ID | #1606471218 |
Añadido | Vie, 27/11/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Carlos Fernandez, Gaceta Ovni
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Evaristo Fandino, que estaba de vacaciones en la zona, una noche durante la marea baja fue a la playa para disfrutar de la brisa del mar.
En la distancia, notó varias figuras que, en la débil luz de la Luna, parecían humanos montando caballos. Parecían tener capas brillantes que emitían brillantes destellos de luz.
Al principio pensó que las figuras se acercaban a él, pero cuando se acercó a ellas, notó que se estaban alejando en la distancia. Fandino se apresuró y se acercó a las figuras a una distancia de 15 metros.
Luego se dio cuenta de que no eran personas a caballo, sino figuras altas y delgadas de al menos 4 metros de altura. Parecía que sus cabezas estaban rodeadas por halos puntiagudos brillantes.
Asustado, se paró y observó cómo las figuras desaparecían rápidamente de la vista en la distancia.
Noticias originales
Location. Conil Beach, Spain
Date: September 1982
Time: night
Evaristo Fandino, on vacation in the area, had gone to the beach one night during low tide in order to enjoy the sea breeze. In the distance he noticed several figures that under the weak moonlight appeared to be, men mounted on horses. They seemed to be wearing luminous capes that gave off bright flashes of light. At first he thought that the figures were approaching him but as he neared them he noticed that they seemed to be receding into the distance. Fandino now hurried and approached to within 15 meters of the figures. He then realized that these figures were not men on horses but tall slim figures at least 4 meters in height. They appeared to have some kind of luminous pointed halos surrounding their heads. Frightened he stood and watched as the figures quickly disappeared from sight into the distance.
Source: Carlos Fernandez, Gaceta Ovni
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