ID | #1617135968 |
Añadido | Mar, 30/03/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Arkadiusz Miazga, MCBUFOIZA
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Zdzislav Komorek regresaba al pueblo entre colinas bajas en una cálida noche sin nubes, cuando de repente notó una extraña figura humana que parecía estar hecha de luz brillante a 50 metros de distancia.
La figura medía aproximadamente 1,5 metros de altura, de color blanco, con una cabeza grande y manos humanas. Sin embargo, Komorek no pudo ver ningún rasgo facial. La figura se elevaba silenciosamente sobre el Suelo.
Un testigo asustado abandonó rápidamente el lugar y notó que la figura lo seguía, manteniéndose siempre a unos 50 metros de distancia. En un momento dado, miró a su alrededor y la figura desapareció misteriosamente.
Noticias originales
Date: August 1997
Location: Glinik, Poland
Time: 0010A
Summary: Zdzislaw Komorek was walking back to the village among some low hills on a warm cloudless night when he suddenly noticed a strange human like figure which seemed to be made out of bright light, at a distance of 50 meters away. The figure was about 1.5 meters in height, white in color and with a large head and human like hands. However, Komorek was unable to see any facial features. The figure was gliding silently above the ground. Terrified the witness quickly left the area, and noticed that the figure was following him always keeping a distance of about 50 meters. At one point he looked back and the figure had mysteriously vanished.
Source: Arkadiusz Miazga, MCBUFOIZA
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