ID | #1624623683 |
Añadido | Vie, 25/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo principal de "Sting", Madison, estaba paseando con su novia por campos abiertos y mirando la colina al frente cuando vio la figura en la parte superior.
La figura tenía una forma extraña, con una cabeza grande y sorprendentemente alta (unos 8 pies (2,4 m) de donde podía ver), y también parecía desnuda. Al principio pensó que era una persona sin hogar y, un poco imprudente, se acercó a él. Pero comenzó a retroceder cuando el testigo subió la colina. Cuando llegó a la cima de la colina, la figura estaba a unos 10 pies (3 m) de distancia.
El testigo casi no se movió mientras la criatura lo miraba de arriba hacia abajo, evaluando su apariencia. Luego, de repente, despegó a gran velocidad por el otro lado de la colina.
La novia del testigo estaba aterrorizada y decidieron abandonar el campo lo más rápido posible. Cuando llegaron a casa, el testigo notó que ya eran las 03:00, lo cual fue extraño ya que salió de la casa a las 23:00 y cree que solo estuvieron ausentes una o dos horas.
A la mañana siguiente, al despertar, miró hacia los campos y vio despegar algo en forma de pirámide. El objeto parecía estar hecho de metal y tenía un color gris hierro. El testigo no puede explicar el tiempo perdido y afirma que su novia tuvo sueños sobre cosas (sin detalles) que podrían haber sucedido esa noche.
Noticias originales
Date: May 25 2007
Location: Manchester, England
Time: night
Summary: The main witness “Sting” Madison was taking a stroll with his girlfriend along some open fields and was looking at the hill ahead of them when he saw a figure at the top. The figure was oddly shaped, with a large head, and amazingly tall (around 8ft from where he could see) and it also appeared to be naked. At first he thought it was a homeless person and being a bit reckless approached it. But it began moving backwards as the witness climbed up the hill. As he reached the summit of the hill, the figure was standing about 10ft from him. The witness barely moved as the creature eyed him up and down, taking in his appearance. It then suddenly took off at great speed down the other side of the hill. The witness’ girlfriend was terrified and they decided to get off the fields as quick as possible. When they got home the witness noticed that it was already 0300am which was odd since he had left the house at 2300 and thinks that they were only out for one hour or two. The next morning after waking up he was looking towards the fields when he saw something shaped like a pyramid taking off. The object appeared to be made out of metal and had an iron gray color to it. The witness cannot explain the lost time and claims his girlfriend has been experiencing dreams of things (no specifics) that may have happened that night.
Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde
- Sitio: Jiuquan Space Center, Inner Mongolia (China) Vehículo: CZ-2D (2) Carga útil: Yaogan 2 (JB-6 1) ZDPS 1 (Zheda Pixing 1)
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