ID | #1624639805 |
Añadido | Vie, 25/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Los testigos viajaron por la isla sur, el clima se aclaró y decidieron ir a dar un paseo por la pista de Mount Aspyring, pero antes de llegar allí. Notaron algo similar a un OVNI aterrizado en el corral.
La nave tenía unos 5 metros de altura con patas y pulsantes luces amarillas y blancas alrededor del perímetro. Los testigos intentaron acercarse para tomar fotos, pero varios "hombres" con trajes blancos se encontraron con ellos, tomando sus cámaras.
No hay otra información.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Glenorchy, South Island, New Zealand
Date: August 3 2008
Time: morning
Summary: The witnesses were backpacking around in South Island, the weather had cleared and they decided to go for a tramp on the Mt Aspiring track, but before they got there they spotted what looked like a landed UFO in a paddock. The craft was round about 5m tall with legs and pulsing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witnesses attempted to approach to take photos but several “men” in white suits confronted them taking their cameras. No other information.
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