ID | #1623943001 |
Añadido | Jue, 17/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Your True Tales, January 2012
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo se acostó en la cama y leyó un libro, toda la luz estaba apagada en la casa, excepto la habitación de su hijo (la puerta estaba cerrada) y la lámpara.
Completamente sumergida en el libro y completamente relajada, notó con el rabillo de su ojo la figura, literalmente de pie junto a su cama. Era negro, muy delgado, con brazos y piernas largos.
La única forma de explicarlo era una figura que parecía un palo. Su rostro era "indeseable" y se paró con los brazos y las piernas doblados. La parte distal de los brazos era extrañamente larga y no notaba las Palmas ni los rasgos faciales. Estaba tan abrumada por el miedo que su corazón se aceleró por el pánico. Y luego la figura desapareció.
Al darse cuenta de que sus hijos aún no estaban durmiendo en la habitación de enfrente, saltó de la cama y les preguntó si habían visto algo extraño.
Noticias originales
Date: December 29 2011
Location: Kellyville, Oklahoma
Time: 22:30
Summary: The witness was lying in bed reading a book, all the lights in the house were turned off except her son’s room (door was closed) and her lamp. Totally engrossed in her book and completely relaxed, she noticed a figure out of the corner of her eye, literally standing next to her bed. It was black, extremely thin with long arms and legs. The only way to really explain it is being a stick-like figure. Its face ‘undesirable’ and was standing with arms and legs bent. The distal portion of the arms was oddly long and she didn’t notice any hands or facial features. She was so overcome with fear that her heart began to quicken with panic. And then the figure was gone. Realizing that her children were still awake in the room across the hall she jumped out of bed and asked them if they had seen anything strange. They replied no and continued playing their video game as usual
Source: Your True Tales, January 2012
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