ID | #1602684848 |
Añadido | Mié, 14/10/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Mientras casi la mitad de los habitantes de este pueblo veían maniobrar un barco rojizo de forma ovalada sobre su cabeza, Fidel Hernández Rolla, de 14 años, jugaba con amigos en un campo fuera de la ciudad. Vieron cómo las esferas rojizas bajaban lentamente y aterrizaban en un campo cercano.
Fidel se quedó solo y sus amigos huyeron en pánico de la zona. Con una mezcla de miedo y curiosidad, Fidel se acercó al objeto y se agachó detrás de una pared de piedra para echar un vistazo a la misteriosa nave.
De repente, una serie de luces se hicieron visibles dentro de lo que parecía ser un agujero en la nave.
Dentro de la nave, Fidel pudo ver numerosas linternas multicolores, monitores y otros dispositivos no identificados. La nave estaba coronada por una cúpula de cristal y en su interior se podían ver varias figuras humanas muy altas en movimiento.
Luego, el testigo vio tres enormes figuras humanas que aparecieron repentinamente detrás del objeto, cerca de su ubicación. Los humanoides medían más de dos metros de altura y vestían ropa blanca ajustada con cinturones y botas. Todos tenían el pelo rubio hasta los hombros. Sus rostros eran humanos, con grandes ojos en forma de almendra.
En el expediente, los humanoides se acercaron a un campo de papas cercano, donde varias libras de papas se apilaron piramidalmente. Después de mirar las papas durante unos segundos, las criaturas se movieron hacia el testigo.
En ese momento, escuchó palabras indescifrables en su cabeza, como si los humanoides intentaran comunicarse telepáticamente. Después de unos segundos, los humanoides desaparecieron repentinamente de la vista.
Al mismo tiempo, el objeto se levantó, emitiendo un zumbido constante.
Noticias originales
Date: April 23 1976
Location: Matapozuelos, Spain
Time: 2315
Summary: While almost half the residents of this village watched a reddish oval shaped craft maneuvering overhead, 14-year old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field outside of town when they saw a reddish spheres slowly descend and land on a nearby field. Fidel was left alone as his friends ran from the area in a panic. With a mixture of fear and curiosity Fidel approached the object and crouched behind a stonewall to look at the enigmatic craft. Suddenly a row of lights became visible inside what appeared to be an opening on the craft. Inside the craft, Fidel was able to see numerous multi-colored lights, monitors and other unidentified apparatus. The craft was topped with a crystal dome and inside several very tall human like figures could be seen moving about. The witness then saw three huge man-like figures suddenly appear behind the object, not to far from his location. The humanoids were over 2 meters in height and wore tight fitting white outfits with belts and boots. They all had light colored shoulder length hair. Their faces were human-like with large almond shaped eyes. In an Indian file the humanoids walked to a nearby potato field where several pounds of potatoes were stacked high in pyramid style. After looking at the potatoes for a few seconds the beings then started at the witness. At this point he heard unintelligible words inside his head as if the humanoids were attempting to communicate telepathically. Seconds later the humanoids suddenly disappeared in plain sight. At the same time the object rose up emitting a steady buzzing sound. As the object disappeared into the distance several additional towns people arrived to see the object vanish into space.
Source: Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver
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