ID | #1614873471 |
Añadido | Jue, 04/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | NUFORC
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Varios guardaparques en el bosque nacional presenciaron el choque de lo que parecía ser un avión. Inmediatamente fueron a mirar el objeto.
Cuando llegaron, encontraron un objeto en llamas y cuerpos humanoides en el Suelo. Los guardaparques encontraron los cuerpos de los alienígenas y los llevaron a su estación. Allí, uno de los guardabosques tomó varias fotos de uno de los cuerpos mientras estaba tendido en una Camilla.
El humanoide fue descrito como un hombre de 4,5 a 5 pies (1,3-1,5 m) de altura con una piel grisácea de color rosa. Tenía solo cuatro dedos en cada extremidad, sus manos alcanzaban las rodillas. Su cabeza era enorme, sus ojos parecían grandes y redondos, y su boca y nariz eran proporcionales a los humanos. El cuerpo presentaba signos de quemaduras de primer y segundo grado.
Noticias originales
Location. Rio Grande, El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: April 5 1995
Time: night
Several Park Rangers at the National Forest witnessed the crash of what appeared to have been an aircraft; they immediately set off to take a look at the object. When they arrived they found an object burning and humanoid bodies lying on the ground. The Park Rangers recovered the alien bodies and took them to their station. There one of the rangers took several pictures of one of the bodies, while it was lying on a stretcher. The humanoid was described as 4 1/2 to 5 foot tall, grayish skin with a rose tone. He had only four fingers and toes on each extremity, his arms reached down to his knees. His head was huge, he had eyes that looked big, and round, his mouth and nose were in proportion to that of humans. The body showed signs of first and second degree burns. The military supposedly came and collected the humanoids as well as the remains of the object and took them to the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station.
Source: NUFORC
Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde
- Sitio: Israeli Air Force Test Range, Palmachim (Israel) Vehículo: Shavit Carga útil: Ofeq 3
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