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OVNI. Reino Unido

ID #1622553784
Añadido Mar, 01/06/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
09.05.2003 17:00
Восточная часть Атлантического океана
Reino Unido

El objeto fue descubierto por dos adolescentes de dieciocho años durante un vuelo que despegó de Tenerife en España a las 15.20 hora local y aterrizó en el aeropuerto de Manchester, en Inglaterra.Ella estimó que el objeto era al menos 40 veces más largo que la nave. La forma del objeto estaba en una proporción de 12 (longitud) a 1 (ancho). El joven que la acompañaba también vio el objeto.

Les preocupaba que pudiera haber sido un juego de luz a través de la ventana, por lo que miraron esa ventana desde diferentes posiciones y luego volvieron a mirar la ventana adyacente. Después de observar la forma durante aproximadamente media hora y no poder resolver el enigma, dejaron de observarla.

Tenga en cuenta que asumieron que el objeto estaba bajo el agua porque no podían ver nada debajo de ellos que proyectara una sombra tan enorme en el océano.

Como investigador de Ovnis con años de experiencia, me parece extremadamente improbable que el objeto se moviera a 600 millas por hora debajo de la superficie.


# 1

Estimado Señor ((nombre eliminado)),

Muchas gracias por el informe. ¿Te sentaste en el lado izquierdo o derecho del avión, por favor? Saludos, PD

Querido Sr. Davenport.

Respondiendo a su pregunta, dos testigos se sentaron en el lado derecho del avión y frente al ala. Saludos cordiales - - - - ((nombre eliminado))

# 2

Estimado Señor ((nombre eliminado)),

Gracias por la pronta respuesta. Según su descripción del "objeto" combinada con la nueva información que proporciona a continuación, sospecho que ha observado la sombra proyectada por su avión y la huella supuestamente corta que se formó detrás de ella. Dudo que un UFO submarino pueda rastrear su avión a varios cientos de millas de distancia. Además, es posible que haya notado un punto brillante en la parte superior de la imagen alargada que ha visto. ¿Es así por casualidad? Gracias por la información agregada. Probablemente publicaremos su informe, pero calificamos el objeto como un posible no OVNI. Atentamente,

Peter Davenport



Querido Peter,

En cuanto a su respuesta, por la que le agradezco. La suposición de que el OVNI era una sombra del avión no me parece una razón probable. La razón es que el avión estaba a la altura de crucero. A 30, 000 pies, me sorprendería si en el Suelo se pudiera distinguir cualquier sombra de un avión. Además, tenga en cuenta que la sombra o lo que sea parecía ser un gris muy oscuro en color, como si la fuente de la sombra estuviera bastante cerca del mar. no había puntos brillantes en ninguna parte de la sombra. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que puede haber una explicación perfectamente razonable para todo esto, pero hasta ahora no creo que lo hayamos encontrado. Si señala este caso en su tablero de mensajes, no lo culparé en lo más mínimo si lo calificó como un probable no OVNI

Noticias originales

Date: May 9 2003
Location: East Atlantic Ocean
Time: 17:00
Summary: The object was sighted by two eighteen year olds on a flight which left Tenerife in Spain at 15.20 local time and landed at Manchester airport in England at 19.20 G.M.T. Around 17.00 G.M.T. the young lady looked out of the window and down at the sea.It was a cloudless sky with good visibility.The aircraft was at cruising altitude and speed.She was amazed to see a long cylindrical shape which appeared to be under the water.At first she thought that it might be a very long chain of dark grey rocks but quickly realised that this was not the case because she could see both ends of the cylindrical shape which was keeping pace with the aircraft in which she was travelling.The aircraft was probably cruising around 600miles per hour.The object was definitely not visible when she first looked out of the window while they were over the sea.The enormous size of the object was only made apparent when a large ship sailed diagonally across the object.She estimated the object to be at least 40 times the length of the ship.The object’s shape was in the ratio of 12(length)to 1(width). The young man accompanying her also saw the object.They were concerned that it may have been a trick of the light through the window and so they looked from different positions through that window and then they took another look through an adjoining window.It was still visible.After watching the shape for around half an hour and being unable to resolve the mystery,they gave up watching it.Please note that they assumed the object was beneath the water because they could not see anything below them which could be casting such a huge shadow on the ocean.As a U.F.O. researcher of many years experience,I consider it highly unlikely that the object was travelling at 600 mph beneath the surface, although I suppose that anything is possible for the E.T.s.We do have two cases from a couple of years ago in Cheshire,England;where pilots in light aircraft were overtaken by a triangular shadow on the ground below them.Despite urgent efforts by the pilots to locate the craft responsible, no other aircraft were visible at any time.Therefore the E.T.s employ stealth technology which makes them invisible to the human eye but at the same time casts a shadow on the ground below.I believe that the same scenario could apply in this case.The two young people concerned wish to remain anonymous and were reluctant to tell me about the event.I have reported it to you in the hope that someone else may have seen the same thing or something similar on another occasion.The problem with this type of sighting is that the object seen appears to be too big to be feasible,and so such reports are probably seldom made.
Dear Mr. ((name deleted)),
Thank you very much for the report. Were you sitting on the left side, or the right side, of the aircraft, please? Cordially, PD

Dear Mr Davenport,
In answer to your question,the two witnesses were sitting on the right side of the aircraft,and in front of the wing. Best Wishes———— ((name deleted))

Dear Mr. ((name deleted)),
Thank you for the prompt response. Based on your description of the “object,” combined with the new information you provide below, I suspect that you were observing a shadow cast by your aircraft, and the presumably short contrail generated behind it. I doubt that a sub-marine “UFO” would track your aircraft over several hundreds of miles. Also, you may have observed a bright spot at the head of the elongate image you saw. Is that the case, by any chance? Thank you for the added information. We probably will post your report, but we will qualify the object as a probable non-UFO. Cordially,
Peter Davenport

Dear Peter,
With reference to your reply,for which I thank you.The proposal that the U.F.O. was a shadow from the plane does not seem to me to be the likely cause.The reason being that the plane was at cruising altitude.At 30,000 feet,I would have been surprised that any shadow from the plane could have been discerned on the ground.Also,please bear in mind that the shadow or whatever it was ,appeared to be a very dark grey in colour as if the source of the shadow was quite close to the sea.There were no bright spots anywhere on the shadow.I fully accept that there may be a perfectly
sensible explanation for all this,but as yet I do not believe that we have found it.If you enter this case on your notice board I would not blame you in the slightest if you qualified it as a probable non-U.F.O
Source: NUFORC


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material
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Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde space.skyrocket.de)

  • Sitio: Kagoshima Space Center / Uchinoura Space Center, Kagoshima, Kyushu (Japan) Vehículo: M-5 (2) Carga útil: Muses C (Hayabusa) [KM-V2]


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
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La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
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  • Мир тайн — сайт о таинственном
  • Activite-Paranormale
  • UFOlats
  • Новый Бестиарий
  • The Field Reports
  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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