ID | #1616687730 |
Añadido | Jue, 25/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | San Pedro Sun, Belize
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Varios jóvenes, incluido Tyrel Haylock, de 9 años, estaban hablando cerca de una de sus casas cuando Tyrel vio a la criatura, de pie a unos 150 pies (45 m) de distancia, en el Suelo junto a un árbol de coco. Lo señaló a otros. Luego, la criatura se acercó a la casa donde se almacenaba el alimento para las ovejas.
Fue descrito casi tan grande como una cabra, agachado como si estuviera en cuclillas, con grandes alas en la espalda, manos pequeñas, cola y como si saltara y emitiera un sonido extraño y silencioso. Cuando la criatura llegó a la casa, corrieron detrás de su padre.
Salió con una linterna y un machete y fue a buscarlo por el mango. El padre no encontró la criatura.
Noticias originales
Date: June 22 1996
Location: Near Belmopan, Belize
Time: night
Summary: Several youngsters, including 9-year old, Tyrel Haylock, were outside one of their homes talking, when Tyrel spotted a creature standing about 150 feet away, on the ground beside a coconut tree. He pointed it out to the others. The creature then came walking towards the house where the feed for the sheep was stored. It was described as almost as big as a goat, crouched down, like it was squatting, with large wings on its back, small arms, a tail, and sort of jumped and made a strange small sound. After the creature came towards the house they ran to get their father. He came out with a light and a machete, and went to look for it by the pen. The father did not find the creature.
Source: San Pedro Sun, Belize
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