ID | #1606066198 |
Añadido | Dom, 22/11/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Una reunión de una hora a altas horas de la noche en un camino rural del sur de Canterbury convenció a la familia Tew de Temuki de que realmente existían objetos voladores no identificados.
Ken Tew describió ayer cómo un objeto volador multicolor caminaba sobre ellos por Waitohi Street en la madrugada del 12 de julio, acercándose a su automóvil a 120 yardas (108 m) y cambiando de color a medida que avanzaba.
Tew, un mecánico motorista, dijo que antes de reunirse con ellos, siempre habían sido abiertamente acerca de los Ovnis, pero ahora estaban convencidos de que tales fenómenos existían.
La señora Tew dijo que a la hora de la noche, las maniobras y la Proximidad del objeto, sabían que no era un avión.
Tew estaba aterrorizada por la colisión y quería conducir más rápido, su esposo quería que se detuviera en la acera para ver mejor el objeto.
Regresaban a Temuca desde Pleasant Point con sus tres hijas.
Tew, quien conducía, dijo que parecía que la luz se reflejaba en las ventanas mojadas. Pero al Bajar la ventana, la pareja aún podía ver claramente el objeto.
Dijeron que parecía acercarse al automóvil, luego se detuvo bruscamente a unos 200-300 metros, luego cambió de dirección y comenzó a caminar sobre el automóvil.
"El espectáculo en sí no me asustó, pero el velocímetro del automóvil contó una historia sobre cómo se sentía mi esposa", dijo Tew.
"Cuando abrimos la ventana del automóvil y el objeto se acercó al automóvil, nunca antes lo habíamos visto. No hubo ruido, y era bastante obvio que era un objeto volador controlado".
Tanto la Sra. Tew como su hija mayor estaban intrigadas por lo que parecía ser una forma de "... ocho" que parecía estar fuera de las instalaciones.
Al moverse, parecía ser seguido por una cola en forma de abanico de color rojo dorado, pero la "cola" no era visible cuando estaba inmóvil.
Finalmente, el objeto "disparó" hacia el este.
Tew, parecía que no se movía entre los dos puntos, "de repente sucedió en otro lugar".
Tew dijo que cuando regresó a casa, anotó todo lo que podía recordar mientras el incidente aún estaba fresco en su memoria.
Tevuka dijo que al llegar a Temuki, siguieron a un OVNI que todavía estaba cambiando de color al este de la ciudad, hacia el mar.
Después de abandonar la persecución, regresaron a casa y la pareja dijo cuando levantó la vista. el objeto flotaba sobre ellos a una altura de aproximadamente 1, 000 pies.
Tew dijo ayer que, aunque fueron vistos hace dos semanas, su esposa vio otra extraña luz en el cielo hace solo tres noches.
Hasta ayer, Tew no sabía que la forma y los colores del objeto que afirmaron haber visto eran casi idénticos a la observación detallada de Ovnis en Illinois, Estados Unidos, en 1952.
Anne Son, describió el barco de forma similar, con ventanas a los lados y el mismo color rojizo que el objeto.
Noticias originales
This sketch reconstructs the unidentified flying object the Thew family of Temuka claim they saw near Temuka this month. (source: Temuka Herald)
“UFO paced us, Temuka family says”
Staff Reporter
Temuka Herald
An hour-long late night encounter on a South Canterbury back road has convinced the Thew family of Temuka that unidentified flying objects do exist.
Mr and Mrs Ken Thew yesterday described how a multi-coloured flying object paced them along the Waitohi Road in the early hours of the morning of July 12, approaching to within 120 yards of their car and changing colours as it went.
Mr Thew, a motor mechanic, said they had always had an open mind on UFOs before their encounter, but were now convinced such phenomena existed.
Mrs Thew said they knew by the hour of the night, the manoeuvres and closeness of the object that it was not an aeroplane.
While Mrs Thew was frightened by the encounter and wanted to drive faster, her husband wanted her to pull over to the roadside to get a better view of the object.
They were returning to Temuka from Pleasant Point with their three daughters.
Mrs Thew, who was driving, said she thought the lights were a reflection on the wet windows. But after winding down the window, the couple could still clearly see the object.
They said it seemed to be approaching the car, then abruptly stopped about 200 to 300 metres away, then changed direction and began to pace the car.
“The sight itself didn’t frighten me, but the car’s speedo told the story of how my wife felt,” Mr Thew said.
“When we opened the car window and the object came closer to the car, it was something we had never seen before.
There was no noise and it was quite apparent this was a controllable flying object.”
Both Mrs Thew and her eldest daughter were intrigued by what seemed like the shape of a “… a figure eight” which seemed to be outside the object.
In movement, a fan-like tail of golden-red colour appeared to follow it, but the “tail” was not visible when it was stationary.
The object finally “shot away* towards the east.
It did not seem to move between two points, according to Mr and Mrs Thew — “suddenly it was just somewhere else.”
Mr Thew said that as soon as he got home he wrote down all he could recall while the incident was still fresh in his memory.
The Thews said thai after reaching Temuka they followed the UFO, which was still changing colours to the east of the town, towards the sea.
Giving up the chase, they returned home, and the couple said when they looked up. the object was hovering above them at an altitude of about 1000ft.
Mr Thew said yesterday that although their sighting had been a fortnight ago, his wife had seen another strange light in the sky only three nights ago.
The Thews were unaware until yesterday that the shape and colours of the object they claimed to have seen were almost identical with a detailed UFO sighting in Illinois, America, in 1952.
In that sighting a nurse, Mrs Ann Sohn, described a similar shaped craft, complete with windows along the side and the same reddish colour to the object.
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