ID | #1607874051 |
Añadido | Dom, 13/12/2020 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Paranigma
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Los bañistas se horrorizaron al ver a dos pequeñas criaturas extrañas salir de las aguas del océano y correr sobre las arenas, asustando a los lugareños.
Fueron descritos como 25 centímetros de largo y 10 centímetros de alto. Tenían forma de pera, con ojos-pezones, nariz y un pequeño agujero para la boca. Eran de color negro con abdominales amarillos.
Las criaturas parecían avanzar usando una protuberancia en la parte posterior de su cuerpo.
El pescador local ángel Zamorano supuestamente atrapó a una de las criaturas. Se desconoce su paradero.
Noticias originales
Date: September 15 1985
Location: Arica Chile
Time: morning
Summary: Bathers were horrified to see two small strange creatures come out of the ocean waters and hurl themselves over the sands scaring locals. These were described as being 25 centimeters in length by 10 centimeters in height. They were pear shaped, with nipple like eyes, a nose, and a small hole for a mouth. They were black in color with yellow bellies. The creatures seemed to propel themselves using a protuberance in the rear of their bodies. A local angler, Angel Zamorano supposedly caught one of the creatures. Whereabouts of it is unknown.
Source: Paranigma
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