ID | #1601812240 |
Añadido | Dom, 04/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Carl Van Vlierden for FSR & Mufon
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo y su esposa viajaban desde Salisbury, Rhodesia, a Durban, Sudáfrica. A unas 6 millas al sur de Umvum, Rhodesia, la pareja notó una figura en la carretera, que al principio fue considerada por un policía. La figura tenía una Caja en la mano y la forma era "metálica" y brillante. Casi inmediatamente después, se vio la luz en la distancia.
El objeto parecía moverse sollozando con la máquina durante la mayor parte del resto del camino, durante el cual ocurrieron algunos fenómenos extraños e inexplicables, así como efectos psicológicos inusuales.
Un testigo recordó que bajo una profunda hipnosis, "la forma estaba dirigida directamente al asiento trasero y se sentó allí durante todo el viaje". Le dijeron que si miraba, solo vería lo que quería ver, pero no lo veía. Pero podía "ver a través de los rayos" el interior del OVNI, que tenía 3 pisos, que detalló, y las criaturas en él que tenían "la misma forma básica que los humanos, con grandes torsos, cuellos, cabezas sin pelo, dos brazos y dos piernas", pero que no tenían órganos reproductivos.
Vinieron de" galaxias exteriores "o"12 planetas de la vía láctea". Viajaron "en el tiempo" y "cambiarán la tierra"y ahora estaban entre nosotros "miles".
Entre los efectos extraños estaba la impresión de una pareja de conducir por un terreno que nadie reconoció, a pesar de que antes habían conducido por la ruta planificada; una cara que durante gran parte del viaje Peter no controló el movimiento de su automóvil.
Y el extraño hecho es que cuando llegas a Beit Bridge en Sudáfrica a las 07:00, el auto solo ha gastado una pequeña fracción de la Gasolina que normalmente se necesita para recorrer esa distancia.
Noticias originales
Date: May 31 1974
Location: Near Umvuma Rhodesia
Time: 0230A
Summary: The witness and his wife were driving from Salisbury, Rhodesia to Durban, South Africa. About 6 miles south Umvuma, Rhodesia, the couple observed a figure along the road believed at first to be a police officer; the figure had a box in his hand, and the uniform was “metallic” and shiny. Almost immediately afterward a light was observed in the distance. An object appeared to pace the car for a major portion of the remainder of the journey, during which some strange and inexplicable phenomena as well as out of the ordinary psychological effects was experienced. Under deep hypnosis, the witness recalled, “a form was beamed straight to the back seat and sat there during the entire journey.” He was told that if he looked, he would see only what he wanted to see, but he did not look. But he could “see, through the beams,” the interior of the UFO, which had 3 floors, which he described in detail, and the beings in it, which had “the same basic form as humans, with large trunks, necks, hairless heads, two arms and two legs,” but who had no reproductive organs. They came from “outer galaxies,” or from “12 planets of the Milky Way.” They traveled “by time” and “will change the earth;” and there were “thousands” of them amongst us now. Among the strange effects was the couple’s impression of driving through a landscape that neither recognized, although they had traveled their planned route before; the face that during a major portion of the trip Peter had no control over the movement of their car; and the strange fact that by the time thy reached Beit Bridge, into South Africa, at 0700A, the car had used but a fraction of the petrol it would normally take to travel that distance.
Source: Carl Van Vlierden for FSR & Mufon
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