ID | #1623250715 |
Añadido | Mié, 09/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
John Day estaba caminando a casa a altas horas de la noche cuando de repente se sintió muy mal y su cabeza se mareó.
Lo siguiente que recuerda es cómo se despertó en una habitación blanca brillante, desnudo en una mesa limpia. No estaba atado ni atado, pero no podía moverse en absoluto, excepto los ojos. Estaba aterrorizado y no podía respirar normalmente.
Miró alrededor de la habitación y vio altas "personas"a su alrededor. Uno de ellos se acercó a él, pero no pudo ver su cara, luego sintió que la mano le tocaba la cabeza y estaba helada, volvió a marearse y tal vez se sorprendió.
Recordó haber escuchado un extraño crujido y haber visto destellos de brillantes luces amarillas y rojas. Luego aparentemente se desmayó, ya que a la mañana siguiente se encontró en el parque de coronaciones, Crosby, en el guardaparques, su cabeza palpitaba y estaba completamente vestido.
Noticias originales
Date: November 23 2005
Location: Liverpool, England
Time: night
Summary: John Day was walking home late at night when all of a sudden he felt really ill and light headed the next thing he remembers was waking up in a bright white room, naked on a clear table. He was not tied down or strapped down but he could not move at all, except for his eyes. He was terrified and could not breathe properly. He looked around the room and he could see tall “people” around it. One of these came over to him but he could not see his/her face, he then felt a hand touch his head and it was ice cold, he became dizzy again and possibly went into shock, he recalled hearing a weird crackling noise and seeing flashes of bright yellow and red lights. He then apparently blacked out since he found himself the next morning in Coronation Park, Crosby, by the park warden, his head throbbing and fully clothed. Later he went to see a doctor and was told that his blood iron levels were very low.
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