadamente un metro de diámetro con un borde oscuro, casi negro carbón y 1 cm de ancho.

Me quedé completamente quieto. De repente, sentí como si alguien me agarrara por detrás de la cintura y me tirara hacia atrás. Creo que di un paso atrás y en el mismo segundo noté la criatura. 

Estaba parado en medio de un rayo de luz con una Caja negra en sus manos. Una luz amarilla pulsante brillaba desde el agujero redondo en el cajón. 

La criatura medía unos 90 cm de altura, con brazos y piernas muy delgados. Su cara estaba pálida como la cera. Los ojos no se notaron, pero la nariz era muy extraña, más bien un gancho que una nariz. Las orejas eran muy pequeñas y se estrechaban hacia la cabeza. La criatura llevaba una especie de mono de tela verde claro. Los pies tenían botas de color verde más oscuro que llegaban hasta las rodillas. Todavía había guantes blancos hasta los codos."


"La criatura estaba en medio de una luz brillante y brillaba como el fósforo, pero su rostro estaba muy pálido. Sus hombros eran muy delgados y diagonales, con brazos delgados como los de un niño. No pensé en la ropa, solo noté que era de color verdoso. En su cabeza había un casco cónico que brillaba como el metal. La criatura tenía menos de 1 m de altura".

De repente, se volvió y dirigió la abertura de la Caja hacia Heinonen: la luz pulsante era muy brillante, casi cegadora. El bosque estaba muy tranquilo. De repente, una niebla roja y gris descendió del objeto y grandes chispas volaron desde el círculo de nieve iluminado. Las chispas eran similares a las velas, de unos 10 cm de largo, rojas, verdes y púrpuras. Navegaron lentamente en largos giros; muchos de ellos me golpearon, pero aunque esperaba que me quemaran, no sentí nada".


"Las chispas brillaban en diferentes colores. Fue muy bonito. Al mismo tiempo, la niebla roja se hizo más espesa y escondió a la criatura. De repente, se volvió tan denso que no pude ver Aarno, aunque sabía que estaba a solo unos metros de mí".


"Solo podía ver a Esco. La niebla era muy espesa y ya no podía ver a esa criatura".


"Vi a esta criatura, probablemente 15-20 segundos, ya no. De repente, el rayo se derritió, se elevó como una llama parpadeante y se metió en la abertura de la nave. Después de eso, fue como si se rompiera el velo de niebla. ¡El aire sobre nosotros estaba vacío! No creo que podamos decir que teníamos miedo. Nos reímos y hablamos de esta luz. Pero al mismo tiempo, estábamos un poco incómodos".

Permanecieron allí durante unos tres minutos. Poco a poco, Heinonen sintió entumecimiento en su lado derecho. Cuando avanzó en los esquís, su pie derecho no lo apoyó y cayó en la nieve. 

"Mi pie derecho estaba más cerca de la luz. Toda la pierna estaba aturdida y adolorida. Mi pie estaba como bajo anestesia".


"Oscureci. Le pregunté a Aarno si iríamos. Pensé que estaba bromeando cuando se sentó en la nieve. Pero luego vi que no podía levantarse, aunque lo intenté una y otra vez".

Vilo tuvo que arrastrar a su amigo hasta su casa, ubicada a unos 3 km de ese lugar. 

"Cuando llegaron a casa", dijo la madre de Heinonen, " estaba oscuro afuera. Llamaron a la puerta, lo que normalmente no hacen. Cuando abrí la puerta, Aarno estaba afuera, apoyado contra Esco. Les ayudé a entrar. Ninguno de ellos parecía asustado, pero vi que la cara de Esco estaba roja e hinchada. Nos sentamos Aarno en el Sofá."


"Me sentí mal. Me dolía la espalda y todas las articulaciones. Me dolía la cabeza y después de un tiempo vomité. Cuando fui al baño, la orina era casi negra, era como verter café negro sobre la nieve. Así duró un par de meses".


"Corrí hacia el vecino más cercano, que vivía a unos 600 metros. Tiene un Teléfono. Los dos primeros médicos a los que llamé no pudieron venir, pero el Dr. Kayanoha dijo que nos encontraría en la clínica heinol en una hora. Un vecino nos llevó allí".

El médico Heinonen se quejó de dolores en las articulaciones y dolor de cabeza. El médico le recetó pastillas para dormir y sedantes al día siguiente, diciendo que los síntomas desaparecerían en 10 días. Pero continuaron y Heinonen no pudo trabajar, en mayo informó que todavía estaba enfermo, con dolores en la cabeza y el cuello, y el más mínimo esfuerzo lo estaba cansando. 

El entumecimiento en el pie derecho había pasado, pero aún no podía mantener el equilibrio. Su memoria era tan mala que si lo dejaban en casa, tenía que decir a dónde iba para que lo recogieran si no regresaba. Al visitar el lugar, empeoró.

Según Viljo, varias personas que visitaron el lugar se sintieron mal unos días después. Se preguntó si el lugar estaba infectado de alguna manera. También sufrió consecuencias, incluidos dolores de cabeza y problemas oculares. 

El Dr. Pauli Kayanoha informa: 

"Creo que los hombres experimentaron la mayor conmoción. Vilo tenía una cara muy roja y parecía un poco hinchada. Ambos parecían dispersos. Hablaron rápido e incoherente. No encontré nada clínicamente incorrecto en Heinonen. No se sentía importante, pero podría haber sido una reacción estomacal al shock. 

Los síntomas que describió son similares a los de la exposición a la radiación. Desafortunadamente, no tenía una herramienta para eso. En cuanto a la orina negra, parece inexplicable. Es posible que haya sangre en ella, pero no puede durar varios meses. Si se tomaran muestras de sangre, podrían revelar cambios en su sangre.

Ambos hombres parecían sinceros, y no creo que lo hayan inventado. Estoy seguro de que se sorprendieron cuando se acercaron a mí. Algo debe haberles asustado".

Algo extraño sucedió en junio de 1970, cuando dos testigos volvieron a visitar el lugar junto con un periodista, fotógrafo y traductor Sueco: las manos de tres extraños se sonrojaron repentinamente y Heinonen tuvo que abandonar el sitio con un fuerte dolor de cabeza.

El mismo día y al mismo tiempo que los esquiadores obtuvieron su experiencia, otras dos personas vieron una luz brillante en el cielo. La esposa del granjero, Elna Siitari, de Paistjärvi, a unos 15 km de imjärvi, caminaba hacia El establo cuando vio una extraña luz en dirección a Imjärvi. En paaso, 10 km al Norte de Imjärvi, uno de los hijos fue a buscar leña cuando vio el fenómeno de la luz.Entonces eran las 16.45.

Matti Tuuri, profesor de electrofísica en la Universidad de Helsinki, estaba muy interesado en este incidente:

"No podemos descartar la posibilidad de que las lesiones puedan haber sido causadas por la radiación eléctrica. Pero ambos afirman que la luz era cegadora y blanca, por lo que no podría haber sido la radiación ULTRAVIOLETA, que siempre es azulada.

Además, no penetra a través de la ropa, si la radiación penetra a través de la ropa de Heinonen, debe ser radiación de onda corta como los rayos X. Su sobredosis causará síntomas similares a los reportados ...

Aún queda mucho por explorar en electrofísica. Solo vale la pena mencionar el rayo de bola: sabemos que existe, pero las leyes físicas que determinan su existencia aún no se han establecido. De acuerdo con las conocidas leyes de la física, un rayo de bola debería explotar de inmediato, ¡pero eso no sucede! El incidente de Heinol probablemente fue causado por un fenómeno eléctrico anormal".

El Instituto de investigación de alto voltaje (Jp-psala (Universidad le dijo a GICOFF) que no cree que este fenómeno esté relacionado con ningún tipo de electricidad atmosférica.

Las muestras de Suelo, vegetación y nieve del sitio se enviaron al Instituto de tecnología Chalmers para pruebas de radiación, pero no revelaron un fondo de radiación más que normal.

Para complicar una situación que ya no se puede explicar, debemos tener en cuenta la declaración de Heinonen de que desde el incidente hasta agosto de 1972, tuvo otros 23 avistamientos de Ovnis. Como si eso no fuera suficiente, se convirtió en un contacto: dos veces conoció a una astronauta "extremadamente hermosa" después de que una voz femenina fuerte lo guiara a un lugar aislado.

En el primer encuentro, también vio a un hombre parado a unos 60 metros detrás de la mujer. Llevaba un traje de pantalón amarillo que crujía a medida que se movía. Medía 1,5 m de altura, con el pelo hasta los hombros y ojos azules (una descripción que recuerda a la Venus de Adamski). Ella no caminaba como un hombre, sino que"flotaba". Aunque parecía tener unos 20 años, le dijo que tenía 180 años, como lo hizo la Venus de Menger. En su mano sostenía una bola plateada con tres antenas dirigidas a Heinonen.

Afortunadamente, ella hablaba finlandés y comenzó la conversación con " Hyvaa paivaa "(¿Cómo estás?). Ella le dijo que venía de una tierra verde y hermosa. Según ella, tres tipos diferentes de humanoides visitaron Imyarvi, algunos más pequeños que ella, algunos de su altura (140 cm) y otros de aproximadamente 2 m.ella dijo que el incidente de enero duró 3 minutos, no unos segundos, como pensaron dos testigos.

En su segundo encuentro, Heinonen volvió a preguntar de dónde era. Ella le dijo que se apresurara a casa y él vería el hermoso barco en el que había volado. Y de hecho, cuando llegó a casa, vio un objeto de unos 5-7 metros de diámetro en el cielo.

Cada vez, Heinonen habló con la astronauta durante cinco minutos, pero pudo recordar sorprendentemente poco de lo que se dijo. En otra ocasión, tanto él como Vilo vieron a la criatura en la casa de Vilo: una criatura de poco más de 1,5 m de altura con un traje gris con rayas blancas de repente salió de la pared y se quedó en el medio del piso. Dos hombres lo miraron durante 30 segundos, después de lo cual desapareció.

El ufólogo Sueco Lillegren llamó la atención sobre el hecho de que Heinonen y Vilo no proporcionaron ninguna evidencia concreta. 

Un día, Heinonen recibió un bolígrafo verde de criaturas espaciales, pero se lo prestó a un explorador y nunca lo volvió a ver: le dieron una piedra, pero la obligaron a tirarla, y cuando intentó fotografiar a una mujer astronauta, ¡ella y su cámara desaparecieron! 

Viljo también intentó fotografiar la misteriosa luz, pero la cámara se le escapó de la mano y la película se quemó hasta los cimientos. En general, concluye Lillegren, sus historias se parecen más a sagas y mitos que a un intento de contacto lógico de la civilización intergaláctica.

Sin duda, estas versiones posteriores socavan la confianza en los testigos y arrojan una luz cuestionable sobre su historia original. Al igual que con Devild en Francia, con el caso Hill en los Estados Unidos y muchos otros, lo que a primera vista parece ser un incidente interesante y serio se vuelve cuestionable.

¿La experiencia real de un OVNI hace que los testigos experimenten experiencias imaginarias después? ¿O fue el primero, como los posteriores, un síntoma de algún estado mental causado por alguna causa desconocida que causó la "observación" de Ovnis? (En este sentido, tal vez sea notable que, según Anders Lillegren, este no fue el primer avistamiento de Ovnis por Heinonen.¡Lo hizo hace seis años!)

¿O hay otra tercera explicación?

En febrero de 1969, un niño de 16 años, Matti Contulainen, vivió una experiencia extraña a solo 100 m de la pendiente donde Heinonen y Vilo se conocieron:

"Había una noche nublada de invierno alrededor de las 23: 00. Estaba esquiando a casa a través del bosque después de visitar a un amigo. Estaba oscuro, pero de repente el bosque se iluminó con una luz brillante que barrió directamente sobre las copas de los árboles a una altura tan baja que me arrojé a la nieve. Era como una enorme llama de soldadura y desapareció instantáneamente. Nunca he visto una luz tan brillante. ¡Era como mirar al sol! Venía del sur y se dirigía hacia el Norte. No escuché el sonido, así que estoy seguro de que no fue un avión".

Matti Haapaniemi, de 46 años, agricultor de Imjärvi y miembro del Consejo del distrito rural de Heinola (su granja está a solo 1 km de la casa de Heinonen) dice:

"Mucha gente en el área se rió de esta historia. Pero no creo que sea una broma sobre el hecho de que conozco a Aarno y Esco desde que eran niños pequeños. Ambos son personas tranquilas y racionales, además de sobrios. ¡Estoy seguro de que su historia es cierta!"


1 - UFO-NYT № 5, 1970

2-Revisión del platillo volante, vol. 16 no. 3,4 y 5; vol 26 nos 3 y 5

3 - GiCOFF Informntion No. 4 1978

4-correspondencia Personal de Ilkka Serra / Kim Moller Hansen, septiembre de 1985


Artículo 2

Afirmaciones increíbles

¿Por qué los ufólogos consideran que algunos informes de encuentros con extraterrestres son más confiables que otros? La integridad generalmente percibida de un testigo es un factor clave para decidir si un informe CE3 debe tomarse en serio. Pero, ¿y si un testigo claramente creíble comienza a hacer declaraciones increíbles? Fue esta situación la que surgió en el caso Heinonen, que primero fue aceptado y luego rechazado por la comunidad ufológica.

Platillo en la niebla

El guardabosques Aarno Heinonen y el granjero Esco Vilo fueron entusiastas esquiadores que participaron en competiciones nacionales.

En la noche del 7 de enero de 1970, practicaban sus deportes en los bosques cerca de Imjärvi , al sur de Finlandia, cuando decidieron descansar en un claro y admirar la puesta de sol.

Poco después, escucharon un fuerte zumbido y vieron una niebla roja brillante moviéndose a través del cielo hacia ellos. La niebla salió al claro y se cernió sobre las copas de los árboles. En su centro había un objeto metálico en forma de disco de 10 pies de diámetro.

"El disco comenzó a descender junto con una niebla roja y gris que se volvió más delgada y transparente", dijo Heinonen. "Se detuvo a una altura de 3 a 4 metros, por lo que cerca podía cerrarlo con un palo de esquí".

"Vimos que había una cúpula en el lado superior. A lo largo del borde inferior había una parte elevada, en la que tres esferas o cúpulas estaban ubicadas a igual distancia. Un tubo de aproximadamente 25 cm de diámetro sobresalía del centro de la parte inferior, del cual de repente salió un intenso rayo de luz".

Pequeño gnomo verde

"De repente, sentí que me habían empujado hacia atrás. En el mismo segundo, vi a la criatura. Estaba parado en medio de un rayo de luz con una Caja negra en sus manos. Una luz amarilla pulsante brillaba detrás del agujero en el cajón".

"La criatura tenía unos 90 cm de altura, con brazos y piernas muy delgados. Su cara parecía una cera pálida. La nariz era muy extraña , más un gancho que una nariz. Las orejas eran muy pequeñas y se estrechaban hacia la cabeza ".

"La criatura llevaba una especie de mono de tela verde claro. Los pies tenían botas de color verde más oscuro que llegaban hasta las rodillas. Los guantes blancos llegaban hasta los codos y los dedos se doblaban como garras alrededor de la Caja negra".

Rayo de luz

La entidad dirigió la Caja negra hacia Heinonen y lanzó un rayo pulsante de luz amarilla directamente en ella. La neblina roja descendía del plato flotante, arrojando chispas rojas, verdes y púrpuras a la nieve. Luego, el rayo, junto con la criatura dentro de él, se "chupó" en el aparato.

"Después de eso, se sintió como si el velo brumoso se hubiera roto", dijo Viljo. "¡El aire sobre nosotros estaba vacío!"


Heinonen descubrió que su lado derecho estaba completamente paralizado. Su compañero tuvo que llevarlo a casa. Ambos hombres sufrieron dolores de cabeza y dolor en las articulaciones, pero los síntomas de Heinonen fueron más pronunciados y también sufrió una pérdida persistente de memoria a corto plazo.

El Dr. Pauli Kayanoha, quien examinó a ambos hombres, declaró que "estaban en estado de shock cuando vinieron a mí". Sugirió que sus síntomas eran "los mismos que después de la exposición a la radiación".

El profesor Matt Tuuri, electrofísico de la Universidad de Helsinki, investigó el caso y concluyó que las lesiones de los hombres podrían haber sido causadas por una sobredosis de rayos x o un "fenómeno eléctrico anormal".

Platillos y mujeres astronautas

Tras el incidente, Heinonen declaró que no podía seguir trabajando. Informó no menos de 23 avistamientos de Ovnis de seguimiento, así como varios encuentros con la hermosa astronauta rubia de 180 años de "al otro lado de la vía láctea". Una vez intentó fotografiarla, ¡pero inmediatamente se disolvió en el aire junto con su cámara!

Estas declaraciones extravagantes socavaron irremediablemente la confianza en Heinonen como testigo. Los ufólogos, que anteriormente defendían su causa, ahora lo han considerado un ávido soñador.

Sin embargo, a la luz de las teorías recientes de que los encuentros con Ovnis pueden deberse a bolas de plasma fuertemente cargadas que afectan los lóbulos temporales del perceptor, tal vez las experiencias posteriores de Heinonen fueron alucinaciones causadas por el daño del lóbulo temporal que recibió durante su observación inicial de Ovnis.

Noticias originales

Witness drawings of the face of the creature, and of the black box from which emanated the pulsating light which had been aimed at Heinonen. (credit: FSR)

Artist’s impression of the Imjarvi incident. (UFO-Nyt; credit: Evans and Spencer, 1987)

Aarno Heinonen (left) and Esko Viljo return to the site of their encounter. (credit: FSR)

‘I was standing completely still. Suddenly I felt as if somebody had seized my waist from behind and pulled me backwards. I think I took a step backwards, and in the same second I caught sight of the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. Out of a round opening in the box there came a yellow light, which was pulsating…’

The time was 4.45 pm on Wednesday 7 January 1970, the place was lmjarvi, 15 km NW of Heinola in southern Finland. Woodman Aarno Heinonen, 36, and farmer Esko Viljo, 38, both active competition skiers, were out skiing. They came down from a little hill to a glade where they usually take a pause. It was sunset, and a few stars were visible in the unclouded sky. It was very cold (-17 Celsius) and windless.

They had been standing in the glade for about 5 minutes when they heard a buzzing sound, and caught sight of a very strong light moving through the sky. It approached from the north, made a wide sweep, and came at them from the south, descending as it came. The faint buzzing sound became louder. The light halted, and then they could see that a luminous red-grey mist was swirling round it. Puffs of smoke were thrown up from the top of the cloud.

The two men stood quite still staring into the air, saying nothing. The cloud was soon down as low as 15 m, and they could see what was inside it: a round object, flat at the bottom, metallic in appearance and about 3 m in diameter.

Heinonen’s account, as reported by GICOFF (the Goteberg UFO information centre) runs: ‘The round craft hovered awhile completely motionless above us while the buzzing sound could still be heard, quite low. Then the huge disc began to descend along with the red-grey fog which became more thin and transparent It stopped at a height of 3-4 m, so near I could have touched it if 1 had reached with my ski-stick.

‘The craft was completely round. When it came down obliquely towards us we saw it had a dome on the upper side. Along the lower edge was a kind of raised part on which were three spheres or domes spaced equidistantly, From the centre of the bottom projected a tube, approximately 25 cm in diameter, from which suddenly there came an intense beam of light.

‘I don’t think we said anything to each other at all. We were completely amazed. We saw the light move a couple of times before stopping and intensely illuminating a patch of snow about a metre in diameter, with round it a dark edge, almost coal-black and 1 cm wide.

‘I was standing completely still. Suddenly I felt as if somebody had seized my waist from behind and pulled me backwards. I think I took a step backwards, and in the same second I caught sight of the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. Out of a round opening in the box there came a yellow light, pulsating. The creature was about 90 cm tall, with very thin arms and legs. Its face was pale like wax. I didn’t notice the eyes, but the nose was very strange, it was a hook rather than a nose. The ears were very small and narrowed towards the head. The creature wore some kind of overall in a light green material. On its feet were boots of a darker green colour, which stretched above the knees. There were also white gauntlets going up to the elbows, and the fingers were bent like claws around the black box.’

Viljo: ‘The creature stood in the middle of the bright light and was luminous like phosphorus, but its face was very pale. Its shoulders were very thin and slanting, with thin arms like a child’s. I did not think of the clothes, only noticing that they were greenish in colour. On its head was a conical helmet shining like metal. The creature was less than 1 m tall.’

Suddenly it turned and directed the opening of the box towards Heinonen: The pulsating light was very bright, almost blinding. It was very silent in the forest. Suddenly a red-grey mist came flowing down from the object and large sparks started to fly from the illuminated circle of snow. The sparks were like tapers, about 10 cm long, red, green and violet. They floated out in long curves, rather slowly; many of them hit me, but though I expected them to burn me, I did not feel anything.’

Viljo: ‘The sparks were shining in several colours. It was very beautiful. At the same time the red mist became thicker and hid the creature. Suddenly it was so dense that I could not see Aarno even though I knew he was standing only a few metres away from me.”

Heinonen: ‘I could only just see Esko. The mist was very thick and I could no longer see the creature.’

Viljo: ‘I saw the being for perhaps 15-20 seconds, no longer. Suddenly the beam melted, flew up like a flickering flame, and was sucked into the gap in the craft. After that it was as if the fog curtain was torn to pieces. The air above us was empty! I don’t think you can say we were afraid. We were laughing and talking about this light. But at the same time we felt a little uneasy.”

They stayed there for perhaps three minutes, Gradually Heinonen became aware of a numbness in his right side. When he stepped forward on his skis, his right leg wouldn’t support him and he fell in the snow. ‘My right leg had been nearest the light. The whole leg was stiff and aching. My foot was as if anaesthetised.’

Viljo: It was growing dark. I asked Aarno if we should be on our way. I thought he was joking when he sat down in the snow. But then I saw he couldn’t get up though he tried over and over again.’


Viljo had to half-carry, half-drag his friend to his home, some 3 km distant. ‘When they got home,’ said Heinonen’s mother, ‘it was dark outside. They knocked on the door, which they don’t usually do, When I opened the door Aarno was outside leaning against Esko. I helped them in. Neither seemed frightened, but I could see Esko’s face was red and swollen. We got Aarno over to a sofa.”

Heinonen: ‘I felt ill. My back was aching and all my joints were painful. My head ached and after a while I had to vomit. When I went to pee the urine was nearly black, it was like pouring black coffee onto the snow. This continued for a couple of months.’

Viljo: ‘I hurried to the nearest neighbour, who lived some 600 m away; he has a telephone. The first two doctors I called couldn’t come, but Dr Kajanoja said he would meet us at Heinola clinic in an hour’s time. The neighbour drove us there.’

To the doctor, Heinonen complained about his aching joints and his headache. The doctor prescribed sleeping pills, and next day sedatives, telling him the symptoms would be gone in 10 days. But they continued, and Heinonen was unable to work, in May he reported he was still ill, with pains in head and neck; the least effort tired him. The numbness in his right leg had gone, but he still had trouble with his balance. His memory was so bad that if be left home he had to say where he was going so that he could be picked up if he didn’t return. A visit to the site of the incident made him feel worse. Several people who had visited the site, said Viljo, had felt sick for some days afterwards; he wondered if the place was infected in some way. He too suffered after-effects, including headaches and eye troubles. Dr Pauli Kajanoja reports: ‘l think the men have suffered a great shock. Viljo was very red in the face and seemed a little swollen. Both seemed absent-minded. They talked quickly and incoherently. I could not find anything clinically wrong with Heinonen. He did not feel well, but that could have been his stomach reacting to the shock. The symptoms he described are like those after being exposed to radioactivity. Unfortunately I had no instrument to measure that. As to the black urine, it seems inexplicable. Possibly it could have been blood in it, but this cannot go on for several months. If blood samples had been taken they might have revealed changes in his blood.

‘Both men seemed sincere, and I don’t think they had made the thing up. I’m sure they were in a state of shock when they came to me; something must have frightened them.’

A strange thing happened in June 1970 when the two witnesses revisited the site together with a Swedish journalist, a photographer and an interpreter; the hands of the three strangers suddenly became red, and Heinonen had to leave the site with a powerful headache.


On the same day and at the same time as the skiers had their experience, two other people saw a bright light in the sky. A farmer’s wife, Elna Siitari, in Paistjarvi, about 15 km from Imjarvi, was on her way to the cow-house when she saw a strange light in the direction of Imjarvi. In Paaso, 10 km north of Imjarvi, the son of a household had gone out for firewood when he observed a light phenomenon; it was then 4.45 pm.


Matti Tuuri, professor in electro-physics at Helsinki University, was very interested in the incident: ‘We can’t exclude the possibility that the injuries could have been caused by electrical radiation. But both state that the light was blinding and white, so it can’t have been ultraviolet radiation, which is always bluish, Besides, it does not penetrate clothing, if the radiation penetrated Heinonen’s clothing, it must have been a short-wave radiation such as X-rays; an overdose of these would cause symptoms such as those he reported…

‘There is much in electro-physics which has yet to be explored. One has only to mention ball lightning; we know it exists, but the physical laws defining its existence have yet to be established. According to the known laws of physics, ball lightning should blow up immediately – but it doesn’t! The incident at Heinola seems likely to be an abnormal electrical phenomenon.’

The Institute for High Voltage Research at (Jp-psala (University told GICOFF they did not think the phenomenon was related to any kind of atmospheric electricity.

Soil, vegetation and snow samples from the site were sent to Chalmers Institute of Technology for radiation tests, but revealed no more than normal background radiation.

SINCE 1970

To complicate a situation which already defies explanation, we have to consider Heinonen’s claim that between the time of the incident and August 1972 he had no less than 23 further UFO sightings. As if that were not enough, he has become a contactee; on two occasions he met an ‘extremely beautiful’ spacewoman, after a loud female voice had directed him to a secluded rendezvous.

At the first encounter he also saw a man, standing about 60 m behind the woman. She was wearing a yellow trouser suit which rustled when she moved; she was 1.5 m tall, with shoulder-length hair and blue eyes – a description recalling Adamski’s Venusian, She didn’t walk like a human but ‘floated’ or ‘hovered’. Though she looked about 20 she told him she was 180, as Menger’s Venusian did. In her hand she held a silvery ball with three aerials pointing at Heinonen.

Fortunately she spoke Finnish, and began her conversation with “Hyvaa paivaa” ( = How do you do?); she told him she came from a green and pleasant land. Three different species of humanoids had visited Imjarvi, she said, some smaller than her, some of her height (140 cm) and some about 2 m high. She said that the January incident had lasted 3 minutes, not just a few seconds as the two witnesses thought.

At their second meeting Heinonen again asked where she came from. She told him to hurry home and he would see the beautiful craft she had come in. And indeed when he got home he saw an object some 5-7 m in diameter in the sky.

On each occasion Heinonen spoke with the spacewoman for five minutes, but can recall surprisingly little of what was said. On another occasion both he and Viljo saw a being in Viljo’s home: a being a little more than 1.5 m, wearing a grey suit with white stripes, suddenly stepped out of the wall and remained standing in the middle of the floor; the two men gaped at it for 30 seconds, after which it vanished.

Swedish ufologist Liljegren has drawn attention to the failure of Heinonen and Viljo to offer anything by way of concrete evidence. On one occasion Heinonen received a green pen from the space beings, but he lent it to a researcher and never saw it again: he was given a stone but made to throw it away; when he tried to photograph the spacewoman both she and his camera disappeared! Viljo too tried to take a photograph of a mysterious light, but the camera was knocked out of his hand and the film was burned to ashes. All in all, Liljegren concludes, their accounts are more likes sagas and myths than a logical contact attempt by an intergalactic civilisation.

Without question, these later accounts undermine the credibility of the witnesses and throw a dubious light on their original story. As in the Dewilde case in France, the Hill case in the United States, and many more, what seems at first to be an interesting and serious incident is made to seem doubtful by subsequent events.

Is it that the real UFO experience causes the witnesses to subsequently have imaginary experiences? Or was the first, like those that followed, the symptom of some psychic state, triggered by some unknown cause to bring about a UFO ‘sighting’? (In this connection it is perhaps significant that, according to Anders Liljegren, this was not Heinonen’s first UFO sighting; he had had one six years previously!)

Or is there yet a third explanation?


In February 1969 a 16-year-old boy, Matti Kontulainen, had a strange experience only 100 m or so from the slope where Heinonen and Viljo had their encounter:

‘It was a cloudy winter evening about 11 pm. I was skiing home through the forest after visiting a friend. It was dark but suddenly the forest was lit up by an intense light which rushed just above the treetops at so low an altitude that I threw myself down in the snow. It was like a huge welding flame, and it disappeared in no time. 1 have never seen such an intense light; it was like staring at the sun! It was coming from the south and heading north. I heard no sound, so I’m sure it wasn’t an airplane.’

Matti Haapaniemi, 46, is a farmer in Imjarvi and a member of Heinola rural district council; his farm is only 1 km distant from Heinonen’s home. He says: ‘Many people in this neighbourhood have laughed at this story. But I don’t think it’s anything to joke about I’ve known both Aarno and Esko since they were little boys. Both are quiet, rational fellows, and moreover they are abstainers. I’m sure their story is true!’


1 – UFO-NYT no 5, 1970
2 – Flying Saucer Review vol. 16 nos 3,4 & 5; vol 26 nos 3 & 5
3 – GiCOFF Informntion No. 4 1978
4 – Personal correspondence Ilkka Serra/Kim Moller Hansen, September 1985.


Incredible Claims

Why do Ufologists judge some reports of alien encounters to be more credible than others? Usually, the perceived integrity of the witness is the key factor in deciding whether or not to take a CE3 report seriously. But what if an apparently credible witness starts to make incredible claims? That was precisely the situation arising in the Heinonen case, which was first accepted, and then rejected by the Ufological community.

The Saucer in the Mist

Forester Aarno Heinonen and farmer Esko Viljo were both keen cross-country skiers who participated in national competitions. On the evening of Jan 7, 1970, they were practising their sport in forest land near Imjarvi, Southern Finland, when they decided to rest in a glade and watch the sunset.

Soon afterwards, they heard a loud buzzing sound and saw a luminous red mist moving through the sky towards them. The mist entered the glade and hovered above the treetops. At its centre was a metallic disc-shaped object, 10 feet in diameter.

“The disc began to descend along with the red-grey fog, which became more thin and transparent,” said Heinonen. “It stopped at a height of 3-4 metres, so near I could have touched it with my ski-stick.”

“We saw it had a dome on the upper side. Along the lower edge was a kind of raised part on which were three spheres or domes spaced equidistantly. From the centre of the bottom projected a tube approximately 25cm in diameter, from which there suddenly came an intense beam of light.”

The Little Green Gnome

“Suddenly I felt as if somebody had pulled me backwards. In the same second, I saw the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. From around the opening in the box there came a yellow light, pulsating.”

“The creature was about 90cm tall, with very thin arms and legs. Its face was like pale wax. The nose was very strange – it was a hook rather than a nose. The ears were very small and narrowed towards the head.”

“The creature wore some kind of coverall in a light green material. On its feet were boots of a darker green colour, which stretched above the knee. There were also white gauntlets going up to the elbows, and the fingers were bent like claws around the black box.”

The Beam of Light

The entity aimed the black box at Heinonen and fired a pulsating ray of yellow light straight at him. A red mist descended from the hovering saucer, shooting red, green and purple sparks into the snow. Then the beam – along with the entity standing inside it – was “sucked up” into the craft.

“After that it was as if the fog curtain was torn to pieces,” said Viljo. “The air above us was empty!”

After Effects

Heinonen found himself completely paralysed down his right side. His companion had to virtually carry him home. Both men suffered from headaches and aching joints, but Heinonen’s symptoms were more pronounced, and he also experienced persistent short-term memory loss.

Dr Pauli Kajanoja, who examined both men, stated that “they were in a state of shock when they came to me”. He speculated that their symptoms were “like those after being exposed to radioactivity”.

Professor Matt Tuuri, an electro-physicist at Helsinki University, investigated the case and concluded that the men’s injuries could have been caused by an overdose of X-rays or by “an abnormal electrical phenomenon”.

Saucers and Spacewomen

After the incident, Heinonen claimed he was unable to continue working. He reported no fewer than 23 subsequent UFO sightings as well as several encounters with a gorgeous 180-year-old blonde spacewoman from “the other side of the Milky Way”. On one occasion he tried to photograph her, but she promptly disappeared into thin air along with his camera!

These bizarre claims irrevocably damaged Heinonen’s credibility as a witness. Ufologists who had previously championed his case now dismissed him as an inveterate fantasist.

However, in light of recent theories that UFO encounters may be caused by highly-charged balls of plasma that affect the temporal lobes of the percipient, perhaps Heinonen’s subsequent experiences were hallucinations arising from temporal lobe damage he had sustained during his initial UFO sighting.


Śnieżne krajobrazy Finlandii w 1970 roku, stały się areną dla intrygującej historii, która wciąż zastanawia zarówno entuzjastów UFO, jak i sceptyków tego tematu. Dwóch fińskich narciarzy nie tylko natknęło się tam na niezidentyfikowane obiekty latające, ale nawet doświadczyło spotkania potencjalnymi istotami spoza naszego świata.


W zimowy wieczór w styczniu 1970 roku Aarno Heinonen, pracownik leśny, i jego przyjaciel Esco Viljo wybrali się na wycieczkę narciarską do lasów południowo-wschodniej Finlandii. Gdy zapadła noc, usłyszeli dziwny brzęczący dźwięk i zobaczyli jasne światło zstępujące z nieba. Światło to ujawniło metaliczny obiekt unoszący się nad nimi, emitujący silny promień, który oświetlał śnieg. Obiekt o średnicy około 3 metrów, unosił się tuż nad nimi, emitując silną wiązkę światła, która tworzyła jasno oświetlony krąg na śniegu poniżej.


Mężczyźni czuli, że coś uniemożliwia im ruch. W końcu, po upływie kilku sekund kilka sekund, obaj mężczyźni widzieli istotę ubraną w jasnozielony kombinezon ochronny, trzymającą w rękach czarne urządzenie. Istota stała centralnie wewnątrz świetlistego kręgu i nie zwracała na nich wogóle uwagi.  W wywiadzie przeprowadzonym przez dziennikarza Eero Porka w 1971 roku Aarno Heinonen opowiadał że stwór „Miał stosunkowo dużą głowę i małe, okrągłe ciało”. Według niego kombinezon stwora był fluorescencyjny i wyraźnie świecił w ciemności. 

Nagłówek gazety ufologicznej, omawiającej incydent z Imjärvi 

Oto dokładna treść jego wypowiedzi w tłumaczeniu ze strony ufoevidence.org:

"Stałem zupełnie nieruchomo. Nagle poczułem, jakby ktoś złapał mnie w talii od tyłu i pociągnął do tyłu. Wydaje mi się, że zrobiłem krok do tyłu i w tej samej sekundzie zobaczyłem to stworzenie. Stało pośrodku wiązki światła z czarnym pudełkiem w rękach. Z okrągłego otworu w pudełku wydobywało się pulsujące żółte światło. Istota miała około 90 cm wzrostu, bardzo chude ręce i nogi. Jego twarz była blada jak wosk. Nie zauważyłem oczu, ale jego nos był bardzo dziwny, to był raczej haczyk niż nos. Uszy były bardzo małe i zwężały się w kierunku głowy. Istota miała na sobie coś w rodzaju kombinezonu z jasnozielonego materiału. Na nogach miała buty w ciemniejszym zielonym kolorze, które sięgały powyżej kolan. Były też białe rękawice sięgające do łokci, a palce były wygięte jak szpony wokół czarnego pudełka".

A oto co o dziwnym stworzeniu opowiedział drugi świadek obserwacji:

"Stworzenie stało pośrodku jasnego światła i świeciło jak fosfor, ale jego twarz była bardzo blada. Jego ramiona były bardzo chude i pochylone, a ręce cienkie jak u dziecka. Nie zastanawiałem się nad ubraniem, zauważając jedynie, że miało zielonkawy kolor. Na głowie miał stożkowaty hełm lśniący jak metal. Istota miała mniej niż 1 m wzrostu. Nagle odwróciło się i skierowało otwór skrzyni w stronę Heinonena: Pulsujące światło było bardzo jasne, niemal oślepiające. W lesie było bardzo cicho. Nagle z obiektu spłynęła czerwono-szara mgła, a z oświetlonego kręgu śniegu zaczęły lecieć duże iskry. Iskry przypominały stożki, długie na około 10 cm, czerwone, zielone i fioletowe. Unosiły się długimi łukami, raczej powoli; wiele z nich uderzyło mnie, ale chociaż spodziewałem się, że mnie spalą, nic nie poczułem".

Chwilę później, obydwu narciarzy, otoczyła gęsta mgła. Która rozwiała się po kilkunastu sekundach, razem z nią znikł też stwór i tajemniczy pojazd. Cały incydent miał trwać zaledwie dziesięć sekund. Incydent ten przyciągnął uwagę zarówno fińskich mediów, jak i opinii publicznej. Jednak pomimo szeroko zakrojonych dochodzeń prowadzonych przez władze, w tym Fińskie Siły Powietrzne, nigdy nie podano ostatecznego wyjaśnienia tej obserwacji.



Obaj świadkowie obserwacji, przez długie lata doświadczali niezwykłych dolegliwości. Krótko po spotkaniu Aarno czuł mdłości, nawracające bóle głowy i zaczął mieć problemy z nerkami. Esco doświadczył drętwienia i obrzęku kończyn ale ostatecznie wrócił do normalnego życia. Aarno Heinonen nie miał tyle szczęścia i pomimo zasięgnięcia pomocy medycznej, jego objawy utrzymywały się przez kolejne lata.

Aarno Heinonen i Esco Viljo

Późniejsze śledztwo ujawniło, że tego samego dnia i w tym samym czasie, co spotkanie narciarzy z UFO, dwie inne osoby widziały jasne światło na niebie. Żona rolnika, Elna Siitari, w Paistjarvi, dostrzegła je z około 15 km od Imjarvi, gdy kierowała się w stronę obory. Na własne oczy, widziała ona dziwne światło, zmierzające w kierunku Imjarvi. Nieco dalej w miasteczku Paaso, 10 km na północ od Imjarvi, syn innego rolnika wyszedł po drewno na opał, gdy również zaobserwował bardzo podobne zjawisko świetlne. Do obydwu obserwacji doszło w okolicach godziny 16.45.

Incydent w Imjärvi rodzi pytania zarówno dla sceptyków, jak i osób przekonanych do istnienia UFO. Objawy fizyczne odnotowane u mężczyzn sugerują, że bez wątpienia  w ich życiu wydarzyło się coś niezwykłego. Aby skomplikować sytuację, która już i tak wymyka się wyjaśnieniu, musimy wziąć pod uwagę twierdzenia Heinonena, że od czasu incydentu do sierpnia 1972 r. miał nie mniej niż 23 kolejne obserwacje UFO. Dwukrotnie spotkał "niezwykle piękną" kosmitkę, po tym jak głośny kobiecy głos skierował go na ustronne spotkanie. Za każdym razem Heinonen rozmawiał z kosmitką przez około pięć minut, ale nie pamiętał praktycznie nic z treści rozmowy. Innym razem, zarówno on, jak i Viljo widzieli istotę w jego domu. Stwór miał mierzyć nieco ponad 1,5 metra i nagle wyjść ze ściany budynku. Obaj mężczyźni wpatrywali się w nią przez 30 sekund, po czym zniknęła ona bez śladu.

Trudno jest się więc dziwić, że świadome tego kontekstu osoby, wątpią w autentyczność tej obserwacji. Bez wątpienia późniejsze relacje podważają wiarygodność świadków i rzucają wątpliwe światło na ich pierwotną historię. Co uważacie na ten temat? Czy pierwsze i wszelkie późniejsze doświadczenia Heinonena i Viljo, były objawem jakiegoś stanu psychicznego, wywołanego przez nieznany czynnik, czy może byli oni intensywnie nawiedzani przez istoty UFO? A może to właśnie stres związany z autentyczną obserwacją wzbudził w nich stany z pogranicza psychozy? Historia zna podobne przykłady i nie trzeba patrzeć dalej niż słynne UFO z Góry Świętej Anny. Zapraszam was do wyrażania własnej opinii na ten temat.


Source: Kim Hansen, in Evans and Spencer (1987)

'I was standing completely still. Suddenly I felt as if somebody had seized my waist from behind and pulled me backwards. I think I took a step backwards, and in the same second I caught sight of the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. Out of a round opening in the box there came a yellow light, which was pulsating...'

The time was 4.45 pm on Wednesday 7 January 1970, the place was lmjarvi, 15 km NW of Heinola in southern Finland. Woodman Aarno Heinonen, 36, and farmer Esko Viljo, 38, both active competition skiers, were out skiing. They came down from a little hill to a glade where they usually take a pause. It was sunset, and a few stars were visible in the unclouded sky. It was very cold (-17 Celsius) and windless.

They had been standing in the glade for about 5 minutes when they heard a buzzing sound, and caught sight of a very strong light moving through the sky. It approached from the north, made a wide sweep, and came at them from the south, descending as it came. The faint buzzing sound became louder. The light halted, and then they could see that a luminous red-grey mist was swirling round it. Puffs of smoke were thrown up from the top of the cloud.

The two men stood quite still staring into the air, saying nothing. The cloud was soon down as low as 15 m, and they could see what was inside it: a round object, flat at the bottom, metallic in appearance and about 3 m in diameter.

Heinonen's account, as reported by GICOFF (the Goteberg UFO information centre) runs: 'The round craft hovered awhile completely motionless above us while the buzzing sound could still be heard, quite low. Then the huge disc began to descend along with the red-grey fog which became more thin and transparent It stopped at a height of 3-4 m, so near I could have touched it if 1 had reached with my ski-stick.

'The craft was completely round. When it came down obliquely towards us we saw it had a dome on the upper side. Along the lower edge was a kind of raised part on which were three spheres or domes spaced equidistantly, From the centre of the bottom projected a tube, approximately 25 cm in diameter, from which suddenly there came an intense beam of light.

'I don't think we said anything to each other at all. We were completely amazed. We saw the light move a couple of times before stopping and intensely illuminating a patch of snow about a metre in diameter, with round it a dark edge, almost coal-black and 1 cm wide.

'I was standing completely still. Suddenly I felt as if somebody had seized my waist from behind and pulled me backwards. I think I took a step backwards, and in the same second I caught sight of the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. Out of a round opening in the box there came a yellow light, pulsating. The creature was about 90 cm tall, with very thin arms and legs. Its face was pale like wax. I didn't notice the eyes, but the nose was very strange, it was a hook rather than a nose. The ears were very small and narrowed towards the head. The creature wore some kind of overall in a light green material. On its feet were boots of a darker green colour, which stretched above the knees. There were also white gauntlets going up to the elbows, and the fingers were bent like claws around the black box.'

Viljo: 'The creature stood in the middle of the bright light and was luminous like phosphorus, but its face was very pale. Its shoulders were very thin and slanting, with thin arms like a child's. I did not think of the clothes, only noticing that they were greenish in colour. On its head was a conical helmet shining like metal. The creature was less than 1 m tall.'

Suddenly it turned and directed the opening of the box towards Heinonen: The pulsating light was very bright, almost blinding. It was very silent in the forest. Suddenly a red-grey mist came flowing down from the object and large sparks started to fly from the illuminated circle of snow. The sparks were like tapers, about 10 cm long, red, green and violet. They floated out in long curves, rather slowly; many of them hit me, but though I expected them to burn me, I did not feel anything.'

Viljo: 'The sparks were shining in several colours. It was very beautiful. At the same time the red mist became thicker and hid the creature. Suddenly it was so dense that I could not see Aarno even though I knew he was standing only a few metres away from me."

Heinonen: 'I could only just see Esko. The mist was very thick and I could no longer see the creature.'

Viljo: 'I saw the being for perhaps 15-20 seconds, no longer. Suddenly the beam melted, flew up like a flickering flame, and was sucked into the gap in the craft. After that it was as if the fog curtain was torn to pieces. The air above us was empty! I don't think you can say we were afraid. We were laughing and talking about this light. But at the same time we felt a little uneasy."

They stayed there for perhaps three minutes, Gradually Heinonen became aware of a numbness in his right side. When he stepped forward on his skis, his right leg wouldn't support him and he fell in the snow. 'My right leg had been nearest the light. The whole leg was stiff and aching. My foot was as if anaesthetised.'

Viljo: It was growing dark. I asked Aarno if we should be on our way. I thought he was joking when he sat down in the snow. But then I saw he couldn't get up though he tried over and over again.'


Viljo had to half-carry, half-drag his friend to his home, some 3 km distant. 'When they got home,' said Heinonen's mother, 'it was dark outside. They knocked on the door, which they don't usually do, When I opened the door Aarno was outside leaning against Esko. I helped them in. Neither seemed frightened, but I could see Esko's face was red and swollen. We got Aarno over to a sofa."

Heinonen: 'I felt ill. My back was aching and all my joints were painful. My head ached and after a while I had to vomit. When I went to pee the urine was nearly black, it was like pouring black coffee onto the snow. This continued for a couple of months.'

Viljo: 'I hurried to the nearest neighbour, who lived some 600 m away; he has a telephone. The first two doctors I called couldn't come, but Dr Kajanoja said he would meet us at Heinola clinic in an hour's time. The neighbour drove us there.'

To the doctor, Heinonen complained about his aching joints and his headache. The doctor prescribed sleeping pills, and next day sedatives, telling him the symptoms would be gone in 10 days. But they continued, and Heinonen was unable to work, in May he reported he was still ill, with pains in head and neck; the least effort tired him. The numbness in his right leg had gone, but he still had trouble with his balance. His memory was so bad that if be left home he had to say where he was going so that he could be picked up if he didn't return. A visit to the site of the incident made him feel worse. Several people who had visited the site, said Viljo, had felt sick for some days afterwards; he wondered if the place was infected in some way. He too suffered after-effects, including headaches and eye troubles. Dr Pauli Kajanoja reports: 'l think the men have suffered a great shock. Viljo was very red in the face and seemed a little swollen. Both seemed absent-minded. They talked quickly and incoherently. I could not find anything clinically wrong with Heinonen. He did not feel well, but that could have been his stomach reacting to the shock. The symptoms he described are like those after being exposed to radioactivity. Unfortunately I had no instrument to measure that. As to the black urine, it seems inexplicable. Possibly it could have been blood in it, but this cannot go on for several months. If blood samples had been taken they might have revealed changes in his blood.

'Both men seemed sincere, and I don't think they had made the thing up. I'm sure they were in a state of shock when they came to me; something must have frightened them.'

A strange thing happened in June 1970 when the two witnesses revisited the site together with a Swedish journalist, a photographer and an interpreter; the hands of the three strangers suddenly became red, and Heinonen had to leave the site with a powerful headache.


On the same day and at the same time as the skiers had their experience, two other people saw a bright light in the sky. A farmer's wife, Elna Siitari, in Paistjarvi, about 15 km from Imjarvi, was on her way to the cow-house when she saw a strange light in the direction of Imjarvi. In Paaso, 10 km north of Imjarvi, the son of a household had gone out for firewood when he observed a light phenomenon; it was then 4.45 pm.


Matti Tuuri, professor in electro-physics at Helsinki University, was very interested in the incident: 'We can't exclude the possibility that the injuries could have been caused by electrical radiation. But both state that the light was blinding and white, so it can't have been ultraviolet radiation, which is always bluish, Besides, it does not penetrate clothing, if the radiation penetrated Heinonen's clothing, it must have been a short-wave radiation such as X-rays; an overdose of these would cause symptoms such as those he reported...

'There is much in electro-physics which has yet to be explored. One has only to mention ball lightning; we know it exists, but the physical laws defining its existence have yet to be established. According to the known laws of physics, ball lightning should blow up immediately - but it doesn't! The incident at Heinola seems likely to be an abnormal electrical phenomenon.'

The Institute for High Voltage Research at (Jp-psala (University told GICOFF they did not think the phenomenon was related to any kind of atmospheric electricity.

Soil, vegetation and snow samples from the site were sent to Chalmers Institute of Technology for radiation tests, but revealed no more than normal background radiation.

SINCE 1970

To complicate a situation which already defies explanation, we have to consider Heinonen's claim that between the time of the incident and August 1972 he had no less than 23 further UFO sightings. As if that were not enough, he has become a contactee; on two occasions he met an 'extremely beautiful' spacewoman, after a loud female voice had directed him to a secluded rendezvous.

At the first encounter he also saw a man, standing about 60 m behind the woman. She was wearing a yellow trouser suit which rustled when she moved; she was 1.5 m tall, with shoulder-length hair and blue eyes - a description recalling Adamski's Venusian, She didn't walk like a human but 'floated' or 'hovered'. Though she looked about 20 she told him she was 180, as Menger's Venusian did. In her hand she held a silvery ball with three aerials pointing at Heinonen.

Fortunately she spoke Finnish, and began her conversation with "Hyvaa paivaa" ( = How do you do?); she told him she came from a green and pleasant land. Three different species of humanoids had visited Imjarvi, she said, some smaller than her, some of her height (140 cm) and some about 2 m high. She said that the January incident had lasted 3 minutes, not just a few seconds as the two witnesses thought.

At their second meeting Heinonen again asked where she came from. She told him to hurry home and he would see the beautiful craft she had come in. And indeed when he got home he saw an object some 5-7 m in diameter in the sky.

On each occasion Heinonen spoke with the spacewoman for five minutes, but can recall surprisingly little of what was said. On another occasion both he and Viljo saw a being in Viljo's home: a being a little more than 1.5 m, wearing a grey suit with white stripes, suddenly stepped out of the wall and remained standing in the middle of the floor; the two men gaped at it for 30 seconds, after which it vanished.

Swedish ufologist Liljegren has drawn attention to the failure of Heinonen and Viljo to offer anything by way of concrete evidence. On one occasion Heinonen received a green pen from the space beings, but he lent it to a researcher and never saw it again: he was given a stone but made to throw it away; when he tried to photograph the spacewoman both she and his camera disappeared! Viljo too tried to take a photograph of a mysterious light, but the camera was knocked out of his hand and the film was burned to ashes. All in all, Liljegren concludes, their accounts are more likes sagas and myths than a logical contact attempt by an intergalactic civilisation.

Without question, these later accounts undermine the credibility of the witnesses and throw a dubious light on their original story. As in the Dewilde case in France, the Hill case in the United States, and many more, what seems at first to be an interesting and serious incident is made to seem doubtful by subsequent events.

Is it that the real UFO experience causes the witnesses to subsequently have imaginary experiences? Or was the first, like those that followed, the symptom of some psychic state, triggered by some unknown cause to bring about a UFO 'sighting'? (In this connection it is perhaps significant that, according to Anders Liljegren, this was not Heinonen's first UFO sighting; he had had one six years previously!)

Or is there yet a third explanation?


In February 1969 a 16-year-old boy, Matti Kontulainen, had a strange experience only 100 m or so from the slope where Heinonen and Viljo had their encounter:

'It was a cloudy winter evening about 11 pm. I was skiing home through the forest after visiting a friend. It was dark but suddenly the forest was lit up by an intense light which rushed just above the treetops at so low an altitude that I threw myself down in the snow. It was like a huge welding flame, and it disappeared in no time. 1 have never seen such an intense light; it was like staring at the sun! It was coming from the south and heading north. I heard no sound, so I'm sure it wasn't an airplane.'

Matti Haapaniemi, 46, is a farmer in Imjarvi and a member of Heinola rural district council; his farm is only 1 km distant from Heinonen's home. He says: 'Many people in this neighbourhood have laughed at this story. But I don't think it's anything to joke about I've known both Aarno and Esko since they were little boys. Both are quiet, rational fellows, and moreover they are abstainers. I'm sure their story is true!'


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material

Falsificación deliberada

Esta versión incluye cualquier falsificación que imite fenómenos inexplicables como desde el exterior: bromas, flashmobs, noticias falsas, engaño de testigos, escenificaciones, etc.

Hay muchas maneras de hacer algo similar a un fantasma o un platillo volador con materiales improvisados, sin usar videos y fotomontajes.

Muchas cosas caseras hechas para una broma, una broma o una imitación directa de un ser o evento místico pueden confundirse con algo inexplicable no solo en fotos y videos, sino también en la realidad.


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
No hay suficiente información


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
No hay suficiente información

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