ID | #1600092171 |
Añadido | Lun, 14/09/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Vicente Ballester Olmos
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un camionero de 27 años que viajaba en las afueras de Santiponce observó una figura alta y delgada que salía a la mitad de la carretera.
Se vio obligado a Bajar la velocidad observando la figura, primero pensando que era un "hombre desnudo". Pero cuando los faros iluminaron la figura, el testigo se dio cuenta de que no era una persona.
Tenía una gran cabeza en forma de huevo y largos brazos colgantes. El humanoide permaneció inmóvil en medio de la carretera, gesticulando brevemente con sus manos como si ordenara que el camión se detuviera.
Asustado, el testigo aceleró el camión y se dirigió directamente al extraño hombre.
Al acercarse a la figura de dos metros de altura, notó que estaba completamente cubierta con un traje brillante y ajustado. La figura saltó repentinamente de cabeza hacia adelante en un grupo de pequeños árboles al costado de la carretera, utilizando una destreza sobrehumana.
Noticias originales
Date: January 8 1972
Location: Santiponce Sevilla Spain
Time: 2135
Summary: A 27-year old trucker driving on the outskirts of Santiponce observed a tall thin figure step out into the middle of the road. He was forced to reduce his speed as he watched the figure, thinking at first that it was a “naked man”. But as the headlights illuminated the figure the witness realized that it was not human. It had a large egg shaped head and long dangling arms. The humanoid remained unmoving in the middle of the road gesticulating briefly with his arms as if ordering the truck to stop. Scared, the witness accelerated the truck and headed straight towards the strange individual. As he neared the two-meter tall figure he noticed that it appeared to be completely covered in a shiny tight-fitting suit. The figure suddenly jumped head first into a group of small trees on the side of the road using inhuman agility. Terrified the witness drove quickly away and did not see the bizarre creature again.
Source: Vicente Ballester Olmos
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