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Círculos en el campo y otras formaciones. Colombia

ID #1603120506
Añadido Lun, 19/10/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
21.12.1976 00:30
Эль-Банко MAG

Liberato Aníbal Quintero, pastor, fue despertado por una tormenta eléctrica. Sintió el impulso de salir de la casa y caminar hasta los establos a cierta distancia. 

Poco antes de acercarse a ellos, vio un brillante rayo de luz que iluminaba el cielo. Cuando la luz se acercó, se lanzó al Suelo y se metió en los arbustos. Vio un gran objeto brillante en forma de huevo que se hundía lentamente, iluminando todo el espacio y produciendo un calor insoportable. 

Aterrizó cerca de los establos y una pequeña escalera fue llevada al Suelo. Quintero quiso huir, pero no pudo. 

Varias figuras pequeñas (menos de 5 pies (1,5 m) de altura) bajaron las escaleras con linternas en sus manos; tenían piel blanca, caras planas, pómulos muy altos, cejas gruesas y ojos redondos y abultados. Tres de ellos eran mujeres, con el pelo largo. Estos pequeños individuos notaron a Quintero y lo atraparon, aunque derribó a 4 o 6 de ellos. 

Lo agarraron por la columna vertebral y se desmayó. Cuando se recuperó, se encontró desnudo en una habitación "con una iluminación extraordinaria", atormentado por el dolor. Tenía una herida en su brazo derecho y pensó que le habían extraído sangre. A su lado había 3 mujeres masajeando su espalda y aparentemente tratando de aliviar su dolor. Ellos también estaban desnudos. Notó que no tenían ombligos.

Pronto tuvo relaciones sexuales con uno de ellos. Esta mujer, que era "muy peluda" y "muy ferviente", emitió un "ladrido de perro", a lo que respondió un ladrido desde fuera de la habitación. El testigo se agotó después, pero las otras dos mujeres le dieron un "extraño líquido amarillento" que "restauró completamente su fuerza". También continuó su relación con ellos. 

"Todo el romance con tres de ellos debería haber durado al menos 3 horas". 

Volvió a sentir el pinchazo, esta vez en la espalda, y se desmayó. 

Cuando se despertó, yacía en la hierba cerca de los establos, y apenas comenzaba el amanecer. Llegó a su casa y le contó a su esposa y posteriormente a sus colegas lo que le había sucedido. Sus amigos registraron el lugar y encontraron las huellas dejadas por el objeto en el Suelo.

Posteriormente, Quintero sufrió dolores de cabeza agonizantes. Su empleador calificó a Quintero como totalmente creíble.

Noticias originales

Location. Near El Banco Magdalena Colombia
Date: December 21 1976
Time: 0030A
Liberato Anibal Quintero, a cowman, was roused from sleep by a thunderstorm. He felt a compulsion to go out of the house, and to walk toward the cowsheds some distance away. Just before he reached them he saw a vivid beam of light, which lit, up the sky. As the light approached, he threw himself to the ground and crawled into some bushes. He saw that a big, brilliantly luminous egg shaped object was slowly descending, lighting up the whole area and producing and unbearable heat. It landed near the cowsheds, and a small ladder was extended to the ground. Quintero wanted to run away, but he was unable to. A number of small figures (less than 5 ft tall) descended the ladder, carrying lights in their hands; they were white skinned, with flat faces, very high cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and round protruding eyes. Three of them were women, with long hair. These little people spotted Quintero, and caught him, though he knocked 4 or 6 of them down. They seized him by the spine, and he lost consciousness. When he recovered his senses he found himself naked, inside a room “with extraordinary lights,” racked with pain. There was a puncture mark on his right arm, and he thought they had taken blood from him. Beside him were 3 of the women, massaging his back and apparently trying to relieve his pain. They too were naked. He noticed that they had no navels. His advances were cordially received, and he was soon having intercourse with one of them. This woman, who was “extremely hairy” and “very ardent,” uttered “barks like a dog,” which were answered by barks from outside the room. The witness was exhausted after this, but the other 2 women gave him a “strange yellowish stuff” to drink, which “completely restored his vigor.” He proceeded to have intercourse with them also; “the whole affair with the 3 of them must have lasted at least 3 hours.” He felt the prick of an injection again, this time in his back, and lost consciousness. When he awoke he was lying on the grass near the cowsheds, and dawn was just breaking. He staggered home and told his wife, and subsequently his workmates, what had happened to him. His friends searched the spot, finding marks left on the ground by the object. Subsequently Quintero suffered from excruciating headaches. His employer described Quintero as totally trustworthy.

Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 22 # 6


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