ID | #1623928414 |
Añadido | Jue, 17/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Belarusian UFO-Committee,
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dos soldados que patrullaban la zona militar cerrada (bosque) vieron la silueta de un hombre con un traje rosa "regordete" maniobrando entre los árboles, aparentemente volando sin ningún medio de movimiento.
Según su informe, el vuelo giró bruscamente de repente y aceleró, estando a unos 70 metros de la patrulla. La criatura tenía unos 2 metros de altura y en forma humana.
Noticias originales
Date: July 28 2011
Location: Borovka, Belarus
Time: dawn
Summary: Two soldiers patrolling a military closed zone (forest) saw a silhouette of a man in a “puffy” pink outfit maneuvering between the trees, apparently flying without any means of propulsion. According to their report, suddenly the flying man took a sharp turn and accelerated when at about 70 meters away from the patrol. The being was about 2 meters in height and human-shaped.
Source: Belarusian UFO-Committee,
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