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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34961 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1184 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2823, otros 10897 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 321 versiones.

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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1604424115
Añadido Mar, 03/11/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
28.07.1978 23:45
Лудингтон, MI
Estados Unidos

La estación de Guardacostas recibe una llamada telefónica de un ciudadano que informa que dos personas han visto un objeto extraño sobre el lago. 

La guardia costera Don Clark también lo ve. Él dice que, junto con otros, vio un grupo de luces blancas, una de las cuales parpadeaba, y una luz verde constante cerca de la costa. 

Fue "muy, muy brillante".

Se movía hacia el oeste y luego aceleraba silenciosamente sobre el horizonte "más rápido que un avión". Cuando la instalación se dirigía a su estación hermana en Tu Rivers (Wisconsin), Ludington les informó sobre la instalación por Radio.

También fue observado en el faro de Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Apareció otra luz extraña, tal vez parte de todo, o tal vez solo "emoción" [ya que carecía de algunas de las rarezas típicas de otras observaciones de múltiples testigos]. Todo esto puede ser algo más, pero las observaciones posteriores se están volviendo más controvertidas. 

El fotógrafo no confió en nadie la película y la mostró en el acto. Las fotos [que el autor no vio, pero que se emitieron en la televisión nacional] supuestamente muestran un conjunto de luces de colores a rayas. Surgió el mito de que esta película se perdió misteriosamente después de ser enviada a la oficina de CG en Cleveland, Ohio, pero aparentemente se refiere al segundo conjunto de fotos tomadas por otra persona en un "evento" que ocurrió más tarde.día.

Noticias originales

Date:  July 28 1978
Location:  Ludington, MI
Time:  11:45 PM. 
Summary:  The coast guard station gets a phone call from a citizen who reports that two people have seen a strange object over the lake. Coast Guardsman Don Clark sees it too. He says that he along with others saw a cluster of white lights, one of them flashing, and one steady green light, near the shoreline. It was “very, very bright”. It proceeded westerly and then accelerated silently over the horizon “faster than a plane”. As the object was heading towards their sister station at Two Rivers,WI , Ludington radioed them about the object. 
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. )


Date:  July 28 1978
Location:  Ludington, MI
Time:  11:57 PM. 
Summary:  Six coastguardsmen were at the window of the station to watch it show up. What they thought they saw was a cylinder or ball with a variety of colored lights. These lights were white, red, green, orange, blue, and flashing one light at a time. Their brilliance was such that it hurt the eyes. The thing passed at a distance of about 5 miles, and for all they could tell was silent. Pictures were taken. If it could be assumed that this was the same object as on the Michigan side [a real coincidence if it were not], then a rather easy calculation of ~1200mph crossing speed was make-able. The thing wobbled as it flew, and then stopped abruptly, looking as if it had “hit a brick wall”. It then whisked out of sight “in seconds”. Then the personnel called a third station [at Sturgeon Bay, WI], warning them. 
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. )

Date:  July 28 1978
Location:  Sturgeon Bay
Time:  Midnight
Summary:   Coast guard personnel saw the same or similar looking object passing by at high speed and at higher altitude.
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].

Date:  July 29 1978
Location:  Ludington, MI
Time:  12:01 AM.
Summary:  Ludington personnel saw a second object, moving at very high speed and flashing red lights and a strobe-like appearance. Three minutes later it was within eyesight of Two Rivers, who described it the same way. 
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. 

Date:  July 29 1978
Location:   Green Bay, WI
Time:  12:25 AM.
Summary:  Lighthouse reported what could have been the same object, described as very fast and flashing red and white lights erratically. 
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].

Date:  July 29 1978
Location:  Green Bay, WI
Time:  12:45 AM.
Summary:   Another odd light showed up, possibly part of all this or possibly just “excitement” [as it lacked some of the strangeness of the other multi-witnessed sightings]. There may be more to all this but later sightings get more controversial. The main loose end is the film. The photographer didn’t trust anyone else with the film and had it developed locally. The pictures [not seen by this writer but broadcast on national television] supposedly show a somewhat streaky set of colored lights. A myth grew up that this film had been mysteriously lost after being sent to the CG office in Cleveland, OH, but that apparently applies to a second set of pictures taken by another person of an “event” that sounds like stars which occurred on a later day. 
Source:  CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].


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