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Misteriosos de la sustancia. Australia

ID #1608127099
Añadido Mié, 16/12/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
21.01.1988 04:00
Мундрабилла WA

El 20 de enero de 1988 fue el día en que la familia Knowles y sus dos perros experimentaron una experiencia inexplicable mientras viajaban por la llanura de Nallarbor a primera hora de la mañana.

Alrededor de las 4 a.m., Faye Knowles y sus hijos Patrick (24), sean (21), y Wayne (18) estaban entre Madura y Mundrabilla con sean al volante y Patrick a su lado en el asiento delantero cuando se les vio una luz brillante delante. 

Sean pensó que la luz era extraña y le preguntó a su hermano si creía que era una nave espacial. Esta idea fue rechazada por su hermano, pero interesó a sean y aumentó la velocidad para alcanzar el objeto y verlo más de cerca. 

A unos 20 metros de las instalaciones, los miembros de la familia dicen que se encontraron con una luz blanca cegadora que se movía por delante de su automóvil en movimiento. Tenía aproximadamente 1 metro de ancho y se describió como un huevo ligeramente anguloso en forma de taza de huevo con un centro amarillo. 

Un objeto que al principio parecía tendido en el Suelo o directamente sobre él comenzó a moverse hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Sean giró el automóvil hacia el lado opuesto de la carretera para evitar una colisión con un objeto. pero luego casi chocó con un vagón remolcando una camioneta que iba en la otra dirección. (Los pasajeros de este segundo automóvil nunca salieron adelante)

Luego, el objeto rodeó el lado derecho de su automóvil y pareció perseguir al segundo automóvil que remolcaba la caravana. En ese momento, Knowles hizo dos giros: el primero persiguió al objeto, y el segundo rechazó la idea porque estaba asustado. 

En un momento dado, la familia sintió que el OVNI había regresado y aterrizado en su auto. Escucharon un sonido de zumbido y sintieron que el automóvil estaba empujando hacia abajo la carga que se encontraba sobre él.

A estas alturas, la familia estaba comprensiblemente asustada, y los siguientes eventos son difíciles de desentrañar en retrospectiva. La familia creía que el automóvil había sido elevado por encima de la carretera, aunque ninguno de ellos pudo estimar cuánto tiempo o qué tan alto. Knowles abrió la ventana trasera y se acercó al techo. 

Sintió algo suave y elástico, caliente pero sin quemarle la mano, y cuando devolvió la mano al auto, descubrió que estaba cubierta de polvo negruzco. Este evento causó pánico en el resto de la familia. 

Patrick bajó la ventana, pero estaba cubierto de polvo fino, que estaba acompañado de un olor desagradable que recordaba a los cadáveres. Luego se escuchó un sonido agudo, del cual los perros se enfurecieron. La familia perdió la orientación y sintió que sus voces se volvieron más lentas y silenciosas. En ese momento creían que iban a morir. Patrick dijo que sentía que su "cerebro se estaba chupando", y la señora Knowles lo comparó con algo que"penetra en nuestras cabezas".

Algún tiempo después, la familia sintió que el automóvil se había salido de nuevo a la carretera, lo que provocó que la rueda trasera derecha estallara. Sean detuvo bruscamente el auto y luego se apagó. La familia salió apresuradamente del automóvil y se escondió en los arbustos a un lado de la carretera. Permanecieron allí 15 minutos, después de lo cual cambiaron la rueda y se dirigieron a la ciudad más cercana.

Desconocido para Knowles, el camionero Graham Henley también vio al mismo tiempo y en el mismo lugar una extraña luz en su espejo retrovisor. 

Lo describió como "un gran huevo frito suspendido boca abajo". Mantuvo el objeto a la vista durante 5 minutos y no vio ningún faro de automóvil debajo. 

Poco después de que Henley se mudó a Mundrabilla, vio un auto Knowles que se acercaba y se encontró con una familia asustada que intentaba describir su experiencia. Inspeccionó su automóvil y confirmó la presencia de cenizas negras en varias áreas, tanto dentro como fuera del automóvil, y lo comparó con arena fina de silicio con olor a Gary. 

También señaló cuatro abolladuras en el techo del automóvil y un neumático dañado. Henley y dos de sus amigos también inspeccionaron la escena, encontrando marcas de deslizamiento,

La familia llegó a seduna en Ese momento y fue interrogada allí por la policía, quien confirmó que la familia estaba visiblemente conmocionada. También confirmaron la presencia de cuatro abolladuras y polvo fino. 

La investigación de Ovnis en el sur de Australia fue contactada y se acordó que Knowles viajara a Adelaida para investigar más a fondo. Kate Basterfield se sintió atraída por la investigación en esta etapa, y afirmó que "parecía un ejemplo extraordinario de un contacto cercano que dejaba huellas físicas". 

Sin embargo, debido a que la historia llegó a los medios de comunicación, el periodismo de cheques se vio obstaculizado por una investigación seria, y los investigadores tuvieron que mediar con una estación de televisión para poder hablar con Knowles. 

Sin embargo, el canal de televisión ordenó un estudio de laboratorio del vehículo, que concluyó que "no se encontró una cantidad significativa de polvo en el vehículo presentado para su inspección". 

Los investigadores de Ovnis lograron obtener muestras por su cuenta, que enviaron al Dr. Richard Haynes, en ese momento un científico de la NASA que concluyó que el polvo tomado del interior de un automóvil era diferente del polvo tomado desde el exterior. Pruebas adicionales realizadas por diferentes analistas no revelaron evidencia de su extrañeza o inusual.

Desafortunadamente, nada de esto es definitivo. Al mismo tiempo, hubo otros informes de Ovnis en la misma área, lo que generalmente implica que algo inusual sucedió. 

La única conclusión a la que podemos llegar con confianza es que algo sucedió y que los miembros de la familia fueron testigos de una luz inusual y estaban extremadamente asustados por sus consecuencias. Todo lo que tenemos es una historia interesante, y todavía no hay una idea clara de lo que sucedió exactamente.

Noticias originales

January 20 1988 was the day that the Knowles family and their two dogs had an unexplainable experience whilst travelling across the Nullarbor Plain in the early hours of the morning.

At about 4.00am, Faye Knowles and her sons Patrick, 24, Sean, 21, and Wayne 18 were between Madura and Mundrabilla with Sean driving and Patrick next to him in the front seat when a bright light was seen ahead of them. Sean thought the light strange and asked his brother if he thought it was a spaceship. This idea was rejected by his brother, but Sean’s interest was piqued and he sped the car up in order to catch up to the object and get a closer look. At about 20 metres from the object the family say they were confronted with a white blinding light that moved along in front of their moving vehicle. It was about 1 metre wide and described as a slightly angular egg in an egg-cup shape with a yellow centre. The object, which at first appeared to be either on the ground or immediately above it then began to move back and forth. Sean swerved the car to the opposite side of the road to avoid a collision with the object, but then nearly collided with a station wagon towing a caravan coming in the other direction. (The occupants of this second car have never come forward) The object then circled around to the right side of their car and appeared to give chase to the second vehicle towing the caravan. The Knowles made at 2 u-turns at this point, the first to give chase to the object, and the second to abandon this idea as they had grown frightened. They had at this point gained the idea that the object was after them.

At some point the family felt that the UFO had returned and had landed on their vehicle. They heard a clunking sound and felt that the car was being pushed down by a weight that rested on top of it.

By now the family was understandably frightened, and the following events are difficult to unravel in retrospect. The family believed that the car was lifted above the road, though none of them were able to estimate for how long or how high. Mrs Knowles wound down a rear window and reached for the roof. She felt something soft and rubbery that was hot but did not burn her hand, and when she brought her hand back into the car she found it covered in a blackish dust. This event caused a panic in the rest of the family. Patrick wound down his window, only to be covered in the fine dust, which was accompanied by a foul smell that was likened to dead bodies. A high-pitched sound was then heard, which sent the dogs into a frenzy. The family became disoriented and felt that their voices had become slower, and lower in pitch. They believed at this point that they were going to die. Patrick said that he felt that his ‘brain was being sucked out’, and Mrs Knowles likened it to having something ‘going into our heads’.

A while later, the family felt the car forced back down onto the road, bursting the rear right tyre. Sean brought the car to a sudden stop and then blacked out. The family left the car hurriedly and hid in some bushes by the side of the road. They remained there for 15 minutes before changing the tyre and continuing on to the nearest town.

Unknown to the Knowles’, a truck driver, Mr Graham Henley also saw, at the same time and in the same area, a strange light in his rear view mirror. He described as being like a strong spotlight and like a ‘big fried egg hung upside down”. He kept the object in view for 5 minutes and did not see any car headlights beneath it. Shortly after Henley pulled into Mundrabilla, he saw the Knowles’ car arrive, and was confronted by the frightened family all trying to describe their experience. He looked over their car and confirmed the presence of black ash in various areas, both inside and on the exterior of the vehicle, and likened it to fine silicon sand with a burnt odour to it. He also noted four indents in the roof of the car and the damaged tyre. Henley and two of his friends also surveyed the scene of the incident, finding skid marks, footprints and tread tracks that they felt confirmed the Knowles account of their incident.

The family had by this time arrived at Ceduna and been interviewed by the police there, who confirmed that the family were visibly shaken. They also reconfirmed the presence of the four dents and the fine dust. UFO Research South Australia was contacted and arrangements were made for the Knowles’ to continue to Adelaide for further investigation. Keith Basterfield was at this stage brought into the investigation, and he stated that it “appeared to be an extraordinary example of a close encounter that had left physical traces.” However, owing to the story reaching the media, serious investigation became obstructed by chequebook journalism, with investigators needing to mediate with a television station to be able to talk to the Knowles’. The TV station did, however, commission a laboratory investigation of the vehicle, which concluded that ‘no significant dust was observed on the vehicle as presented for inspection’. Ufo researchers did manage to obtain samples themselves, which they forwarded to Dr Richard Haines, a NASA scientist at the time, who concluded that the dust taken from the interior of the car was different to the dust sampled from the exterior. Further tests by different analysts have provided no evidence of it being alien or unusual.

Unfortunately none of this is conclusive. There were other UFO reports in the same area at the same time, which tends to imply that something unusual occurred. The only conclusion we can safely come to though, is that something happened, and that the family witnessed an unusual light and were extremely frightened by its effects. All we have is an interesting story, and still no clear idea of exactly what happened.


On the 20th January 1988, whilst driving on the Eyre Highway, Nullarbor, Australia, Faye Knowles, her 3 sons, and the family dog, were traveling towards South Australia to visit some relatives.

As they were driving along, they suddenly saw a strange light ahead of them. It was pale yellow and seemed to be zigzagging around. The object then shot straight towards the Knowles family and hovered right in front of the car.

They described the object as looking like an egg in an egg cup.

After swerving and zigzagging themselves to try and get clear of the object, they suddenly realized that the object was now hovering directly above their car.

The Knowles family could hear a high-pitched humming sound as the car was being tossed from side to side by apparently very strong winds.

During this time they also noticed a terrible smell of electrical burning, and the car was filling up with a strange grey mist.

All of a sudden they realized that the car was no longer touching the surface of the road. It seemed to be hovering a few meters up.

After a short while the car crashed back down to earth and crashed off the edge of the highway. Inside the car there was a fine sprinkling of powder, and the strange electrical burning smell.

They reported the incident to both police and UFO investigators, who took samples of the grey powder. The powder contained chemicals very similar to those that NASA uses to coat the surface of the space shuttle.

One theory put forward was that they had been engulfed in a fierce and very unusual form of electrically charged tornado.


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