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OVNI. Reino Unido

ID #1624701940
Añadido Sáb, 26/06/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
26.04.2008 21:20
Reino Unido

26 de abril de 2008, 5: 30 a.m. El primero fue realizado por un fotógrafo aficionado con ciertos conocimientos. Está estrechamente relacionado con el caso de la comunidad local que presenta cierta delicadeza y, por lo tanto, no está dispuesto a revelar su nombre públicamente, aunque me reuní y hablé con él y no tengo ninguna razón para dudar de su veracidad.

Vive cerca de Torquay, una ciudad costera en el suroeste de Inglaterra . En la mañana del 26 de abril,fue a pescar en el barco de un amigo de Brixham, cerca de Torquay, y estaba conduciendo por la carretera de circunvalación cuando se detuvo para tomar una foto del amanecer en un lugar popular con hermosas vistas de la bahía de Thor. Fue a las 5: 30 de la mañana y tuvo suerte hacia Torquay. Después de tomar una foto y luego otra foto aproximadamente un minuto después con otra exposición, continuó su viaje y se fue a pescar, tomando otras fotos durante el día. Una de esas fotos mostraba Charranes sentados a bordo de un bote, una imagen inusual de la que su amigo quería obtener una copia.

Entonces, a su regreso, subió las fotos a la computadora y se sorprendió al ver una mancha brillante sobre la línea de árboles en la primera imagen del amanecer. Las condiciones, sin contar la luz solar en el horizonte, estaban muy nubladas con poca nubosidad, una situación que lo impulsó a tomar una foto sorprendente en primer lugar. Por lo tanto, esta luz brillante no podía confundirse con Venus (que en ese momento ya no era visible) ni nada más que algo debajo de la línea de nubes.

El objeto agrandado parecía tener una forma distinguible, casi como una campana aplastada o un triángulo truncado aplanado con un objeto en forma de Cruz oscura en el borde de ataque. También se vio una "cola" en forma de cono, como si la cámara lo capturara en vuelo. La segunda foto del amanecer, tomada unos segundos después y con otra exposición, no muestra signos del objeto. 

Como fotógrafo consumado, no toma en cuenta los reflejos de las lentes, y el Secretario de la organización OVNI de Cornualles, consultado por el periódico, describe la foto como claramente mostrando algo interesante.

Del autor del artículo: 26 de abril de 2008 9.20-21.30 mi propia observación, que incluía todos los demás incidentes registrados, ocurrió en la noche del 26 de abril. No se registró una hora específica en la que comenzó la vigilancia, pero extrapolando el segundo incidente cuando regresamos a la sala a las 9:30 pm después de que el OVNI pasó, Estimo que el primer incidente ocurrió alrededor de las 9:20 pm. 

La ventana de nuestro vestíbulo ofrece vistas de la dirección aproximada del vuelo al aeropuerto de Exeter, que está a unas 22 millas de distancia. Por lo tanto, estamos acostumbrados a ver aviones a diferentes alturas a lo largo del día. Los aviones ligeros que siguen estas rutas son extremadamente raros y siempre están a una altura donde se puede escuchar claramente el ruido de sus motores. En la calle, se escucha el sonido de incluso motores a reacción altamente voladores. Los helicópteros de la policía y la guardia costera a menudo vuelan y una vez más estamos acostumbrados a verlos, a veces con los focos encendidos y siempre con el ruido obvio del motor, excepto cuando se ve desde una distancia decente, cuando el reflector, aunque brillante, parece pequeño. El clima estaba despejado y el crepúsculo se estaba moviendo rápidamente hacia la oscuridad total. 

Mi esposa vio una luz brillante que se acercaba desde el lado de Paynton / Brixham sobre los tejados. Parecía que era la luz de aterrizaje de un avión que volaba bajo, aunque los aviones con luces de aterrizaje tan lejos del aeropuerto (22 millas) son muy raros. 

Se acercaba a una velocidad constante, aproximadamente a la velocidad y la altura de un avión ligero que volaba bastante bajo. 

La extrapolación de la trayectoria de vuelo estimada realizada más tarde mostró que casi exactamente coincide de sur a Norte. El Tamaño estimado era probablemente del Tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos que se sostenía a la distancia de un brazo. El color de la luz era exactamente el mismo que el fuego de aterrizaje del avión, es decir, blanquecino (aunque en realidad sentí destellos de rojo a medida que pasaba). La luz era difusa, sin contornos inmediatamente distinguibles, aunque lo llamaría elíptico en área. 

No sé si fue refracción a través de mis gafas, pero pensé que podía distinguir los rayos de luz Norte / sur / este / oeste en la luz general de una manera ilustrativa del patrón de estrellas. Esto le dio una percepción casi en forma de diamante, aunque lo considero refracción e ilusión óptica. 

No había absolutamente ningún ruido del motor ni luces de navegación. El objeto voló silenciosamente sobre la casa, donde lo observamos desde la puerta principal, y lo seguimos nuevamente desde la parte trasera de la casa, donde continuó silenciosamente su camino, a la misma velocidad, detrás del cinturón de árboles en la parte superior del Jardín. 

La trayectoria visible sobre los árboles y el ángulo en el que parecía moverse hacia el horizonte me sugirieron nuevamente que era un objeto que volaba bastante bajo. Cualquier cosa que vuele más alto permanecería más tiempo a la vista sobre los árboles que se elevan sobre el Jardín de varios niveles en la parte posterior de la casa. No había absolutamente ningún ruido del motor ni luces de navegación. El objeto voló silenciosamente sobre la casa, donde lo observamos desde la puerta principal, y lo seguimos nuevamente desde la parte trasera de la casa, donde continuó silenciosamente su camino, a la misma velocidad, detrás del cinturón de árboles en la parte superior. jardín. La trayectoria visible sobre los árboles y el ángulo en el que parecía moverse hacia el horizonte me sugirieron nuevamente que era un objeto que volaba bastante bajo. Cualquier cosa que vuele más alto permanecería más tiempo a la vista sobre los árboles que se elevan sobre el Jardín de varios niveles en la parte posterior de la casa.

Esta observación en las últimas etapas también fue observada por mi hijo. Desconcertados por este espectáculo, volvimos a la sala de estar y mi hijo a su habitación. Momentos después, mi esposa anunció que se acercaba otra luz similar. Era casi del mismo color que otra fuente de luz, aunque lo percibí como más rojo en tono. Caminó casi por el mismo camino (aunque más tarde se descubrió que estaba un poco más al oeste) y parecía moverse a la misma altura y velocidad. Desapareció nuevamente detrás de una franja de árboles en el mismo ángulo de descenso, aunque un poco más al oeste del camino por el que pasó el primer objeto. De nuevo, no había ruido del motor ni luces de navegación. 

Esta vez, esta observación también fue observada en casi todas partes por mi hijo y su novia. 

No tenemos ninguna explicación para estas observaciones, y una investigación posterior en el aeropuerto de Exeter reveló que no se habían programado aterrizajes a esa hora de la noche. Estábamos tan apasionados por la observación de objetos que perdimos por completo la oportunidad de tomar fotos. 

Como consecuencia, después de aproximadamente media hora, el avión ligero realmente pasó volando, muy bajo, con el ruido del motor, las luces de navegación e incluso el fuselaje visible en el resplandor reflejado de las luces de la cabina, lo que hace que la comparación con observaciones inexplicables sea tan sorprendente.

26 de abril de 2008, 9.30-21.40.

La segunda familia, que vio algo casi idéntico a lo que vi en vivo, vive en Thurlow Road en Torquay, que está a unas tres calles de mi casa y tal vez un Cuarto de milla, un poco más allá de la protuberancia de la colina en el lado opuesto del valle que es Chatto Road. 

Su experiencia parece confirmar la mía, aunque el tiempo es un poco diferente. La parte trasera de su casa está frente a mi fachada si están a la vista de los demás. Webley estaba en un patio en la parte trasera de su casa y estaba quemando basura alrededor de las 9:30 pm cuando vio una luz brillante que se acercaba desde un lugar que luego se estimó que era el Norte. 

Se estaba acercando a su propiedad a un ritmo constante y aparentemente estaba a una Altitud de aproximadamente 500-600 pies, como la familia había imaginado. Lo describen de naranja a rojo en apariencia y del Tamaño de la cabeza de la llave de Yale, que se mantiene a la distancia del brazo cuando se acerca más (parecía disminuir de Tamaño a medida que se retiraba). A juzgar por la configuración reconocida de la línea del techo en esta área construida, se detuvo y se colgó en un punto que se estima que estaba a unos 220 yardas, luego se movió un poco hacia el este y regresó al Norte, finalmente desapareciendo en la distancia.

En las últimas etapas, fue atestiguado por toda la familia. Según algunas estimaciones, después de tres minutos, el segundo, y más brillante, el objeto volvió a aparecer desde el Norte, se detuvo en el mismo lugar y luego se empañó gradualmente y desapareció sin irse. Al mismo tiempo, uno de los testigos logró grabar un video en su Teléfono móvil. Ella dice que, con el enfoque más cercano, podría distinguir entre verde y rosa en el brillo general, y un estudio posterior de la imagen ampliada descargada en la computadora muestra claramente un anillo verde en el centro del objeto. En su forma más vívida, los niños lo describen como si algo estuviera ardiendo en el cielo. Más tarde se supo que los amigos de la familia habían sido testigos del fenómeno. 

Desde la grabación del video en el Teléfono, la familia ha podido extrapolar con precisión la secuencia de eventos. El video terminó a las 21.40; la segunda observación duró aproximadamente 3 minutos (de los cuales solo se grabó una parte) (es decir, 21:37); hubo un intervalo de tres minutos entre el primer y el segundo suspiro (es decir, a las 21:34); se estima que la primera observación duró aproximadamente tres minutos (21:31). 

Curiosamente, estos fenómenos ocurrieron inmediatamente después de lo que mi familia y yo experimentamos (noté el momento en que mi segunda observación terminó a las 9:30 pm). 

También es interesante el hecho de que las observaciones que observaron estos segundos testigos se movieron de Norte a sur, mientras que la mía estaba de sur a Norte (y casi exactamente en la misma línea cuando se mapea y se compara posteriormente; trazar es relativamente fácil de calcular, ya que la línea del árbol sobre la que desaparecieron mis observaciones es claramente visible desde la propiedad de la segunda familia).

Lo que es intrigante es que deberían haber visto un fenómeno anterior del que fui testigo, ya que la parte posterior de su casa está orientada exactamente en la dirección en la que sería visible, pero no lo hicieron. 

También tuve que ser testigo de su fenómeno (al menos en parte), ya que la supuesta línea de vuelo estaría un poco más al este de lo que vi, lo que permitiría que al menos parte de la trayectoria se viera desde la ventana de mi sala de estar.

Del mismo modo, no fui testigo de sus observaciones, ni mi esposa, que generalmente se sienta más cerca de la ventana que yo, ni mi hijo y su novia, que se fueron en automóvil en busca del segundo objeto que notamos mientras viajábamos en la dirección desde la que la segunda familia los estaba observando. Todos hablamos de dos objetos.

26 de abril de 2008 (aproximadamente 21: 00 y 22:00) 28 de abril de 2008 (3.50) Este tercer grupo de testigos informa sobre diversas acciones. 

Se informó que fueron vistos a las 3.50 de la mañana del lunes 28 de abril. Viven en Great Headland Road en Preston, con vistas a Thor Bay, con Brixham a su derecha (oeste) y Torquay / Exeter a su izquierda (este). Las ventanas de su sala de estar y dormitorio dan a la bahía. 

Esa noche, los testigos no pudieron dormir y se levantaron. Como lo hace a menudo, miró desde la ventana de su habitación hacia el cielo nocturno y vio un objeto blanco que describía amplios círculos a alta velocidad, bastante alto en el cielo sobre la llanura (solo la mitad de la trayectoria era visible desde su posición. llamó a su esposo y para cuando lo vio, toda la trayectoria era visible, esta vez sobre el mar, lo que sugiere que fue la primera vez que giró en espiral desde su posición. La noche estaba despejada pero con mucha nubosidad.

Los testigos describen el objeto como blanco con una aparente cola en forma de cono mientras cruzaba el cielo a lo largo de su trayectoria. Mientras miraban, él "disparó", según ellos, en dirección a Dartmouth (es decir, en tierra entre Painton's y Brixham). En este punto, el esposo de la testigo describe el objeto como un triángulo truncado y usó la palma y los dedos para ilustrarlo. 

No pueden estimar la altura del objeto, pero a partir de las descripciones que me dieron en el sitio, parece que puede haber volado a una Altitud muy alta con un avión ligero. Insisten en que no era un avión (sin las luces de navegación y el ruido del motor) y se movía demasiado rápido para cualquier objeto que vieran desde sus amplias ventanas panorámicas con vista a la bahía. Describe el camino a través del cual se describe el objeto como "como se puede imaginar un estadio de fútbol visto desde lo alto". 

Mi interés y mi propia experiencia provocaron una mención de observaciones adicionales que no querían informar al periódico cuando informaron sus observaciones el lunes por la mañana.

 Las inspecciones realizadas en el aeropuerto de Exeter confirman que el 26 de abril no hubo aterrizajes de aviones programados para las 9:30 P. m.aproximadamente. 

Los servicios de policía de Devon y Cornwall confirman que no hubo helicópteros policiales sobre Preston / Painton's durante la noche del 26 de abril. 

La agencia de la guardia costera marítima también confirma que no hubo helicópteros de la guardia costera sobre Preston / Painton's durante la noche del 26 de abril.

Noticias originales

Photographed object and soundless white/red lights over Torquay, red light shining spotlight and spiralling white light at Preston UFO SIGHTINGS AT TORBAY OVER THE WEEKEND OF 26 – 28 APRIL

The simple sighting form does not provide the appropriate space to list all the separate sightings that occurred over this weekend which may, or may not, be linked. I and my family was witness to the major sighting on 26th April and took it upon myself to visit and interview all the others following response to a newspaper report of my own sighting. I have absolutely no reason to doubt these people’s veracity or integrity and, similarly, no doubt that there was something unusual going on in the area over this weekend, backed up by similar sightings, at similar times, in England and, indeed, all over the world. I set out the sightings in what appears to have been time sequence: 26th April 2008 5.30am The first came from an amateur photographer with some knowledge. He is closely involved with a local community issue of some sensitivity and consequently has been unwilling to publicly release his name, although I have met and spoken with him and have no reason to doubt his veracity.

He lives just outside Torquay, a coastal town in the south west of England. On the morning of 26th April, he was going fishing on a friend’s boat from Brixham just up the coast from Torquay and was travelling on the ring road en-route when he stopped to take a photograph of the sunrise at a popular beauty spot with extensive views of Tor Bay. This was at 5.30am and was taken in the direction of Torquay. Having taken the photograph, followed by another about a minute later on a different exposure, he continued on his way and went on his fishing trip, taking other photographs throughout the day. One of those photographs was of terns perched on the rail of the boat, an unusual shot, of which his friend wanted a copy. So, on his return, he downloaded the photographs onto the computer and was surprised to see, on the first sunrise shot, a bright speck of light above the tree line. The conditions – apart from the sunlight on the horizon – were heavily overcast with low cloud, a situation which had prompted him to take the striking photograph in the first place. This bright light could not therefore have been mistaken for Venus (which was not visible at that time anyway) or anything other than something below the cloud line.

Enlarged, the object appeared to have a discernible shape, almost like a squashed bell or squashed, truncated triangle, with what appeared to be a dark cross-shaped object at the leading edge. There also appeared to be a cone-shaped ‘tail’ as though the camera had captured it in flight. The second sunrise photograph taken moments afterwards and at a different exposure shows no sign of the object. As an experienced photographer he discounts any sort of lens flare and the secretary of the Cornwall UFO organisation whom the newspaper consulted describes the photograph as apparently showing something of interest. Visiting the site later I was able to extrapolate from the image and the tree line that the approximate direction of the object seen would be in the St Marychurch area, where – coincidentally or not – the major sightings took place later that day. It would have been quite high in the sky to have been seen above the tree line and quite probably inland to have revealed the detail that the later enlargement showed. There is anecdotal evidence, from a conversation he had with a friend some days later, that later that day a bright object was seen in the sky in broad daylight en route to Newton Abbot(some seven miles distance from Torquay and inland) which then ‘disappeared’. 


26th April 2008 9.20am – 9.30pm My own sighting, which drew all the other reported incidents, took place in the evening of 26th April. No specific time was recorded when the sighting started but, extrapolating back from the second incident when we were back in the lounge at 9.30pm after the UFO had passed I estimate the first incident to have been at, or around, 9.20am. Our lounge window overlooks the approximate direction of the flight paths to Exeter Airport some 22 miles away. Consequently we are well used to seeing aeroplanes, at varying heights, throughout the day. Light aircraft following those routes are extremely rare and are always at a height where their engine noise can be clearly heard. Even high flying jet engines can be heard when outside. The police and coastguard helicopters frequently overfly and, again, we are well used to seeing these, sometimes with spotlights operational and always with engine noise apparent except when seen from a fair distance away when the spotlight, though bright, appears minuscule. The weather was clear and dusk was rapidly turning into full dark. My wife saw a bright light approaching from the Paignton/Brixham direction over the roofs of houses intervening. It appeared as though it was a landing light of an aircraft, flying low, although aircraft showing landing lights this far out from the airport (22 miles away) are very rare.

It approached at a steady pace, at about the speed and height of a fairly low flying light aeroplane. Extrapolations later carried out of the estimated flightpath showed it to be almost precisely on a South to North alignment. Perceived size was probably that of a ten pence piece held at arms length. The colour of the light was exactly as one might perceive an aeroplane’s landing light, i.e. whitish (although I did perceive scintillations of red as it passed). The light was diffuse, with no immediately discernible outline, although I would describe it as elliptical in footprint. Whether it was refraction through my spectacles I don’t know, but I believed I could discern north/south/east/west spikes of light within the overall light in the manner of an illustrative representation of a star pattern. This lent it an almost diamond-shaped perception – although I do put this down to refraction and optical illusion. There was absolutely no engine noise and no navigation lights apparent. The object passed silently over the house, where we were observing it from the front door, and we followed it again from the rear of the house where it continued silently on its way, at its former speed, beyond a belt of trees at the top of the garden. The apparent trajectory over the trees and the angle at which it appeared to travel towards the horizon again suggested to me that it was a fairly low flying object. Anything higher flying would have remained in vision longer over the top of the trees which are set well above the tiered garden at the back of the house.

This sighting, in the latter stages, was also observed by my son. Having been mystified by this sighting we returned back to the lounge, my son to his room. Some moments later my wife announced another, similar, light approaching. It was much the same colour as the other light, although I did perceive it as redder in hue. It took almost the same path (although later observed to be slightly to the west), and appeared to be travelling at the same height and speed. Again this disappeared behind the belt of trees at much the same angle of descent, although slightly to the west of the path that the first object had taken. Again there was no engine noise and no navigation lights apparent. This time the sighting was also observed almost throughout by my son and his girlfriend. We have no explanation for these sightings and later enquiry of Exeter Airport revealed that there were no landings scheduled for that time of night on that date. We were so taken with observing the objects that we totally overlooked the possibility of taking photographs. As a corollary, some half-an-hour later a light aircraft did fly by, very low, with engine noise, navigation lights and even the fuselage visible in the reflected glow from the cockpit lights, making the comparison with the unexplained sightings that much more striking.

26th April 2008 9.30 – 9.40pm The second family who saw something almost identical to my own sighting live, live in Thurlow Road in Torquay, which is just about three streets removed from my own house and perhaps some quarter of a mile away, just over the brow of a hill on the opposite side of the valley which is Chatto Road. Their experiences appear to corroborate my own, although the timing is slightly different. The rear of their house faces the front of mine, were they within sight of each other. Mr. Webley was on the patio at the rear of his home burning some rubbish at around 9.30pm when he perceived a bright light approaching from what was later estimated to be the north. It approached his property at a steady pace and appeared to be at what the family agreed was about 500-600 feet. They describe it as orange to red in appearance and about the size of the head of a yale key held at arm’s distance at its closest approach (it appeared to shrink in size as it receded). It appeared to stop and hover at a point estimated to be about 220 yards away judging from the recognised configuration of the roof line in this built-up area, then moved slightly to the east and moved back towards the north, finally disappearing in the distance.

This was witnessed in the latter stages by the whole family. Some estimated three minutes later a second – and brighter – object appeared from the north again, paused in the same spot and then gradually dimmed and faded away without moving off. On this occasion one of the witnesses managed to capture a video on her mobile phone. She says that, at its closest approach, she could discern green and pink colouration within the overall brightness and later study of an enlarged download on the computer clearly shows a green ring in the centre of the object. At its brightest the children describe it as though something was on fire in the sky. Friends of the family were later known to have witnessed this phenomenon. From the time recording on the phone video the family was able to precisely extrapolate the sequence of events. The video ended at 9.40pm; the second sighting lasted approximately 3 minutes (only part of which was recorded) (i.e 9.37pm); there was an interval of three minutes between the first and second sighing (i.e. 9.34pm); the first sighting was estimated to have been about three minutes (9.31pm). Interestingly these phenomena occurred immediately following the phenomena I and my family had experienced (I noted the time my second sighting finished as 9.30pm). Interesting also is the fact that the sightings these second witnesses experienced were moving in a north to south direction whilst mine were in a south to north direction (and almost exactly on the same line when plotted on a map and then compared – plotting is relatively easy to calculate since the tree line over which my sightings disappeared is clearly visible from the second family’s property).

What is intriguing is that they should have been able to see the earlier phenomenon that I had witnessed, since the rear of their house faces in precisely the direction where it would have been visible, but they did not. I also should have been able to witness their phenomenon (at least partially) since the suspected line of flight would have been slightly to the east of what I had witnessed, which would have brought at least part of the trajectory into view from my lounge window. Similarly I did not witness their sightings, nor did my wife who habitually sits nearer to the window than I do, nor did my son and his girl friend who had taken off by car in pursuit of the second object that we had sighted, travelling in the direction from which the second family observed their sightings to have approached. We have all spoken of two objects: however, the possibility arises that they could be the same object seen at different time intervals and possibly engaged in a ‘quartering’ activity.

26th April 2008 (approx 9pm and 10pm) 28th April 2008 (3.50am) This third set of witnesses report different activities. Their reported sighting took place at 3.50am on the morning of Monday 28th April. They live in Great Headland Road in Preston, immediately overlooking Tor Bay, with Brixham to their right (west) and Torquay/Exeter to their left (east). Their lounge and bedroom windows look over the bay. The witnes could not sleep that night and got up. As she often does, she looked out of the bedroom window at the night sky and she saw a white object describing wide circles at a high speed, fairly high in the sky above the flat (only half the trajectory was visible from her position. She called her husband and by the time he saw it, the whole of the trajectory was visible, this time over the sea, suggesting that it was spiralling outwards from the position when first noticed. It was a clear night but with high cloud cover. The witneeses desribe the object as white with an apparent cone shaped tail as it traversed the sky on its trajectory. As they watched it ‘shot off’ – in their words – in the direction of Dartmouth (ie overland between Paignton and Brixham). At this point the witness’s husband describes the object as appearing like a truncated triangle and used the palm of his hand and fingers to illustrate the point. They are unable to estimate a height for the object but, from descriptions given to me on site, it appears that it was possibly flying at the extreme height of a light aeroplane. They are adamant that it was not an aeroplane (no navigation lights and no engine noise) and was moving much too fast for any object they have seen from their extensive panoramic windows overlooking the bay. He describes the path that the object circumscribed as being ‘like you might imagine a football stadium would look when viewed from a height.’ My interest, and my own experiences, elicited reference to further sightings that they had been reticent to report to the newspaper when they reported their sighting of the Monday morning.

These took place on 26th April, bracketing my own and the second family’s sightings, when at approximately 9pm one of witnesses perceived a diffuse red object appear in the sky over the sea and ‘shoot off’ again in the direction of Dartmouth. More interestingly, at around 10pm her husband reports seeing a red light hovering over the sea at height (in much the same direction as his wife’s sighting that evenng and referenced by a church tower), and shining a spotlight onto the water. At the time he put it down to either a police helicopter or coastguard helicopter (although no engine noise was apparent, and they would normally hear that even through the double glazing). The light then extinguished and the object flew off ‘towards the east’. he is used to observing – he keeps a telescope in his lounge and his son runs a boat so he will have some knowledge of navigation and bearings. Later enquires of both the police and the coastguard reveal that there were no operational helicopter flights at that time and on that date and additionally the coastguard elicited the view that no helicopter would use a searchlight at the height described, since it would diffuse the usable light too much.

Timeline of events Saturday 26th April 5.30am Unknown object photographed in the direction of Torquay, and more particularly the St Marychurch area where the major sightings took place that evening. There is anecdotal evidence of a similar bright object being seen in broad daylight towards Newton Abbot; 9.00pm (approximate time) Diffuse red light observed over the sea at Preston ‘shooting off’ to the west; 9.20pm Bright, reddish light observed travelling a south to north flight path over Dower Road, Torquay; 9.25pm Similar object observed following an almost identical path over Dower Road, Torquay; 9.30pm Time noted for the end of the second sighting; 9.31pm Bright red light observed by the second family following a north to south flightpath towards Thurlow Road, Torquay, hovering moving slightly away to the east and moving away, growing smaller; 9.37pm Second, brighter, red light observed by the second family following the same approach, again hovering and then extinguishing (this time recorded on mobile phone); 9.40pm Time recorded on mobile phone as when the second sighting ended; 10am (approximate time) Bright red light observed hovering at height over the sea at Preston and shining a spotlight on the sea which was then extinguished before the object moved off to the east; Monday 28th April 3.40am White, truncated triangle-shaped object observed at some height describing spiralling circles above the witness’s property and then out to sea before shooting off toward the west. Checks carried out Exeter airport confirm that there were no landings of aircraft scheduled at or around 9.30pm on 26th April; Devon and Cornwall Constabulary confirm that there were no police helicopters operational over Preston/Paignton during the evening of 26th April; Maritime Coastguard Agency similar confirm that there were no coastguard helicopters operational over Preston/Paignton during the evening of 26th April. Duration: 40 minutes


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Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde space.skyrocket.de)

  • Sitio: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehículo: Soyuz-FG Fregat Carga útil: GIOVE B (GSTB v2B, GSAT 0002)


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