ID | #1609870363 |
Añadido | Mar, 05/01/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Cristian Riffo M, Ovnis Terra, Chile
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Francisco Carrasco, empleado de las fuerzas armadas chilenas, se encontraba en una zona aislada, inspeccionando estaciones de radar y medios de comunicación. Viajó entre las islas a bordo del barco "Elikura".
Una noche, mientras dormía a bordo de un bote, de repente notó algo parecido a una nube oscura que lo envolvía con los pies hacia arriba mientras estaba acostado en la cama. Sintió frío. Una nube oscura lo envolvió casi por completo, dejando solo las manos y la cabeza libres. Apenas podía girar la cabeza para mirar a su alrededor.
De repente, se encuentra atrapado en una habitación oscura con una cúpula rodeada por una pared negra. Mirando el techo abovedado, vio estrellas distantes.
Notó frente a él dos extrañas formas cúbicas blancas translúcidas que giraban alrededor de su eje. Escuchó un zumbido constante en el fondo.
Noticias originales
Date: October 1993
Location: Tortel, Golfo De Penas, Chile
Time: 2200
Summary: Francisco Carrasco, an employee for the Chilean Military was out in an isolated area inspecting radar and communications sites. He traveled in between islands onboard the launch “Elicura.” One night as he slept onboard the boat he suddenly noticed what appeared to be a dark cloud that was enveloping him from the feet up as he lay in bed. He felt either head or cold. The dark cloud almost completely enveloped him leaving only its hands hand head free. He could hardly turn his head to look around. Suddenly he found himself transported into a dark room domed room, encircled in a black wall. Looking up at the domed roof he could see distant stars. He noticed in front of him two strange semi transparent white cubic figures that were gyrating on their own axis. He could hear a steady buzzing sound in the background. He does not remember how long he was there but he suddenly found himself back in his bunk on the boat.
Source: Cristian Riffo M, Ovnis Terra, Chile
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